Memento Mori 2
Memento Mori 2

Father Schmidberger attacks Archbishop Lenga

"My dear friends,
The See of Peter and the posts of authority in Rome being occupied by anti-Christs..."
These are the word of archbishop Lefebvre in 1987.…/Letter_to_the_F…
Would p. Schmidberger care to explain would he consider the founder of FSSPX a schismatic for this kind of language as well??More
"My dear friends,
The See of Peter and the posts of authority in Rome being occupied by anti-Christs..."

These are the word of archbishop Lefebvre in 1987.…/Letter_to_the_F…

Would p. Schmidberger care to explain would he consider the founder of FSSPX a schismatic for this kind of language as well??