
Jan. 18, 2021: St. Telemachus, Pray For Us

God bless you Frank.

Meet Fr. Robert R. Ballecer, SJ - known as the Digital Jesuit. He is Assistant for the Vatican's …

Beware priests who have female fan clubs.

Did Francis Just Commission the Community That Serves Benedict XVI?

Poor Benedict.

"I Was Told I Couldn't Be Seen Unless I Submitted to the Test" - By Peter Meakly-Gunn

God bless you. I just got an email saying that my doctor's office is now open again. I need to make that appointment but I'm hesitant because that test is painful and I refuse to do it just to put my doctor's staff at ease.

Church Titanic Is Drowning While Francis Sits Before Blessed Sacrament

What IS that thing? It looks like a wraith from Lord of the Rings.

Isaiah Saying Mass - 3 Years Old

It is not sacrilegious. Many a priest started out playing Mass.

Novus Ordo Missae: The Highway to Delusion

Heartbreaking. The fact that people didn't run for the doors is very telling.

Ein unerwarteter Besuch: Franziskus zu Zigeunerlager Regenbogen

What are Hispanics doing in Rome? That's a long way from the US border.

The evil will always be with you
