
Francis Was Forced to Reverse Closing of Italian Churches

Francis was inundated by phone calls of cardinals and bishops after he closed all Roman churches on Thursday evening for fear of the coronavirus.

According to LaNuovaBq.it, this was the last straw because “many” bishops were already angry about the suspension of all Masses.

A source in the Vatican called the measure a sign that the Church is “no longer relevant.”

The German bishops' KNA reported that “many” priests considered opening their churches secretly.

Bergamo, Milan, Florence, Naples and Palermo dioceses decided to keep their churches open under certain conditions.

Curia Cardinal Krajewski personally opened his titular church Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino on Friday morning.

Hours later, Francis corrected his decision.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsXpoumrissv

Visit vaticancatholic.com . He is not head of Church, he is impostor and un-Catholic antipope. Please see following website for more explanation in today's crisis. For salvation you have to hold Catholic principles and be Traditional Catholic.
"Che Amazon" wants to close Catholic Church forever. His evil intention.
It is important to note, that he is not leader of Church, but rather end-times counter Church, Vatican II sect, the Whore of Babylon, this was prophesied.
See following: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/vatican-ii-cris…More
It is important to note, that he is not leader of Church, but rather end-times counter Church, Vatican II sect, the Whore of Babylon, this was prophesied.

See following: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/vatican-ii-cris…
For fear of coronavirus? Yeah, right... To help the revolutionary push that is using coronavirus, you mean to say
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