An Open Letter To the USCCB and EWTN

An Open Letter to the USCCB and EWTN Concerning the Next "Dream Act"

Our family is not going to send in any more donations, or give any more money into the Sunday Parish Church collection basket, until both the USCCB and EWTN stop trying to promote 'democrat party' efforts to reward illegal behaviors and support unlawful activities, such as the so-called "dream act", or the new un-legislated amnesty for illegal aliens by this democrat president.

By the USCCB's foolish attempts to reward illegal, unlawful behavior, the USCCB organization actually aligns itself against the teachings of Our Lord (see, for example, Matthew 22:21 - "render to Caesar...", and John 10:1 - "he who does not enter by the door is a thief"), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (e.g., paragraph 2241 - "immigrants are required to obey the laws of the country that receives them"), the teaching from our Holy Father that says countries have a legitimate right to defend their borders -- "States have the right to regulate migration flows and to defend their own frontiers, always guaranteeing the respect due to the dignity of each and every human person. Immigrants, moreover, have the duty to integrate into the host Country, respecting its laws and its national identity" -- (reference -- "…/hf_ben-xvi_mes_…"), and in many other areas.

We would also urge you to take a closer look at the "Manhattan Declaration" and some other related issues. Why do so few of the USCCB Bishops support this beautiful interfaith effort to protect the innocents (the "least of these, Christ's brothers and sisters")?

Why do so few USCCB Bishops counsel prominent so-called "Catholics" who publicly oppose various essential Church teachings to stop taking Communion and pretending as though they were really in genuine Communion with the Body of Christ? And why do so few USCCB Bishops speak up loudly and clearly about the horrendous attacks on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony when it is diabolically attacked by democrat Governor Cuomo of New York, or democrat Mayor Bloomburg of New York City, or democrat President Obama, or democrat vice-president Biden, or so many other democrats, in support of so-called "homosexual marriage"?

And why don't more of the USCCB Bishops speak up boldly, strongly, and definitively on the unbelievable wrongness of the immoral pushing of open homosexuality into our U.S. Military by that same democrat President Obama and all those other disgraceful perverted democrats?

You USCCB folks need to do some serious and deep soul searching. Your silence on these genuine moral issues is deafening, while you have demonstrated that you have no problem speaking up loudly in defense of illegal immigration behaviors that go against Holy Mother Church and the teachings of God.

The full letter can be found at Free Republic.
Wow, this sounds like satan quoting scripture to tempt Christ to commit sin. I think if we're going to quote scripture we might as well emphasize that Christ put a greater emphasis on helping the poor and helping the less fortunate.
This scandal would never happen in the Tridentine mass because the likes of Joe Biden would not kneel before Christ Our King. "Bishop" Dolan is one those post conciliar clergy who feel it is their obligation to run the diocese like the Chamber of Commerce, rather than to support his parish priests in leading souls to sanctity. Church business is not keeping up with policital correctness but teaching …More
This scandal would never happen in the Tridentine mass because the likes of Joe Biden would not kneel before Christ Our King. "Bishop" Dolan is one those post conciliar clergy who feel it is their obligation to run the diocese like the Chamber of Commerce, rather than to support his parish priests in leading souls to sanctity. Church business is not keeping up with policital correctness but teaching the dotrine of Holy Mother Church. Our Lord said the world will hate you because it hated me.