
Fr. Rosica: Jesus Brand Out, Francis Brand In

Catholic Bloggers Holy Executioners Strewing Corpses All Around
The Pope's PR flack and head of Salt and Light Media Foundation has excoriated Catholic ephemerists. On May 17, Fr. Rosica had these charitable words for the Bear and other Catholic ephemerists who are having none of Pope Francis' Kool-Aid. The Bear would just point out that the beginning of the first sentence unwittingly states the problem. This from the ever-reliable CRUX.

Although Pope Francis has succeeded in rebranding the public profile of the Church, according to a Vatican PR aide, his positive tone isn’t always reflected when Catholics themselves take to the use of social media.
On the contrary, to hear Father Thomas Rosica tell it, sometimes Catholic conversation on-line is more “culture of death” than “culture of life.”
“Many of my non-Christian and non-believing friends have remarked to me that we ‘Catholics’ have turned the Internet into a cesspool of hatred, venom and vitriol, all in the name of defending the faith!” he said.
“The character assassination on the Internet by those claiming to be Catholic and Christian has turned it into a graveyard of corpses strewn all around,” said Rosica, who assists the Vatican Press Office with English-speaking media, on May 11 as he delivered the keynote address at the Brooklyn Diocese’s observance of World Communications Day.
“Often times the obsessed, scrupulous, self-appointed, nostalgia-hankering virtual guardians of faith or of liturgical practices are very disturbed, broken and angry individuals, who never found a platform or pulpit in real life and so resort to the Internet and become trolling pontiffs and holy executioners!” Rosica said.
“In reality they are deeply troubled, sad and angry people,” he said. “We must pray for them, for their healing and conversion!”

Mixing humor and invective can be done. The Bear does it nearly every day. But, Fr. Rosica, the humor should be intentional. Sadly, for Fr. Rosica, the Bear is laughing at him, not with him. Not the best thing for a liar-for-hire. "Trolling pontiffs and holy executioners?" "Corpses strewn all around?" A bit purple, don't you think?

Even funnier is absolutely ripping the heart out of Catholic ephemerists then faux-piously saying, "In reality they are deeply troubled, sad and angry people. We must pray for them, for their healing and conversion!" A good PR flack should stay on message and avoid blatant insincerity.

This "disturbed, broken and angry" (alright, disturbed and angry) Bear for one takes comfort in the fact that someone filled with such contempt for him nevertheless manages to pray for this unworthy Bear's healing and conversion. However, the Bear thinks Fr. Rosica is mainly going after traddies here. The Bear merely wants Pope Francis to go away and never come back.

The Infamously Litigious Fr. Rosica

Now, the Bear realizes that he is taking a big risk criticizing this pompous asshat. [Note: edit out "asshat" before pub] Fr. Rosica doesn't always just pray for erring ephemerists. Sometimes he sues them. Or possibly, he both prays for them and sues them; the Bear does not know.

Fr. Rosica sued one-man ephemeris Vox Cantoris. If Fr. Rosica wishes to sue the Bear, the Bear would be delighted to match his public relations instincts with Fr. Rosica's, which appear to be nil. "Pope's PR Priest Sues Disabled Veteran Blogger for Calling Him 'Asshat.'" [Note: sub. "asshat" before pub.] "Rosica Strikes Again: Sues Adorable Bear Who Hurt His Feelings."

"[Francis] Has Rebranded Catholicism and the Papacy"

Fr. Rosica gained infamy during the Synod on the Family. He also promoted Pope Francis to "Prince of Peace." Now, that's the kind of publicity...

Read Corbinian's Bear's full article here.
Don Reto Nay
What else could we expect from an angry ultraliberal who belongs to an ultraliberal order. Let us face it. There are two "Churches" which have little in common with each other: the Catholic Church and the Liberal "Church". Rosica belongs to the latter.