Tony Smith

Letal covid's shots : Bischop Vigano blames the silent of churchmen

The Church betrayed the world on this issue.
Tony Smith

A Look at Australia's Complicated Catholic Faith | EWTN News In Depth

He may sound good. One thing is for sure, he ain't Catholic. He is a modernist destroyer of the faith.
Tony Smith

Sydney Archbishop: Ex-Synod Proposes Ideas Radically At Odds With Gospel

He can add so is the entire post conciliar religion.
Tony Smith

Burke, “Loss Of Respect For Blessed Sacrament”

Yes, . . . the Novus Missae led to that. A logical conclusion. . . Blind Burke doesn't want to admit the obvious.
Tony Smith

Poland's New Cardinal: Francis’ Critics "Completely Unjust"

A red hat, that is all it took for this guy to sell out Christ.
Tony Smith

Hong Kong Neo-Cardinal: "Not Turning People Into Catholics"

If only these apostates would leave the Church.
Tony Smith

Schneider: Heretical Pope Doesn’t Lose Office

Schneider is correct on this point.
Tony Smith

Rigidity and Legalism: Panama’s Bishops Warn Against PiusX

Funny how modernists want to point to the observance of Church laws only when it comes to attacking Traditional Catholics. let's face it, outside of that, they have no regard for any Church laws, dogmas, morals etc.
Tony Smith

Modernist theologian accuses traditionalists of supporting one of the oldest heresies. Their Christ …

Funny how Modernist all of a sudden believe in "Heresy" when according to their position, all religions are a valid expression of belief in the divine.
Tony Smith

Italian Church: Huge Numbers of Covid Casualties

No one should be attending the Novus Ordo Missae.
Tony Smith

Archbishop: Francis Is a Progressivistic Fundamentalist

In short a communist tyrant.
Tony Smith

Father James Altman goes Sedi, "Bergoglio is not the Pope"

No. He is wrong; Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange basing his reasoning on Billuart, explains in his treaties De Verbo Incarnato (pg. 232) explains that “a heretical Pope, while no longer a member of the Church, can still be her head. For, what is impossible in the case of a physical head is possible (albeit abnormal) for a secondary moral head. The reason is that whereas a physical head cannot influence the …More
No. He is wrong; Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange basing his reasoning on Billuart, explains in his treaties De Verbo Incarnato (pg. 232) explains that “a heretical Pope, while no longer a member of the Church, can still be her head. For, what is impossible in the case of a physical head is possible (albeit abnormal) for a secondary moral head. The reason is that whereas a physical head cannot influence the members without receiving the vital influx of the soul, a moral head, as is the Roman Pontiff, can exercise jurisdiction over the Church even if he does not receive from the soul of the Church any influx or interior faith or charity.”

Billuart affirms that “According to the more common opinion, Christ by a particular providence, for the common good and the tranquility of the Church, continues to give jurisdiction to an even manifestly heretical pontiff until such time as he should be declared a manifest heretic by the Church”- Billuart, De Fide, Diss. V, A. III No. 3, Obj. 2.
Tony Smith

Mass in Argentina to atone for criticism of Pope Francis

Lol. Only an insane dictator would approve of such crap.
Tony Smith

Arlington Carmelite Nuns Kick Out Bishop, Adopt Roman Rite, Conncect To Viganò

Not sure it is done out of conviction. Seems to be more done out of convenience.
Tony Smith

Germany: Another Homosex Wedding Farce

What an abomination.
Tony Smith

Final Powerful, Prophetic & Chilling Homily by Fr Mark Beard! May He Rest in Peace!

If only more priests had the integrity to speak like that. RIP Fr. Mark.
Tony Smith

Poll: Belief in Existence of Hell, the Devil ‘Down to New Lows’

A belief in hell is not a prerequisite to going there.
Tony Smith

Australian Bishop Needed to Be "Cleansed"

They have become apostates who stand for nothing.