Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

MEDALIK ŚWIĘTEGO BENEDYKTA - prawdziwy i fałszywy

Papież Pius IX wydał dekret zatwierdzający nowy medalik św. Benedykta.
„I believe that whoever wrote that article and made that video should take it down, and if he be a Catholic, should confess it. I believe it's scandalous and a mortal sin because of the seriousness of such accusations (e.g. hinting to Masonic symbolism, saying it's a "false" medal and created by "enemies of the Catholic Church …More
Papież Pius IX wydał dekret zatwierdzający nowy medalik św. Benedykta.

„I believe that whoever wrote that article and made that video should take it down, and if he be a Catholic, should confess it. I believe it's scandalous and a mortal sin because of the seriousness of such accusations (e.g. hinting to Masonic symbolism, saying it's a "false" medal and created by "enemies of the Catholic Church", etc) and secondly, because these unfounded speculations and false statements were exposed to 5,000+ people in a video and however many that came across this article.” - MHFM (Klasztor Najświętszej Rodziny)

This website is unreliable/untrustworthy! - Holy mass - Sancta Missa
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

1__x. G HESSE

“Fr.” Hesse was invalidly ordained in the New Rite of Ordination. He misled many so-called traditionalists with his false conclusions on when one becomes a heretic, the Vatican II antipopes and related matters. The errors and heresies he spread during his life continue to mislead people to this day.
Przeciw Herezjom, autorstwa arcybiskupa Marcela Lefebvre'a
Herezje Benedykta XVI
Jan Paweł II - …More
“Fr.” Hesse was invalidly ordained in the New Rite of Ordination. He misled many so-called traditionalists with his false conclusions on when one becomes a heretic, the Vatican II antipopes and related matters. The errors and heresies he spread during his life continue to mislead people to this day.
Przeciw Herezjom, autorstwa arcybiskupa Marcela Lefebvre'a

Herezje Benedykta XVI

Jan Paweł II - Czy wiedziałeś, że nie był on papieżem?

Heretyk nie mógłby być wybrany na papieża

Dlaczego tak wielu nie może uwierzyć

Trzecia Część Tajemnicy Fatimskiej (III Edycja)

The SSPX - Why Catholics Should Avoid This Heretical Group
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Franciszek „błogosławi” cudzołożny związek cywilny byłego kolumbijskiego prezydenta

Posoborowi „papieże” są heretykami – antypapieżami.
Bergoglio został „wyświęcony” na „kapłana” 13 grudnia 1969 roku, a więc już w nieważnym rycie święceń sekty Vaticanum II.
Nowy ryt święceń księży jest nieważny
Nie został on więc nigdy wyświęcony na katolickiego kapłana, co oznacza, że jest po prostu osobą świecką.
Papież Leon XIII, Satis Cognitum (29 czerwca, 1896):
,,Nikt nie może więc …More
Posoborowi „papieże” są heretykami – antypapieżami.

Bergoglio został „wyświęcony” na „kapłana” 13 grudnia 1969 roku, a więc już w nieważnym rycie święceń sekty Vaticanum II.
Nowy ryt święceń księży jest nieważny

Nie został on więc nigdy wyświęcony na katolickiego kapłana, co oznacza, że jest po prostu osobą świecką.

Papież Leon XIII, Satis Cognitum (29 czerwca, 1896):
,,Nikt nie może więc uczestniczyć we władzy bez więzi z św. Piotrem, absurdem jest bowiem twierdzenie, że ktoś będący poza Kościołem może mu przewodzić."

Jeśli ktoś nie wyznaje wiary katolickiej to nie jest członkiem Kościoła i tym samym nie pełni w Kościele Katolickim żadnego urzędu - tym samym nie stanowi hierarchii Kościoła.

Jest to zgodne z nauką wszystkich Ojców Kościoła, którzy nauczali, że jawni heretycy natychmiast tracą wszelką jurysdykcję (De Romano Pontifice, II, 30).

The Catholic Encyclopedia, “Heresy,” 1914, Vol. 7, p. 261: „Sam papież, jeśliby był notorycznie winnym herezji, przestałby być papieżem, ponieważ przestałby być członkiem Kościoła”.

Pius XII Mystici Corporis Christi (29 czerwca, 1943): "Wszakże do członków Kościoła tylko tych zaliczyć można, którzy są ochrzczeni i wyznają prawdziwą wiarę i ani sami nie wyłączyli się na swe nieszczęście z jedności Ciała, ani też dla bardzo ciężkich przewinień nie zostali z niej wykluczeni przez prawowitą władzę. … Jak tedy w prawdziwym związku wiernych istnieje tylko jedno Ciało, jeden Duch, jeden Pan i jeden chrzest, tak też może być tylko jedna wiara. Kto zatem Kościoła słuchać nie chce, tego z nakazu Pana uważać należy jako poganina i celnika (Mat. 18, 17). Ci więc, którzy różnią się wiarą lub uznawaną przez siebie władzą, nie mogą żyć w tym samym Ciele, ani też być ożywieni jednym jego Bożym Duchem".

Heretyk nie mógłby być wybrany na papieża
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope? - Napisy PL
Francis and the Seven Kings of the Apocalypse
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

A sure sign

How can anyone buy such a ridiculous position? That there’s all this rot in the Church after Vatican II but it’s not a result of the Vatican II documents, and it’s not a result of the teachings of John Paul II or Benedict XVI. You have to be extremely dishonest to fall for such nonsense.
The Heresies of Benedict XVI
Benedict XVI: The Horrible Heresies Many Don't KnowMore
How can anyone buy such a ridiculous position? That there’s all this rot in the Church after Vatican II but it’s not a result of the Vatican II documents, and it’s not a result of the teachings of John Paul II or Benedict XVI. You have to be extremely dishonest to fall for such nonsense.

The Heresies of Benedict XVI
Benedict XVI: The Horrible Heresies Many Don't Know
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Skandale i Herezje Pawła VI - Kościół Katolicki

„A kobieta była ubrana w purpurę i szkarłat i przyozdobiona złotem, drogimi kamieniami i perłami. Miała w swej ręce złoty kielich pełen obrzydliwości i nieczystości swego nierządu.
A na jej czole wypisane było imię: Tajemnica, wielki Babilon, matka nierządnic i obrzydliwości ziemi.
I zobaczyłem kobietę pijaną krwią świętych i krwią męczenników Jezusa. A gdy ją zobaczyłem, zdumiałem się bardzo. …More
„A kobieta była ubrana w purpurę i szkarłat i przyozdobiona złotem, drogimi kamieniami i perłami. Miała w swej ręce złoty kielich pełen obrzydliwości i nieczystości swego nierządu.

A na jej czole wypisane było imię: Tajemnica, wielki Babilon, matka nierządnic i obrzydliwości ziemi.

I zobaczyłem kobietę pijaną krwią świętych i krwią męczenników Jezusa. A gdy ją zobaczyłem, zdumiałem się bardzo.

I powiedział do mnie anioł: Czemu się zdumiałeś? Ja ci wyjaśnię tajemnicę kobiety i bestii, która ją nosi, a która ma siedem głów i dziesięć rogów.

Bestia, którą widziałeś, była, a nie ma jej i ma wyjść z otchłani, i iść na zatracenie. I zdziwią się mieszkańcy ziemi, których imiona nie są zapisane w księdze życia od założenia świata, widząc bestię, która była i nie ma jej, a jednak jest.

Tu jest rozum, który ma mądrość. Siedem głów to siedem gór, na których siedzi kobieta.

I królów jest siedmiu – pięciu upadło, jeden jest, inny jeszcze nie przyszedł, a gdy przyjdzie, ma pozostać na krótko.”

Francis and the Seven Kings of the Apocalypse
Nowy ryt święceń księży jest nieważny
Prawdziwa Msza katolicka zastąpiona nową, nieważną Mszą
Nowe sakramenty: zmiany w pozostałych sakramentach
II Sobór Watykański stworzył nową religię

Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope? - Napisy PL
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Msza Św a kazaniem - ks.Michał Woźnicki ( prześladowany prawdziwy kapłan Tradycji KK-go ) 11.09.2022

Beware Of Heretical Priests Who Take The Sedevacantist Position But Deny The Salvation Dogma - vaticancatholic.com
O. Feeney był po właściwej stronie
“The truth is that almost all the priests, sedevacantist or otherwise, do not profess the Catholic faith on salvation. Some people are deceived by those priests because they are ‘traditional’ in numerous ways and they reject Vatican II. But that’s …More
Beware Of Heretical Priests Who Take The Sedevacantist Position But Deny The Salvation Dogma - vaticancatholic.com

O. Feeney był po właściwej stronie

“The truth is that almost all the priests, sedevacantist or otherwise, do not profess the Catholic faith on salvation. Some people are deceived by those priests because they are ‘traditional’ in numerous ways and they reject Vatican II. But that’s not good enough to be a Catholic. To be a Catholic you can’t just be liturgically traditional, accept some teachings of the Church, and reject the Vatican II sect. No, you must profess the Catholic faith whole and entire. You must profess all of the dogmas of the faith, including the Church’s teaching on salvation. (Sanborn also accepts and promotes the sinful birth control method of NFP.)”
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Msza Św a kazaniem - ks.Michał Woźnicki ( prześladowany prawdziwy kapłan Tradycji KK-go ) 11.09.2022

St. Thomas Aquinas, despite all of his fabulous writing and learning about the Catholic Faith, being a fallible human being, was wrong on many points, including his explicit statement in the Summa Theologica that “The flesh of the Virgin was conceived in Original Sin.” One scholar noted that the book St. Thomas was writing when he died was called The Compendium of Theology, in which are found at …More
St. Thomas Aquinas, despite all of his fabulous writing and learning about the Catholic Faith, being a fallible human being, was wrong on many points, including his explicit statement in the Summa Theologica that “The flesh of the Virgin was conceived in Original Sin.” One scholar noted that the book St. Thomas was writing when he died was called The Compendium of Theology, in which are found at least nine explicit errors. In fact, “over thirty years ago, Dr. Andre Daignes, Professor of Philosophy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, pointed out twenty-four formal errors in the Summa of St. Thomas.” This simply proves again that the theological speculations of even our greatest sainted theologians are just that – fallible speculations. Only St. Peter and his successors, the popes, when speaking from the Chair of Peter, have the unfailing faith.

Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, ex cathedra:

In Summa Theologica III, Q. 66, Art. 11, St. Thomas tries to explain his belief in baptism of desire and blood. He tries to explain how there can be “three baptisms” (water, blood and desire) when St. Paul declares in Ephesians 4:5 that there is only one. He says:

The other two Baptisms are included in the Baptism of Water, which derives its efficacy, both from Christ’s Passion and of the Holy Ghost.”

With all due respect to St. Thomas, this is a feeble attempt to answer the objection as to how there can be “three baptisms” when God reveals that there is only one. It is feeble because St. Thomas says that the other two baptisms, desire and blood, are included in the baptism of water; but this is false. One who receives baptism of water doesn’t receive baptism of desire and baptism of blood, even according to the baptism of desire advocates. Therefore, it is false to say, as St. Thomas does, that the other two baptisms are included in the baptism of water; they most certainly are not.

Furthermore, in teaching the theory of baptism of desire, St. Thomas repeatedly admitted that neither is a sacrament.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica III, Q. 66, A. 11, Answer 2: “As stated above, a sacrament is a kind of sign. The other two [baptism of desire and blood], however, are like the Baptism of Water, not, indeed, in the nature of sign, but in the baptismal effect. Consequently they are not sacraments.”

The fierce baptism of desire advocate, Fr. Laisney, admits the same in his book, Is Feeneyism Catholic?, p. 9:

Fr. Laisney, Is Feeneyism Catholic?, p. 9: “Baptism of Desire is not a sacrament; it does not have the exterior sign required in the sacraments. The theologians, following St. Thomas… call it ‘baptism’ only because it produces the grace of baptism… yet it does not produce the sacramental character.”

But the Council of Trent (a few centuries after St. Thomas, in 1547) infallibly defined as a dogma that THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is necessary for salvation!

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, ex cathedra: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”

So, whom does one follow, St. Thomas or the infallible Council of Trent? Compare the two:

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica III, Q. 68, Art. 2: “… it seems that a man can obtain salvation without the sacrament of Baptism, by means of the invisible sanctification…”

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”

There is an obvious contradiction here. The fallible St. Thomas Aquinas says that it is possible to obtain salvation without the Sacrament of Baptism, while the infallible Council of Trent defines that the sacrament is necessary for salvation. And what does “necessary” mean? According to Part III, Q. 68, A. 2, Obj. 3 in St. Thomas’ own Summa Theologica,that is necessary without which something cannot be (Metaph. V).” Thus, “necessary” means without which something cannot be. Thus, salvation cannot be – it is impossible – without the Sacrament of Baptism (de fide, Council of Trent). Catholics must accept this truth and reject St. Thomas’s fallible opinion in the Summa Theologica on baptism of desire.

Pope Benedict XIV, Apostolica (# 6), June 26, 1749: “The Church’s judgment is preferable to that of a Doctor renowned for his holiness and teaching.”

Pope Pius XII, Humani generis (# 21), Aug. 12, 1950: “This deposit of faith our Divine Redeemer has given for authentic interpretation not to each of the faithful, not even to theologians, but only to the Teaching Authority of the Church.’”

Pope St. Pius X, Pascendi dominici gregis (#45), Sept. 8, 1907: “It goes without saying that if anything is met with among the scholastic doctors which may be regarded as an excess of subtlety, or which is altogether destitute of probability, We have no desire whatever to propose it for the imitation of present generations.”

And just in case anyone argues that one can receive the Sacrament of Baptism without water, I will quote the Council of Trent’s definition in Can. 2.

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 2 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Session 7, 1547, ex cathedra: “If anyone shall say that real and natural water is not necessary for baptism, and on that account those words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ [John 3:5], are distorted into some sort of metaphor: let him be anathema.”
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Msza Św a kazaniem - ks.Michał Woźnicki ( prześladowany prawdziwy kapłan Tradycji KK-go ) 11.09.2022

Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the …More
Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”

This means that Our Lord Jesus Christ’s declaration that no man can be saved without being born again of water and the Holy Ghost is a literal dogma of the Catholic Faith.

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 2 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra: “If anyone shall say that real and natural water is not necessary for baptism, and on that account those words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ [John 3:5], are distorted into some sort of metaphor: let him be anathema.”

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, On Original Sin, Session V, ex cathedra: “By one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death... so that in them there may be washed away by regeneration, what they have contracted by generation, ‘For unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God [John 3:5].”

Pope St. Zosimus, The Council of Carthage XVI, on Original Sin and Grace: “For when the Lord says: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he shall not enter into the kingdom of God’ [John 3:5], what Catholic will doubt that he will be a partner of the devil who has not deserved to be a coheir of Christ. For he who lacks the right part will without doubt run into the left.”

Pope Gregory IX, Cum, sicut ex, July 8, 1241, to Sigurd of Nidaros:
“Since as we have learned from your report, it sometimes happens because of scarcity of water, that infants of your lands are baptized in beer, we reply to you in the tenor of those present that, since according to evangelical doctrine it is necessary ‘to be reborn from water and the Holy Spirit’ (Jn. 3:5) they are not to be considered rightly baptized who are baptized in beer.”