Coronavirus scare: The hoax of the century? British physician Vernon Coleman claims that there is no scientific basis for global alarm and raises serious questions about measures of social distancing,…More
Coronavirus scare: The hoax of the century?

British physician Vernon Coleman claims that there is no scientific basis for global alarm and raises serious questions about measures of social distancing, quarantines and the use of chinstrap. It ensures that the panic created is functional to corporate interests. Dr. Vernon Coleman was one of the first to raise suspicions about the panic surrounding the current covid-19 pandemic and the shock to which the world population was led. Already in February he had begun to point out the great mistakes that were being made to combat the disease and in last March he published on YouTube a first video titled "Coronavirus panic, deception of the century?", Which soon became viral. That was followed until today by another fifty that he recorded due to his anger at the "disinformation and fear" generated. These publications deal with dismissing as unfounded, for example, nothing less than the recommendations for generalized isolation, the use of chinstrap and social distancing. He warns that the elderly have been the "target" of this pandemic, with the aim of reducing the world population and the costs associated with their care.
Coleman is a general practitioner and quit many years ago his job at the UK NHS (National Health Service) after publishing a book claiming that the pharmaceutical industry controlled that institution. He is the author of over 100 books and served as a columnist for several of the leading British print media. Apart from other controversies in which he may have been involved, the truth is that Coleman's interpretation of what is happening with the current covid-19 pandemic challenges us.

Source: https://gloria.tv/post/Z7XTKqe4YAcA1Ztt6qAfQTfAJ

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Super Omnia Veritas and 2 more users link to this post
Be careful, if you research him you will see he writes sex columns and likes to cross dress, finds it relaxing.
Miles - Christi - English
Thank you very much for the information, I was not aware of that. It is really a shame. After reflecting on the matter, I have decided to keep the post, since the content seems serious and convincing, hoping that the public, thanks to your warning, will now be in a position to discriminate one thing from the other. Best regards.
Alex A
@cmoulthrop>Source? Tried bio's, nothing?
The video is good though
Our Lady of Sorrows
Thanks for posting!
Miles - Christi
You are welcome! Best regards.