9/11: There were no planes - Part III - Video of WTC 7 Collapse - See also: 1. 9/11 - There was no plane - Part I - See also: 9-11 Explained in 5 Min… - 2. 9/11: There was no plane - Part II - With …More
9/11: There were no planes - Part III - Video of WTC 7 Collapse - See also: 1. 9/11 - There was no plane - Part I - See also: 9-11 Explained in 5 Min… - 2. 9/11: There was no plane - Part II - With Spanish Subtitles - See also… - 3. 9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes. europhysicsnews.org/…/pdf/2016/04/epn2016474p21.pdf - As is well known, building 7 of the World Trade Center was not hit by an airplane, but it collapsed after the two main towers, supposedly due to a fire. The 47-story, 186-meter-high building collapsed in on itself in just six seconds. Never before has a building collapsed in a fire. On September 11, 2001, that was precisely what happened with no less than three huge, modern and robust buildings in a span of just over seven hours. And I repeat, building 7 had not been subject to an impact of any kind, and had only a couple of fire sources on two different floors, with a perfectly controllable appearance for any anti-fire system, reinforced by the action of a large number of contingent of New York firefighters. Its free fall, perfectly vertical, in just six seconds, for an architectural giant almost 200 meters high, is absolutely inexplicable if the hypothesis of an ultra-professional controlled demolition work is ruled out. Due to the size of the building, such work, according to experts, could not have been less than a week in duration, carried out only at night, since the offices were in service during the day. Incidentally, the same must have happened in the two main towers, with the difference that the preparatory task must have been considerably longer, since their height, of 415 meters, was more than double that of the building 7. For more information: 1. ae911truth.org - 2. wtc7.net

SPANISH: Como es bien sabido el edificio 7 del World Trade Center no fue alcanzado por un avión, pero se derrumbó luego de las dos torres principales, supuestamente a causa de un incendio. El inmueble de 47 pisos y 186 metros de altura se desmorono sobre sí mismo en tan solo seis segundos. Nunca antes se había derrumbado un edificio a causa de un incendio. El 11 de septiembre de 2001 fue eso precisamente lo que ocurrió nada menos que con tres inmensos, modernos y robustos edificios en un lapso de poco más de siete horas. Y repito, el edificio 7 no había sido objeto de un impacto de ningún tipo, y presentaba tan solo un par de focos de incendio en dos pisos diferentes, de un aspecto perfectamente controlable para cualquier sistema anti incendios, reforzado por el accionar de un nutrido contingente de los bomberos de Nueva York. Su caída libre, perfectamente vertical, en solamente seis segundos, para un gigante arquitectónico de casi 200 metros de altura, es absolutamente inexplicable si se descarta la hipótesis de un trabajo ultra profesional de demolición controlada. Por la envergadura del edificio, semejante trabajo, según los expertos, no puede haber sido inferior a una semana de duración, realizado solo en horario nocturno, puesto que durante el día las oficinas estaban en servicio. Dicho sea de paso, lo mismo debe haber ocurrido en las dos torres principales, con la diferencia de que la tarea preparatoria tiene que haber sido bastante más prolongada, ya que su altura, de 415 metros, era de más del doble que la del edificio 7.
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Miles - Christi
Miles - Christi
As is well known, building 7 of the World Trade Center was not hit by an airplane, despite which it collapsed after the two main towers, supposedly due to a fire. The 47-story, 186-meter-high building collapsed in on itself in just seven seconds. Never before has a skyscraper collapsed in a fire. But it turns out that September 11, 2001, was precisely what happened, and with no less than three huge …More
As is well known, building 7 of the World Trade Center was not hit by an airplane, despite which it collapsed after the two main towers, supposedly due to a fire. The 47-story, 186-meter-high building collapsed in on itself in just seven seconds. Never before has a skyscraper collapsed in a fire. But it turns out that September 11, 2001, was precisely what happened, and with no less than three huge, modern and robust buildings, in a span of little more than seven hours. And I repeat, building 7 had not been subject to an impact of any kind, and had only a couple of fire sources on two different floors, with a perfectly controllable appearance for any fire-fighting system, reinforced by the immediate action of a large number of New York City fire contingent. Its sudden and almost instantaneous collapse, in free fall, perfectly vertical, in just seven seconds, for an architectural giant almost 200 meters high, is absolutely inexplicable if the hypothesis of an ultra-professional controlled demolition work is ruled out. Due to the size of the building, such work, according to the experts, could not have been less than a week in duration, carried out only at night, since the offices were in service during the day. Incidentally, the same must have happened in the two main towers, with the difference that the preparatory task in their case must have been considerably longer, since their height, 415 meters, was more than double that the one in building 7.
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