US bishops in danger of hell for complicity in sex abuse crisis: Catholic activist

BALTIMORE, November 14, 2018 ( — Catholics today are living through what Our Lady of Fatima warned …
Before GOD you will come.
June 29, 1882
The Apostle Peter says: “The Church will know of suffering before it is entirely closed. It will undergo the direst outrages, not to mention those of a large number of its children who will deny it, by reason of their attachment to promises on the part of men who will break their own word; that will break anything that can be found of the most sacred; who will treat the Son of God …More
June 29, 1882

The Apostle Peter says: “The Church will know of suffering before it is entirely closed. It will undergo the direst outrages, not to mention those of a large number of its children who will deny it, by reason of their attachment to promises on the part of men who will break their own word; that will break anything that can be found of the most sacred; who will treat the Son of God with the most abominable words. The number of those souls, forever separated from God, so to speak, will rise beyond the three quarters.”

Examine the link CLOSELY Evil men....... Deny this woman and every other mystic like her the due Canonization - but their words have been shown to be true.…/marie julie.html

Her out of print (deliberately) Biography - written by the Marquis de Franquerie the Chamberlain of Pope Pius XII.…