
Interested in living in the DIVINE WILL?

Nothing under the sun is new, neither is any man able to say: Behold this is new: for it hath already gone before in the ages that were before us. Ecclesiastes 1:10

Dear Family,
"Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." St Matthew 7:12

Our Lord on August 14, 1917 describes to Luisa how He chose the Divine Will of God the Father over His human Will.

"Jesus did nothing other than give Himself prey to the Will of the Father. Difference between living resigned to the Will of God, and living in His Will.
As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus just barely came, passing by, and told me: “My daughter,
I did nothing other than give Myself prey to the Will of the Father. Therefore, if I thought, I thought in the mind of the Father; if I spoke, I spoke in the mouth and with the tongue of the Father; if I worked, I worked in the hands of the Father. I even breathed my breathing in Him, and everything
I did was ordered the way He wanted. Therefore, I could say that I carried out my Life in the Father, and that I was the bearer of the Father, because I enclosed everything in His Will and I did nothing by Myself. My main point was the Will of the Father, because I did not care about Myself, nor did
I interrupt my course because of the offenses I received; rather, I kept flying more and more toward my center. Only then did my natural Life end, when I fulfilled the Will of the Father in everything."

I can’t urge and recommend enough the Divine Will. You have only the period this side of the grave to make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, why not embrace the gift of the Divine Will and accomplish this reparation in the Divine Will of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Three Divine Persons operate in the one Divine Will DW. Why not a creature a fourth person Our Lady operating in the same DW? Why not a 5th another creature Luisa? Why not a 6th you?

Nothing under the sun is new. This was the gift that Adam and Eve operated in. Our Lord has restored the gift unavailable to the great Saints eg St Anthony. This is in preparation for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, this will be an end to all pretense and lies. Think of all the pretense and lies beginning with the shadow church and government over the past 2,000 years.

Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Not our individual wills for how could you have a period of peace with individual wills? Just one glorious reign of the Divine Will in the error of Sanctification the third Fiat. 1st Fiat era creation God the Father. Second Fiat the Incarnation/ Crucifixion and the era of God the Son Redemption. And now the dawn of the Reign of the Holy Ghost the third Fiat.

The Soul dying in the DW will not suffer Purgatory. Your acts in the DW are your everyday acts consciously united in the DW with our Lord and Our Lady. In the past, you offered your works, joys, and sufferings to Jesus. Now you have in DW the opportunity to do this with, through and in Our Lord Jesus. An act accomplished in this manner now becomes Infinite Perfect and Eternal act!…f-in-the-Divine-Will-is-the-Most-Important-Act.pdf

First start and unite with Our Lord’s Passion. The Rounds of 24 hours. Opening Prayer, pick an Hour say 11 am. perhaps you only have time for one paragraph that’s good. ( Say there are 100 words you are about to read, then there are one hundred Angels awaiting to deliver one word for each Angel). This then allows you to operate intimately fused with Our Lords Passion.
Close with the closing prayer.


Say you spend the rest of your life trying to live in the DW. And it so happens that the only act you achieved in the DW was removing a peg off the washing line. That act in the DW reverberates for all eternity! Infinite Perfect and Eternal.

This is the gift of gifts. You desire, fusing yourself to Jesus and Our Lady and they will do the work. (This is not Quietism as it takes your participation.)