Star Athlete David Beckham's Secret. The fans of come from every walk of life.More
Star Athlete David Beckham's Secret.
The fans of come from every walk of life.
Holy Cannoli
☕ Well, preparing my daughter for her First Communion, some years ago, made me go back to the Catechism...In addition-I CANNOT REPEAT MYSELF ENOUGH 🙄 Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick-A GERMAN MYSTIC NOT APPRECIATED IN HER COUNTRY-in the Revelations made to her, helped me understand WHAT OUR LORD EXPECTS FROM US.....
You Catholic house-wife you! 😀 😀 😁 😁 🚬 😉
👏 👏 👏 All right-but, please do not disappoint me....I gottago and do some wash 🤗
Holy Cannoli
Will do SAINTE JEANNE D'ARC by later today.
She's also one of my favorites so it will be done with respect but still will be entertaining. After all, she's watching from heaven.
Will do SAINTE JEANNE D'ARC by later today.
She's also one of my favorites so it will be done with respect but still will be entertaining. After all, she's watching from heaven.

Here you will find the Saints for the month of June....but, O.K.--What about, one of my all-time-favorites--BUT PLEASE DO IT WITH THE UTMOST RESPECT: SAINTE JEANNE D'ARC 👍
Holy Cannoli
How about someone who is slightly more recognizable?
How about someone who is slightly more recognizable?

✍️ O.K. What about....Saint Ephrem the Syrian....
Holy Cannoli
😀 😀 😀
Do you have a favorite on that list?
I read somewhere that God loves happy not gloomy saints.
So, I am happy with just a little seriousness mixed in from time to time.
😀 😀 😀More
😀 😀 😀

Do you have a favorite on that list?

I read somewhere that God loves happy not gloomy saints.
So, I am happy with just a little seriousness mixed in from time to time.

😀 😀 😀
✍️ 🙏 The truth is, I'd rather you dedicate your talents to, for example, doing uploads on the Catholic Saints, etc. 😉
Holy Cannoli
I do requests. Is there anyone who you think might be a secret watcher? I'm running out of ideas.
😲 😌 🤗More
I do requests. Is there anyone who you think might be a secret watcher? I'm running out of ideas.

😲 😌 🤗
🙏 Gee, maybe I could finish praying a Rosary, after you finish uploading your collection... 🤗