Wow Poland!! These fuckers are stealing everyone's countries.
Alejandrina Reyes
Who era these crazy people? Are they government citizens ? Are they the owners of the world ? Tax between countries ? What power do they have ? Non sense
I'm sure some crazy in the current administration would love to tax other nations. We kind of do that already with economic sanctions against those countries our government wants to 'regime change' The most disturbing thing about the video is the unbridled GLEE with which this "star chamber" of young globalists dish out their demands!! 😤
Alejandrina Reyes
Louis IX
Are they still angry that the Poles beat the Bolsheviks at Warsaw?
I got the impression that it's some members of one ethnic group (Jews) who have been relentless in blaming Poles for the "holocaust" without mentioning the fact that the Nazis from Germany were foreign occupiers who actually set up the death camps. No doubt the aim is to de-Catholicize Poland.
Is this because of some kind of "reparations" for past injustice? I shutter to think what the neo-Marxists would do to our nation if African ancestry & native American grievance groups had their demands met! Catholic theology wisely places the concept of reparation in the arena of individual sin NOT corporate responsibility.
John A Cassani
Thankfully, so does the US Constitution, in explicitly forbidding “bills of attainder.” They forbid them because they had been abused by the British, and by others over time.