
True devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“One does not enter a house without speaking to the doorman; well ! the Blessed Virgin is the door of Heaven.” (The Holy Curé of Ars)

Love her, devote yourself with all your heart to her maternal benevolence, pray to Our powerful Mother, Our mediator, for she will tear you from the fangs of the Devil, as a mother would tear her children from the jaws of a hungry wolf. A sigh from Mary, and the demons shudder with terror. Nothing will stop him from taking his children back from Evil. Mary is our comfort, our refuge. The Lord on the cross gave us Mary as Mother. He said to her: Woman, here is your son and to Saint John: Here is your mother . He not only recommended them to each other, he also made Mary the Mother of men, Mother of the Church. We will never be orphans. Our Heavenly Father and Mother watch over their children.

It is true that Jesus wanted to be the only one to die for the redemption of the human race, and, according to the expression of Isaiah, to tread the wine of our salvation; nevertheless, having regard to the ardent desire which urged Mary to cooperate on her side in this great work, he decided that she would take part in it by offering him, Jesus, at the altar of sacrifice, and that thus she would become the Mother of our souls. This mystery was revealed to us by our Savior himself: about to expire, he lowered his gaze on his Mother and on his disciple Saint John, both standing at the foot of his cross, and said first to Mary: Ecce filius tuus, “here is your son. » It is as if he had said: This is the man whom you have just given birth to grace by offering my life for his salvation. Then addressing the disciple: Ecce Mater tua, he said to him, “here is your Mother. » With these words, notes Saint Bernardin, Jesus gave Mary as mother, not to Saint John alone, but to all men, because of his love for them. And this, according to Silveira, is the reason why Saint John, who himself reports this fact in his Gospel, designates himself under the common name of disciple: Jesus said to the disciple: There is your Mother; the Savior therefore did not speak to John, but to the disciple; that is to say, in him he saw all those who, through faith, are his disciples; and it was to all of them that he gave Mary as Mother. (“The glories of Mary” by Saint Alphonsus de Liguori)

Be therefore worthy children of Mary. May she be the hand you seek, the knees on which you rest, the voice that alone will rock you, have no other desire than to fulfill hers, may she be Queen of your heart.

The wedding at Cana confirms the importance of praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the only being who can change the will of God. It is through his intercession that the graces necessary for our sanctification reach us. Let us ask our Holy Mother, to whom the Lord cannot refuse anything, to hasten her divine Son to come to our aid.( Read “The Wedding at Cana” by Dom Jean de Monléon)

The“Treatise on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin” by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort ( Read ) is a true declaration of love to our Heavenly Mother, and an essential work for those who want to see what God saw in Mary, she with whom everything began, she with whom everything will end.

If we therefore establish the solid devotion of the Most Holy Virgin, it is only to establish more perfectly that of Jesus Christ, it is only to provide an easy and assured means of finding Jesus Christ. If devotion to the Blessed Virgin took us away from Jesus Christ, it would have to be rejected as an illusion of the devil; but far from it, on the contrary, as I have already shown and will show again below: this devotion is only necessary for us to find Jesus Christ perfectly and to love him tenderly and to serve him faithfully (Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort - Treatise on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin).

Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort trains us in this work in perfect devotion to Mary. He teaches us how to become slaves of love , because, unlike the servant, the slave expects nothing in return. Refer to the Catechism of the Slavery of Love of Jesus in Mary .



55. Finally God wants his holy Mother to be now more known, more loved, more honored than ever she has been: which will undoubtedly happen, if the predestined enter, with the grace and light of the Holy Spirit, in the interior and perfect practice that I will discover to them later. From then on, they will see clearly, as much as faith allows, this beautiful star of the sea, and they will arrive safely, despite the storms and the pirates, following its guidance; they will know the greatness of this sovereign, and they will devote themselves entirely to her service, as her subjects and her slaves of love; they will experience her gentleness and her maternal kindness, and they will love her tenderly as her beloved children; they will know the mercies with which she is full and the needs where they are of her help, and they will have recourse to her in all things as to their dear advocate and mediator with Jesus Christ; they will know that it is the most assured, the easiest, the shortest and the most perfect way to come to Jesus Christ, and they will surrender themselves to it body and soul, without division, to be Jesus Christ of even.

56. But who will be these servants, slaves and children of Mary?
They will be a burning fire, ministers of the Lord who will put the fire of divine love everywhere. These will be sicut sagittae in manu potentis, sharp arrows in the hand of mighty Mary to pierce her enemies. They will be children of Levi, well purified by the fire of great tribulations and well adhered to God, who will carry the gold of divine love in the heart, the incense of prayer in the mind and the myrrh of mortification in the body, and which will everywhere be the good odor of Jesus Christ to the poor and the small, while they will be an odor of death to the great, the rich and proud worldly people.

57. They will be thundering clouds flying through the air at the slightest breath of the Holy Spirit, which, without attaching themselves to anything, nor being surprised by anything, nor worrying about anything, will spread the rain of the word of God and eternal life; they will thunder against sin, they will roar against the world, they will smite the devil and his servants, and they will pierce moreover, for life or for death, with their two-edged sword of the word of God, all those to whom they will be sent from the Most High.

58. They will be true apostles of the last times, to whom the Lord of virtues will give the word and the strength to work wonders and win glorious spoils from his enemies; they will sleep without gold or silver and, what is more, without care, among other priests, and ecclesiastics and clerics, inter medios cleros ; and yet will have the silver wings of the dove, to go with the pure intention of the glory of God and the salvation of souls, where the Holy Spirit will call them, and they will not leave behind them, in the places where they have preached, than the gold of charity which is the fulfillment of the whole law.

59. Finally, we know that they will be true disciples of Jesus Christ, who walk in the footsteps of his poverty, humility, contempt for the world and charity, teaching the narrow way of God in pure truth, according to the holy Gospel, and not according to the maxims of the world, without taking pains or respecting anyone, without sparing, listening or fearing any mortal, however powerful they may be. They will have in their mouth the two-edged sword of the word of God; they will carry on their shoulders the bloody standard of the Cross, the crucifix in their right hand, the rosary in their left, the sacred names of Jesus and Mary on their hearts, and the modesty and mortification of Jesus Christ in all their conduct.

“When our hands have touched aromatics, they in turn emit aromas; let us pass our prayers through the hands of the Blessed Virgin, she embalms them.” (The Holy Curé of Ars)

Practical:The Blessed Virgin Mary wept so much over the world and over the body of her Son. His tears mixed with the Precious Blood of Christ are our redemption. Have a tender devotion to the tears of our sweet Mother of Heaven, co-redemptrix of the human race. With the Blessed Virgin Mary, let us be at the foot of the Savior's cross. Remember regularly to offer the joys, actions and sorrows of your day in reparation for the blasphemies committed against the Blessed Virgin Mary.

taken from the excellent Catholic blog : le-petit-sacristain.blogspot.com