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7.12.2022 17,00 USA a ruský důstojník online se snaží zabránit jaderné válce. Scott Ritter a Sivkov, oba již dloho vynuceně předčasní důchodci. 00:25:21.782 Rus Sivkov: Kdyby se Rusko (vojenským …Více
7.12.2022 17,00 USA a ruský důstojník online se snaží zabránit jaderné válce. Scott Ritter a Sivkov, oba již dloho vynuceně předčasní důchodci. 00:25:21.782 Rus Sivkov: Kdyby se Rusko (vojenským tlakem USA skrze Ukrajinu) rozpadlo, tak Čína sebere Sibiř a Novorosijsk i s některými jadernými zařízeními Ruska, které vyrábí jaderné zbraně tam a stala by se Čína víc nebezpečnou pro USA. Transcript English automatem: WEBVTT 00:00:33.463 --> 00:00:37.555 good afternoon or evening if you are watching from 00:00:37.555 --> 00:00:40.632 from Moscow or elsewhere in Russia I'm Welcome 00:00:40.632 --> 00:00:43.555 to this edition of the Sky Ridder show 00:00:43.860 --> 00:00:47.974 let's start off by talking about diplomacy 00:00:47.974 --> 00:00:49.407 and war 00:00:49.407 --> 00:00:52.280 Angle Merkel the chancellor of Germany 00:00:52.280 --> 00:00:54.232 former Chancellor of Germany gave an interview 00:00:54.232 --> 00:00:56.663 to Der Schlegel magazine last month 00:00:56.663 --> 00:01:00.689 where she acknowledged that 00:01:00.689 --> 00:01:06.365 the decision to engage Russia in the Minsk Accords 00:01:06.365 --> 00:01:10.447 was not a vehicle for a cease fire 00:01:10.447 --> 00:01:12.444 for peaceful resolution of the problems 00:01:12.444 --> 00:01:14.277 between Russia and Ukraine 00:01:14.277 --> 00:01:17.509 regarding the dombas but rather 00:01:17.959 --> 00:01:22.135 a vehicle to buy eukrane time time 00:01:22.135 --> 00:01:24.457 to do what to build up their economy 00:01:24.457 --> 00:01:26.281 to build up their military 00:01:26.281 --> 00:01:28.103 now one has to ask the question 00:01:28.103 --> 00:01:30.302 why do you need to build up your military 00:01:30.302 --> 00:01:33.259 if your goal is a peaceful outcome it's 00:01:33.259 --> 00:01:37.065 because the fact is the goal is never a peaceful outcome 00:01:37.065 --> 00:01:39.038 as former Ukranean President 00:01:39.038 --> 00:01:44.311 Petroporshenko has acknowledged Minsk too was just 00:01:44.311 --> 00:01:47.814 a vehicle to by time a sham agreement 00:01:47.814 --> 00:01:49.862 so that eucrane could have 00:01:49.862 --> 00:01:53.150 its army trained by NATO and prepared 00:01:53.150 --> 00:01:55.547 to decide the dombas question 00:01:55.547 --> 00:01:56.815 through force of arms 00:01:56.815 --> 00:01:58.708 war 00:01:58.708 --> 00:02:01.967 was always the option and 00:02:01.967 --> 00:02:05.165 right now to day we have a war where 10 months 00:02:05.165 --> 00:02:08.362 and to the special military operations 00:02:08.362 --> 00:02:10.872 the fighting has gone back and forth 00:02:10.872 --> 00:02:12.437 we are in a situation now 00:02:12.437 --> 00:02:14.754 where it appears Russia is getting ready 00:02:14.754 --> 00:02:17.361 to bring to bear the fruits 00:02:17.361 --> 00:02:22.427 of their partial mobilization am upwards of 220,000 troops 00:02:22.427 --> 00:02:25.885 freshly trained equipped and organized 00:02:25.885 --> 00:02:27.157 for 00:02:27.157 --> 00:02:29.757 combat are due to arrive on the battle field 00:02:29.757 --> 00:02:32.519 in the near future a What's going to happen 00:02:32.519 --> 00:02:35.368 what's what's the next step so 00:02:35.368 --> 00:02:37.880 is Russia finally prepared 00:02:37.880 --> 00:02:41.831 to win this conflict ah is no better person 00:02:41.831 --> 00:02:45.257 to a talk about this than our guest to day 00:02:45.257 --> 00:02:48.969 a constant in a Shihkov he is a 00:02:48.969 --> 00:02:51.443 retired a navy captain 00:02:51.443 --> 00:02:53.943 he is a distinguished academic he is a man 00:02:53.943 --> 00:02:56.477 with a stellar military background 00:02:56.477 --> 00:02:58.644 and he is somebody who has 00:02:58.644 --> 00:03:00.938 over the course of the past several years 00:03:00.938 --> 00:03:04.996 he articulated forcefully about the very topics 00:03:04.996 --> 00:03:06.775 that we here discuss thank you 00:03:06.775 --> 00:03:09.695 Sir thank you for coming on this program to day 00:03:17.383 --> 00:03:20.393 thank you I am happy to be here 00:03:20.393 --> 00:03:24.657 and I am happy to er Ahem agreed 00:03:24.657 --> 00:03:26.128 the former Marine of the 00:03:26.128 --> 00:03:28.554 united States Marine Corps 00:03:29.400 --> 00:03:31.734 er Mister Ritter I I know 00:03:31.734 --> 00:03:33.272 you i 00:03:33.272 --> 00:03:36.304 am aware of all your publications 00:03:37.086 --> 00:03:39.867 and I respect you as a military specialist 00:03:39.867 --> 00:03:41.461 as a specialist with the 00:03:41.461 --> 00:03:43.043 huge 00:03:43.043 --> 00:03:45.949 experience with operations or experience 00:03:45.949 --> 00:03:48.403 great the 00:03:48.403 --> 00:03:51.053 you and her you know all the information very well 00:03:51.053 --> 00:03:52.962 and the course of operations 00:03:52.962 --> 00:03:59.054 of the circumstances in the s m a bishop 00:04:00.642 --> 00:04:04.189 Mithridates occupy you will quit see how 00:04:04.189 --> 00:04:06.865 her how the victory will be determined 00:04:06.865 --> 00:04:08.086 in the current situation 00:04:08.086 --> 00:04:09.109 than I see 00:04:09.109 --> 00:04:12.027 what you do for Russia thoughtless it's 00:04:12.027 --> 00:04:15.535 a very difficult situation right now Otto let's say that 00:04:15.535 --> 00:04:16.789 on me that I can 00:04:16.789 --> 00:04:19.443 see the main goal to day for Russia is to 00:04:19.443 --> 00:04:21.149 see the moon is only what you 00:04:21.149 --> 00:04:23.052 know is to conduct the special preparation 00:04:23.052 --> 00:04:23.953 in such a way that 00:04:23.953 --> 00:04:24.521 you do 00:04:24.521 --> 00:04:25.850 it well not to provoke 00:04:25.850 --> 00:04:27.614 not what I mean is that 00:04:27.614 --> 00:04:31.007 er a confrontation with the West of Er Er 00:04:31.007 --> 00:04:34.688 russian Commandant ER understand you 00:04:34.688 --> 00:04:38.748 you mean that in the case of direct confrontation 00:04:38.748 --> 00:04:40.622 and armed confrontation of Russia in 00:04:40.622 --> 00:04:43.421 naturally well 00:04:43.421 --> 00:04:48.075 sooner or later you this confrontation this conflict will 00:04:48.075 --> 00:04:49.630 or will 00:04:49.630 --> 00:04:52.734 quite quickly turn into a nuclear conflict 00:04:52.734 --> 00:04:53.999 wait a moment 00:04:53.999 --> 00:04:55.287 therefore 00:04:55.287 --> 00:04:57.141 we are beginning a character 00:04:57.141 --> 00:04:59.061 in determining the characteristics 00:04:59.061 --> 00:05:01.137 of the special interpretations 00:05:01.137 --> 00:05:03.325 that this this factor this political 00:05:03.325 --> 00:05:05.970 factor peculiar is is a key factor who 00:05:05.970 --> 00:05:07.175 in me 00:05:07.175 --> 00:05:08.845 a roll I have one notes we 00:05:08.845 --> 00:05:09.280 find 00:05:09.280 --> 00:05:11.701 eyeing during the special Interpretation 00:05:11.701 --> 00:05:14.221 for every year that the Erie strategy 00:05:14.221 --> 00:05:15.745 and the dynamics of the changes 00:05:15.745 --> 00:05:18.423 in these graves must be for Wiley 00:05:18.423 --> 00:05:21.736 the choice of finer your welfare 00:05:21.736 --> 00:05:24.296 in 90 per cent all that depends on 00:05:24.296 --> 00:05:25.505 it it is what 00:05:25.505 --> 00:05:27.542 on the political situation in the world 00:05:27.542 --> 00:05:29.456 and its characteristics you row 00:05:29.456 --> 00:05:31.553 and it is the political conversations 00:05:31.553 --> 00:05:34.714 between the West and Russia and 1st of all 00:05:34.714 --> 00:05:36.335 of course the united States of America 00:05:36.335 --> 00:05:37.440 yes yes it will 00:05:37.440 --> 00:05:40.806 use if from this point of view we at what is going on 00:05:40.806 --> 00:05:42.055 so very 00:05:42.055 --> 00:05:46.229 to day on the same that we can see 00:05:46.229 --> 00:05:47.047 is 00:05:47.047 --> 00:05:48.622 that Russia her 00:05:48.622 --> 00:05:50.689 I want you 00:05:50.689 --> 00:05:54.180 he balances on you on the same level 00:05:54.180 --> 00:05:56.860 I mean that the united States you must 00:05:56.860 --> 00:05:58.571 see that before you would i 00:05:58.571 --> 00:06:01.377 would not go in to direct intervention 00:06:01.377 --> 00:06:04.698 into the conflict and from the side of Ukraine you 00:06:04.698 --> 00:06:05.116 might 00:06:05.116 --> 00:06:07.490 er they take an attempt 00:06:07.490 --> 00:06:11.047 to er to provoke completely this conflict 00:06:11.047 --> 00:06:12.935 and 00:06:12.935 --> 00:06:14.978 draw united States into conflict 00:06:14.978 --> 00:06:16.846 with Russia and you need to note that 00:06:16.846 --> 00:06:19.177 he in 00:06:19.177 --> 00:06:23.494 Aerodrome that the Angus ermine 00:06:23.494 --> 00:06:25.272 field was taken it was Er 00:06:25.272 --> 00:06:27.858 it was an attack on the nuclear forces of Russia 00:06:27.858 --> 00:06:30.755 was wetness and yet it 00:06:30.755 --> 00:06:34.093 was the basis of russian military doctrine 00:06:34.093 --> 00:06:36.496 on nuclear armaments it is a document 00:06:36.496 --> 00:06:39.225 that determines that the principle of 00:06:39.225 --> 00:06:42.855 him of the use of nuclear arms by Russia after 00:06:42.855 --> 00:06:46.869 such an attack on strategical Forces Russia has 00:06:46.869 --> 00:06:51.819 the basis to to use nuclear weapons in this case if you do I 00:06:51.819 --> 00:06:55.329 although Russia at the moment has done everything 00:06:55.329 --> 00:06:57.498 in its power not to allow 00:06:57.498 --> 00:07:00.638 this situation to get out of hand and so 00:07:00.638 --> 00:07:02.528 far it is federal regards 00:07:02.528 --> 00:07:04.612 METIER the Commandments headquarters 00:07:04.612 --> 00:07:06.813 of her Ministry of Defense of Russia as 00:07:06.813 --> 00:07:07.883 if Russia 00:07:07.883 --> 00:07:09.557 has minimized the Er 00:07:09.557 --> 00:07:11.484 it got 00:07:11.624 --> 00:07:13.689 her minimized this attack 00:07:13.689 --> 00:07:15.314 in the united States of America 00:07:15.314 --> 00:07:17.641 and not that they also tried 00:07:17.641 --> 00:07:19.356 to distance themselves from that attack 00:07:19.356 --> 00:07:21.556 the Oomiaks 00:07:21.556 --> 00:07:24.775 and there sure I dare say also 00:07:24.775 --> 00:07:27.186 that they said themselves directly that they 00:07:27.186 --> 00:07:29.082 did Ole 00:07:29.082 --> 00:07:31.904 that Russia has nothing to do with the er rockets 00:07:31.904 --> 00:07:33.499 that landed in Poland and U S 00:07:33.499 --> 00:07:35.236 also distance themselves 00:07:35.236 --> 00:07:37.139 er from the attack on the Crimea 00:07:37.139 --> 00:07:40.332 Bridge therefore you I am demonstrating 00:07:40.332 --> 00:07:42.931 that we mutually or demonstrating 00:07:42.931 --> 00:07:44.250 to Russia that they do not want 00:07:44.250 --> 00:07:46.136 to draw themselves into that conflict 00:07:46.136 --> 00:07:49.663 we if we talk about from a military strategic 00:07:49.663 --> 00:07:53.161 point of view with you or you that to day I wonder 00:07:53.161 --> 00:07:55.526 that Russia has wooer 00:07:55.526 --> 00:07:57.946 the following factors for victory so 1st 00:07:57.946 --> 00:08:01.170 Moscow be he 00:08:01.392 --> 00:08:03.837 a marine you understand me really well 00:08:03.837 --> 00:08:05.395 it has why 00:08:05.395 --> 00:08:08.800 Russia has the overwhelming power of the air 00:08:08.800 --> 00:08:11.849 or a new reasserted 00:08:11.849 --> 00:08:14.033 Russia has her full advantage on the theatre 00:08:14.033 --> 00:08:15.335 of the battle field but 00:08:15.335 --> 00:08:16.677 the open grotto 00:08:16.677 --> 00:08:19.526 and Russia has gawd an advantage 00:08:19.526 --> 00:08:22.318 in the Hem armed Society 00:08:22.318 --> 00:08:25.156 who see the armed vehicles recesses 00:08:25.156 --> 00:08:27.201 and they have an advantage of destroying 00:08:27.201 --> 00:08:29.642 the man power of the enemy the sure 00:08:29.642 --> 00:08:30.665 Europe you see 00:08:30.665 --> 00:08:31.636 and the number is 00:08:31.636 --> 00:08:33.600 enormous as they it is the 00:08:33.600 --> 00:08:36.993 Bastille of the er immediately a 00:08:36.993 --> 00:08:39.632 contingent of forces is roughly the same 00:08:39.632 --> 00:08:42.453 now I wish a mobilized story 00:08:42.453 --> 00:08:45.541 or personnel military either already arrived 00:08:45.541 --> 00:08:49.619 to the theatre of of war or ready to 00:08:49.619 --> 00:08:52.541 to go there there'll be about half a 1,000,000 00:08:52.541 --> 00:08:57.188 of people from from the russian side you ready to fight 00:08:57.188 --> 00:08:59.919 not just the number as this is the dose 00:08:59.919 --> 00:09:02.540 that will be a used in in the conflict 00:09:02.540 --> 00:09:04.659 besides about half a 1,000,000 people 00:09:04.659 --> 00:09:07.131 they all ready to to fight your 00:09:07.131 --> 00:09:09.363 presumably minute 00:09:09.363 --> 00:09:10.712 Buchan has about the same number 00:09:10.712 --> 00:09:11.939 like you 00:09:11.939 --> 00:09:15.017 and in these factors why Russia has all 00:09:15.017 --> 00:09:18.367 of all the circumstances Wiregrass 00:09:18.367 --> 00:09:22.041 to Rigorous to advance 00:09:22.041 --> 00:09:26.585 on two ukrainian her forces and destroy them 00:09:26.646 --> 00:09:29.017 although the decision to conduct these 00:09:29.017 --> 00:09:32.018 operations may rife may be taken 00:09:32.018 --> 00:09:35.652 only in the case of Guebres if there be 00:09:35.652 --> 00:09:39.209 yet positive political circumstances and 00:09:39.209 --> 00:09:43.715 environment and united States of America would for 00:09:44.058 --> 00:09:46.767 major provided stipulation 00:09:46.767 --> 00:09:51.632 that I if if such er advances would take part 00:09:51.632 --> 00:09:54.014 from Russia and that Nata 00:09:54.014 --> 00:09:56.952 Nata could decide to intervene in this conflict 00:09:56.952 --> 00:10:00.995 and that may be Russia may er limit themselves 00:10:00.995 --> 00:10:03.126 from conducting such operations however 00:10:03.126 --> 00:10:05.834 if Russia he would go 00:10:05.834 --> 00:10:08.156 in full advance and conduct such operations 00:10:08.156 --> 00:10:09.792 you mean the destruction 00:10:09.792 --> 00:10:11.357 of her armed forces of crane 00:10:11.357 --> 00:10:12.440 raid 00:10:12.440 --> 00:10:14.577 and capture of the Man majority part of 00:10:14.577 --> 00:10:17.389 Crane Mon and free them from the Nazi 00:10:17.389 --> 00:10:20.262 regime or he from my point of view would 00:10:20.262 --> 00:10:23.910 you would happen in about 3 4 or 3 4 months 00:10:23.910 --> 00:10:24.928 when he 00:10:24.928 --> 00:10:26.899 were talking about up to the beginning 00:10:26.899 --> 00:10:28.693 of the summer maybe we begin 00:10:28.693 --> 00:10:30.690 a Heine the high Lights 00:10:30.690 --> 00:10:31.764 I see 00:10:31.764 --> 00:10:33.201 more that in estimate Russia 00:10:33.201 --> 00:10:34.960 can be rid right 00:10:34.960 --> 00:10:37.456 or can conduct all these operations 00:10:37.456 --> 00:10:39.648 but it all depends on the political circumstances 00:10:39.648 --> 00:10:41.166 and though right now Russia 00:10:41.166 --> 00:10:43.790 is limiting themselves from doing it 00:10:43.790 --> 00:10:46.512 I edited 00:10:46.512 --> 00:10:49.041 Mister Israel watched 00:10:49.041 --> 00:10:51.310 and in February your predictions 00:10:51.310 --> 00:10:54.489 they were very accurate really weltering 00:10:54.489 --> 00:10:56.914 and you you are very accurate in your predictions 00:10:56.914 --> 00:10:58.224 from the technical point of view 00:10:58.224 --> 00:10:59.894 the what that and there is 00:10:59.894 --> 00:11:01.313 melon brushes 00:11:01.313 --> 00:11:05.299 that could have er completely destroyed that of the few 00:11:05.299 --> 00:11:06.512 oh he 00:11:06.512 --> 00:11:08.863 knew it well in the while 00:11:08.863 --> 00:11:10.147 on the west of Eucrane there weren't 00:11:10.147 --> 00:11:12.201 enough fighting forces 00:11:12.201 --> 00:11:14.826 and it was prepared her back 00:11:14.826 --> 00:11:17.247 then if you remember he said in the 00:11:17.247 --> 00:11:19.502 the beginning of March now it wasn't er 00:11:19.502 --> 00:11:21.780 we had the talks after which 00:11:21.780 --> 00:11:25.533 Russia decided to withdraw you and decided to 00:11:25.533 --> 00:11:27.110 Er 00:11:27.110 --> 00:11:32.138 on different tactics er attacking or brick 00:11:32.138 --> 00:11:35.973 to the fortifications or born 00:11:35.973 --> 00:11:39.685 on the territories of Logans Roberts and Dombes 00:11:39.685 --> 00:11:42.045 it in her 00:11:42.045 --> 00:11:45.424 those er that war fare still is going on 00:11:45.424 --> 00:11:47.521 on that side of the country 00:11:47.521 --> 00:11:50.370 they are huge losses from ukrainian side but they're 00:11:50.370 --> 00:11:51.269 here he me 00:11:51.269 --> 00:11:54.208 and right now the facts I 00:11:54.208 --> 00:11:57.358 untie the few of the people 00:11:57.358 --> 00:12:00.260 the equipment that Ukrane had started fighting with 00:12:00.260 --> 00:12:01.681 has been completely destroyed 00:12:01.681 --> 00:12:04.227 and now they're fighting basically 00:12:04.227 --> 00:12:05.465 with all the weapons that their 00:12:05.465 --> 00:12:09.189 fighting with his has been supplied by nature with most 00:12:09.189 --> 00:12:12.873 of the arms spites export version if 00:12:12.873 --> 00:12:14.670 tithing I am the only hero 00:12:14.670 --> 00:12:18.637 of what's a yeast to produce slightly modernized 00:12:18.637 --> 00:12:21.086 by the western countries of Poly 00:12:21.086 --> 00:12:23.004 mean sir or think he wore 00:12:23.004 --> 00:12:25.702 basically prepared but without weapons or artillery 00:12:25.702 --> 00:12:28.388 and no on armored vehicles the hat 00:12:28.388 --> 00:12:29.884 which are running up right now with 00:12:29.884 --> 00:12:30.508 an 00:12:30.508 --> 00:12:32.001 really tanks from the 00:12:32.001 --> 00:12:32.668 what's 00:12:32.668 --> 00:12:35.405 that the Ukraine side although there are 00:12:35.405 --> 00:12:37.141 a lot of tanks from the uranian side at the moment 00:12:37.141 --> 00:12:40.638 as was something like that 00:12:41.282 --> 00:12:45.238 thank you very much for that I deeply appreciate 00:12:45.238 --> 00:12:48.075 the ah analysis and the information am 00:12:48.075 --> 00:12:51.076 to quite par question 00:12:51.201 --> 00:12:53.805 the goals the stated goals 00:12:53.805 --> 00:12:56.268 of the special military operations 00:12:56.268 --> 00:12:59.963 have been de militarization 00:12:59.963 --> 00:13:02.551 and I assume that means to remove 00:13:02.551 --> 00:13:05.621 the Neto influence from the ukrainian military 00:13:05.621 --> 00:13:08.560 and given the fact that the ukrainian military to day is 00:13:08.560 --> 00:13:11.432 a proxy of neto that means to the destruction 00:13:11.432 --> 00:13:13.326 of the ukrainian military 00:13:13.326 --> 00:13:16.786 and to de notification and given the fact 00:13:16.786 --> 00:13:19.194 that the russian government has labeled 00:13:19.194 --> 00:13:22.378 the Zalensky government a Nazi regime 00:13:22.378 --> 00:13:25.299 which has been proven 00:13:25.299 --> 00:13:28.418 with General Zeluzni taking a photograph 00:13:28.418 --> 00:13:31.268 with Stepan Banderin the background 00:13:31.268 --> 00:13:35.328 um I think it's an accurate depiction 00:13:35.514 --> 00:13:38.541 but also recognizing what you said about the 00:13:38.541 --> 00:13:42.612 political nature of war is Russia backing down 00:13:42.612 --> 00:13:44.902 from its stated objectives 00:13:44.902 --> 00:13:47.002 in March you yourself said 00:13:47.002 --> 00:13:49.383 in an interview or in an article you wrote 00:13:49.383 --> 00:13:52.109 that a Ukraine is just the beginning 00:13:52.109 --> 00:13:56.053 ah but it sounds like Russia has toned down 00:13:56.053 --> 00:13:58.763 its expectations is this the case 00:13:58.763 --> 00:14:03.245 is a are we looking at a different conclusion 00:14:03.245 --> 00:14:05.882 or is de ossification 00:14:05.882 --> 00:14:08.234 and de militarization still the objective 00:14:08.234 --> 00:14:11.036 of the special military operations 00:14:15.268 --> 00:14:19.352 fiention and De Milesian of you 00:14:19.352 --> 00:14:22.020 crane is the political target 00:14:22.020 --> 00:14:24.060 of the special interpretation 00:14:24.060 --> 00:14:28.615 however but we need to consider that it is salute 00:14:28.615 --> 00:14:31.343 that the special military operations and the warfare 00:14:31.343 --> 00:14:34.266 on the uranian Er theatre of war that is 00:14:34.266 --> 00:14:36.166 because the union is the 00:14:36.166 --> 00:14:38.987 main part of that is is the er clash 00:14:38.987 --> 00:14:40.933 between the Russia and the West and we know well 00:14:40.933 --> 00:14:45.478 that war is not just just Er fighting 00:14:45.478 --> 00:14:48.212 on the field of social information warfare 00:14:48.212 --> 00:14:51.418 there's other ways of warfare it may be 00:14:51.418 --> 00:14:53.356 if we take the formal aspects 00:14:53.356 --> 00:14:54.992 with heresies of 00:14:54.992 --> 00:14:57.286 which you say well 00:14:57.286 --> 00:14:59.967 how Russia looks and how the west looks we can say 00:14:59.967 --> 00:15:03.876 that er unfortunately de facto Russia in the West 00:15:03.876 --> 00:15:04.809 but where it 00:15:04.809 --> 00:15:07.742 Nellie we are at pretty march 00:15:07.742 --> 00:15:11.055 on er and full on conflict states is that 00:15:11.055 --> 00:15:13.819 what I shout the west in the 00:15:13.819 --> 00:15:16.940 sanctions envies thrown out 00:15:16.940 --> 00:15:18.838 all the er the peace agreements 00:15:18.838 --> 00:15:20.394 the peace time agreements in 00:15:20.394 --> 00:15:21.714 pretty well whom 00:15:21.714 --> 00:15:24.168 also it's an economical warfare of the peace time 00:15:24.168 --> 00:15:25.784 why you now 00:15:25.784 --> 00:15:28.920 and it's economical warfare it's it's a type 00:15:28.920 --> 00:15:30.884 of warfare that is used 00:15:30.884 --> 00:15:34.167 another type of worker is the Information Work and 00:15:34.167 --> 00:15:38.495 Information psychological Board the West had also thrown out 00:15:38.495 --> 00:15:42.886 all their limitations and have fallen if we decided to 00:15:42.886 --> 00:15:44.911 the way you know we 00:15:44.911 --> 00:15:50.901 use a this this type of a information warfare there 00:15:50.901 --> 00:15:53.240 as if it were in war time you hear 00:15:53.240 --> 00:15:56.043 and it has a short a short time 00:15:56.043 --> 00:15:58.774 he now the 00:15:58.774 --> 00:16:01.286 limitations is it used in war time 00:16:01.286 --> 00:16:04.134 with it right now if we are in a state of war fully 00:16:04.134 --> 00:16:06.049 above both of us west in Russia 00:16:06.049 --> 00:16:10.331 with the idea but in this war the with West Russia 00:16:10.331 --> 00:16:12.750 is completing the target 00:16:12.750 --> 00:16:15.480 of us saving its sovereignty 00:16:15.480 --> 00:16:18.803 and in the west in this war he sets the goal of 00:16:18.803 --> 00:16:20.191 a really 00:16:20.191 --> 00:16:21.883 of taking control of Russia 00:16:21.883 --> 00:16:23.458 why you think it is really 00:16:23.458 --> 00:16:25.258 so you understand completely 00:16:25.258 --> 00:16:27.295 that Russia as a nuclear 00:16:27.295 --> 00:16:30.591 power it is impossible too to defeat it 00:16:30.591 --> 00:16:35.359 in an and military and on the field of war so Russia would 00:16:35.359 --> 00:16:37.419 go on to use nuclear weapons 00:16:37.419 --> 00:16:39.881 and if there is a threat of destroying Russia 00:16:39.881 --> 00:16:41.334 that Russia would destroy there would never be 00:16:41.334 --> 00:16:44.594 any Russia and U S after this so the only way 00:16:44.594 --> 00:16:47.577 to conduct warfare against Russia 00:16:47.577 --> 00:16:49.889 by the West it's a high bred type of war 00:16:49.889 --> 00:16:53.029 and in this I will stop a little bit Er on 00:16:53.029 --> 00:16:55.321 on that the theory theoretical aspect 00:16:55.321 --> 00:16:57.343 of what's a hybrid war is different 00:16:57.343 --> 00:16:58.621 from traditional warfare 00:16:58.621 --> 00:17:02.313 so in traditional warfare the political goals 00:17:02.313 --> 00:17:05.049 are reached by destruction 00:17:05.049 --> 00:17:07.345 of the man power of the enemy 00:17:07.345 --> 00:17:10.873 I then forcing them to ever accept 00:17:10.873 --> 00:17:15.247 the terms of the winner he be be in hybrid warfare 00:17:15.247 --> 00:17:18.054 the goal is is different it may be 00:17:18.054 --> 00:17:18.838 in hot 00:17:18.838 --> 00:17:23.545 fight the goal is set that and what was 00:17:23.545 --> 00:17:27.466 to capture of the government from inside 00:17:27.466 --> 00:17:33.921 of the enemy easily by internal resources 00:17:33.921 --> 00:17:38.479 or insult agreed on on the aggressor who met to other words 00:17:38.479 --> 00:17:39.719 yet he wrong 00:17:39.719 --> 00:17:41.108 it's like a theft column 00:17:41.108 --> 00:17:43.384 so it's the weak people who will betray you 00:17:43.384 --> 00:17:46.613 and in these circumstances the main goal 00:17:46.613 --> 00:17:49.715 for the aggressor let's say for the enemy 00:17:49.715 --> 00:17:50.843 that is 00:17:50.843 --> 00:17:54.915 basis to a wounded to find 00:17:54.915 --> 00:17:57.805 em are good circumstances 00:17:57.805 --> 00:18:00.153 for her for those people inside 00:18:00.153 --> 00:18:01.949 to take advantage so that the strategy of 00:18:01.949 --> 00:18:04.681 the west is to is aimed at 00:18:04.681 --> 00:18:05.724 in a 00:18:05.724 --> 00:18:08.175 destablizing or geographical 00:18:08.175 --> 00:18:10.242 her position of Russia 00:18:10.242 --> 00:18:13.638 and fire and find comfortable circumstances 00:18:13.638 --> 00:18:16.410 and her overthrow president putting 00:18:16.410 --> 00:18:19.430 by internal social er 00:18:19.430 --> 00:18:21.115 Er 00:18:21.115 --> 00:18:23.231 de stabilization or a coup 00:18:23.231 --> 00:18:26.461 so there's two ways of action for the west 00:18:26.461 --> 00:18:29.531 so 1st is economical and if 00:18:29.531 --> 00:18:32.282 informational that the 00:18:32.664 --> 00:18:35.506 when a ghost for Ukraine the territory 00:18:35.506 --> 00:18:38.603 of Ukraine the warfare is conducted in the way 00:18:38.603 --> 00:18:41.990 we legislate to disable 00:18:41.990 --> 00:18:43.994 internal political situation 00:18:43.994 --> 00:18:47.329 inside Russia was even as meet strictly speak 00:18:47.329 --> 00:18:49.519 for the West it doesn't matter 00:18:49.519 --> 00:18:52.104 what how the conflict will end the main goal is 00:18:52.104 --> 00:18:55.065 to that the ending of the conflict for the West 00:18:55.065 --> 00:18:57.843 yes it would be successful yes indeed 00:18:57.843 --> 00:19:00.430 and it can only be successful if inside Russia 00:19:00.430 --> 00:19:03.432 by the end of the conflict well 00:19:03.432 --> 00:19:06.318 then there will be will be an internal defeat 00:19:06.318 --> 00:19:07.888 I hear that he sees 00:19:07.888 --> 00:19:09.034 that a victory for Russia 00:19:09.034 --> 00:19:11.312 would tell a british sum for you in 00:19:11.312 --> 00:19:13.872 if they on an internal here 00:19:13.872 --> 00:19:17.846 Reynold the end of our new Crane a well 00:19:17.846 --> 00:19:20.761 that will be viewed as a successful war victory 00:19:20.761 --> 00:19:22.722 but it can estates cut easy 00:19:22.722 --> 00:19:23.770 coming from this 00:19:23.770 --> 00:19:26.226 er you know the muteness 00:19:26.226 --> 00:19:28.078 wound to look at the situation er 00:19:28.078 --> 00:19:29.369 yes you see the look easy 00:19:29.369 --> 00:19:31.315 if but from this point of view we look 00:19:31.315 --> 00:19:33.157 at things so she well 00:19:33.157 --> 00:19:35.453 that the decisive role in this 00:19:35.453 --> 00:19:37.530 her special interpretation 00:19:37.530 --> 00:19:40.091 and the result of it will play 00:19:40.091 --> 00:19:44.697 the informational ahem informational a part 00:19:44.697 --> 00:19:47.037 so on the informational part we can say that 00:19:47.037 --> 00:19:50.696 for example that the ending of the war relief 00:19:50.696 --> 00:19:53.662 and the end of special military operations by freeing 00:19:53.662 --> 00:19:59.652 the Logans Abase and her son Ovid and approve 00:19:59.893 --> 00:20:02.445 termed rise 00:20:02.445 --> 00:20:05.028 so making those territories territory 00:20:05.028 --> 00:20:06.202 of Russia we can already say 00:20:06.202 --> 00:20:09.889 that that will be a successful end of the operations 00:20:09.889 --> 00:20:10.576 of the 00:20:10.576 --> 00:20:13.353 30th which will not allow 00:20:13.353 --> 00:20:15.940 the stabilization in Russia 00:20:15.940 --> 00:20:19.610 gayndevna Dose but 00:20:19.610 --> 00:20:21.662 Mazarin but it will be 00:20:21.662 --> 00:20:23.138 if there will be a regime change in Russia 00:20:23.138 --> 00:20:25.419 there will be a problem of the future 00:20:25.419 --> 00:20:28.018 is for or not an 00:20:28.018 --> 00:20:31.763 on on the current point a utility attack 00:20:31.763 --> 00:20:33.942 the geological attack against Russia 00:20:33.942 --> 00:20:37.888 it will be well it will be fought off like 00:20:37.888 --> 00:20:39.786 a VITIATING 00:20:39.786 --> 00:20:41.629 so right now we need to also fight off 00:20:41.629 --> 00:20:43.092 the economical attack 00:20:43.092 --> 00:20:46.006 Russia has certain problems economical problems 00:20:46.006 --> 00:20:48.344 may be as there is the west has also 00:20:48.344 --> 00:20:50.701 certain economical problems but 00:20:52.443 --> 00:20:54.008 yes but 00:20:54.008 --> 00:20:56.538 to de stabilize the situation internal 00:20:56.538 --> 00:20:58.220 the political situation Russia 00:20:58.220 --> 00:21:00.826 they have not succeeded Russia has a has been able 00:21:00.826 --> 00:21:02.375 to fight off that attack 00:21:02.375 --> 00:21:04.039 so the specific of the special 00:21:04.039 --> 00:21:06.189 military operation it's also dictated 00:21:06.189 --> 00:21:08.303 by this if we want to finish 00:21:08.303 --> 00:21:09.493 this special military operation 00:21:09.493 --> 00:21:11.289 yes 00:21:11.289 --> 00:21:13.785 without confronting nito directly 00:21:13.785 --> 00:21:15.833 we don't commit it and 00:21:15.833 --> 00:21:19.093 er for us to er to determine her 00:21:19.093 --> 00:21:22.053 life philosophy see a good 00:21:22.053 --> 00:21:24.902 philosophy a good atmosphere in Russia 00:21:24.902 --> 00:21:27.893 and to a political stable situation in Russia 00:21:29.091 --> 00:21:32.828 it is two two quick questions 00:21:32.828 --> 00:21:36.320 and just to follow up on that do you envision 00:21:36.320 --> 00:21:39.457 a possibility that the special military 00:21:39.457 --> 00:21:41.740 operations could conclude 00:21:41.740 --> 00:21:45.435 with Zalensky still president of Ukraine 00:21:45.435 --> 00:21:47.882 and Zeluzni still the commander 00:21:47.882 --> 00:21:50.083 of the uranian armed forces 00:21:53.434 --> 00:21:55.874 with an idea yes 00:21:55.874 --> 00:21:58.323 well you know I must give that name I can say 00:21:58.323 --> 00:22:01.981 that on this topic just one thing while that decisive 00:22:01.981 --> 00:22:04.450 the fact is that if this is not determined 00:22:04.450 --> 00:22:06.717 on Russia it will it will depend on the 00:22:06.717 --> 00:22:10.234 er Er hit what on the united States 00:22:10.234 --> 00:22:12.798 or that as head of the united States 00:22:12.798 --> 00:22:16.270 as long as Zaleski is in power and in considering 00:22:16.270 --> 00:22:19.881 that that part of Ukraine in foremost I will stay 00:22:19.881 --> 00:22:23.671 under Zalensky and and Boon Salon her 00:22:23.671 --> 00:22:26.790 yet they machine probably magnificent of course 00:22:26.790 --> 00:22:28.750 it's also problematic for the U s a 00:22:28.750 --> 00:22:31.866 if they will stay in power er of course U S will 00:22:31.866 --> 00:22:33.914 move the other part in Europe 00:22:33.914 --> 00:22:36.783 if well we'll say that this is a success 00:22:36.783 --> 00:22:38.944 yet I can but for the West 00:22:38.944 --> 00:22:41.791 yet it's actually a difficult and a heavy defeat 00:22:41.791 --> 00:22:43.745 a thief because 00:22:43.745 --> 00:22:46.618 o think Russia the thief keeps its sovereignty 00:22:46.618 --> 00:22:49.366 Russia keeps its power here 00:22:50.124 --> 00:22:52.209 I beseech you 00:22:52.209 --> 00:22:54.852 o the People in Power and Russia will some 00:22:54.852 --> 00:22:55.272 to 00:22:55.272 --> 00:22:57.990 Armand be able to do you think you 00:22:57.990 --> 00:23:01.307 to repel that main main attack our goal is 00:23:01.307 --> 00:23:03.526 it is not just destroy U Crane 00:23:03.526 --> 00:23:05.458 but it's also to repel the attack from the west 00:23:05.458 --> 00:23:07.013 will 00:23:07.013 --> 00:23:10.590 Tsar Crane is nothing more than an 00:23:10.612 --> 00:23:13.824 petites 00:23:13.824 --> 00:23:18.829 Marvel as her is a foot hold taper for the waistcoat 00:23:18.829 --> 00:23:20.133 move to break 00:23:20.133 --> 00:23:22.361 so in this case Selinski may be removed 00:23:22.361 --> 00:23:23.729 and 00:23:23.729 --> 00:23:26.162 that most likely will be liquidated to you 00:23:26.162 --> 00:23:27.369 was Grey 00:23:27.369 --> 00:23:29.012 where he will fall as a hero 00:23:29.012 --> 00:23:30.658 in men 00:23:30.658 --> 00:23:34.014 that should be briskest like an idol 00:23:34.014 --> 00:23:38.988 of the Eniukranean Ugranean government liyalike 00:23:38.988 --> 00:23:40.199 a hero that fell 00:23:40.199 --> 00:23:42.240 in the fighting how it will happen is difficult 00:23:42.240 --> 00:23:43.483 to say but I can note that 00:23:43.483 --> 00:23:45.846 Russia at her at the moment has 00:23:45.846 --> 00:23:47.293 all the possibilities 00:23:47.293 --> 00:23:50.213 to to destroy Zaleski wit the missile strike 00:23:50.213 --> 00:23:53.018 that or that 00:23:53.018 --> 00:23:56.333 but of striking the heads of Heads of 00:23:56.333 --> 00:23:57.872 State Russia does not consider that 00:23:57.872 --> 00:23:59.127 a possibility right now and 00:23:59.127 --> 00:24:00.766 does not see any use in that 00:24:00.766 --> 00:24:02.379 so Russia will not do that 00:24:02.379 --> 00:24:04.379 although it has the means but Riquet 00:24:04.379 --> 00:24:06.576 Piquet circuses 00:24:06.576 --> 00:24:10.303 to this will happen may be in internal witness fighting 00:24:10.303 --> 00:24:12.593 in Ukraine or maybe this will be some some kind 00:24:12.593 --> 00:24:15.195 of a diversion here where the death of Selinski 00:24:15.195 --> 00:24:16.506 will be written off as 00:24:16.506 --> 00:24:18.941 nearly robe on 00:24:18.941 --> 00:24:23.346 on external enemies this is possible but as for the illusion 00:24:23.346 --> 00:24:25.453 that we need to say that is illusionist fear 00:24:25.453 --> 00:24:28.547 him or an I think either or if he 00:24:28.547 --> 00:24:30.723 tolerated is considered by us 00:24:30.723 --> 00:24:33.792 is it as a talented military leader if he is an enemy 00:24:33.792 --> 00:24:35.506 or either would later 00:24:35.506 --> 00:24:37.126 united he's a bad enemy 00:24:37.126 --> 00:24:39.383 but he is a talented military leader 00:24:39.383 --> 00:24:41.658 he spotted 00:24:41.658 --> 00:24:45.834 and from that point of view that he issue of political 00:24:46.537 --> 00:24:49.818 that his his politics 00:24:49.980 --> 00:24:51.736 serious 00:24:51.736 --> 00:24:53.809 is not this as outspoken as Selinski 00:24:53.809 --> 00:24:55.770 because Zalensky allows himself 00:24:55.770 --> 00:24:57.577 to say many things and will say 00:24:57.577 --> 00:25:00.080 that the change of zaleski to Zaluski 00:25:00.080 --> 00:25:02.062 tedious could be interesting actually 00:25:02.062 --> 00:25:02.926 Hayes 00:25:02.926 --> 00:25:05.178 you with the 4 united States of America to 00:25:05.178 --> 00:25:07.298 flag and theories to replace one another and 00:25:07.298 --> 00:25:09.900 actually for Russia this will also be acceptable 00:25:09.900 --> 00:25:11.993 you like that on me out I companions 00:25:11.993 --> 00:25:14.032 this could actual be a point of compromise 00:25:14.032 --> 00:25:17.019 yes I think I want to add 00:25:17.019 --> 00:25:19.404 one more thing to that I want to notice 00:25:19.404 --> 00:25:22.056 that's what you need 00:25:22.056 --> 00:25:26.099 Mister for the Governor we in Russia have to 00:25:26.099 --> 00:25:27.435 that er 00:25:27.435 --> 00:25:31.945 well we say that U S is a goal pursued the girl 00:25:31.945 --> 00:25:35.372 Florescence 00:25:35.812 --> 00:25:41.533 agitate the shape of America he pose 00:25:41.533 --> 00:25:44.471 a witch which a ghost of a united States puts 00:25:44.471 --> 00:25:46.241 in front of itself you 00:25:46.241 --> 00:25:48.958 that if I rush is as ripped apart 00:25:48.958 --> 00:25:53.014 and is split somehow that the risk of that eastern regions 00:25:53.014 --> 00:25:55.726 would would go to toward China 00:25:55.726 --> 00:25:58.686 and that China would get part 00:25:58.686 --> 00:26:00.733 of russian nuclear arms 00:26:00.733 --> 00:26:02.923 and that if 00:26:02.923 --> 00:26:06.343 China gets nerves bask or or some other parts 00:26:06.343 --> 00:26:08.381 yearly hear 00:26:08.381 --> 00:26:11.483 her or the factories and her those factories 00:26:11.483 --> 00:26:14.749 that her manufacture new charms what would turn 00:26:14.749 --> 00:26:18.072 or china into the massive centre 00:26:18.072 --> 00:26:20.174 with which united States will never be able 00:26:20.174 --> 00:26:25.632 to to handle however so I mean you I think that smart people 00:26:25.632 --> 00:26:27.151 in united States of America 00:26:27.151 --> 00:26:29.614 have a theory of your own in than 00:26:29.614 --> 00:26:32.306 officers and generals of the Pentagon 00:26:32.306 --> 00:26:35.589 Stanley he I will 00:26:35.589 --> 00:26:37.980 that they balanced and smart 00:26:37.980 --> 00:26:40.209 politicians in the united States will tell you 00:26:40.209 --> 00:26:42.629 as as i've seen how they how they behave 00:26:42.629 --> 00:26:45.205 and i've watched how the united States forces behave 00:26:45.205 --> 00:26:48.282 and they demonstrate a balance and he 00:26:48.282 --> 00:26:50.388 his opinion his opinion is i 00:26:50.388 --> 00:26:52.848 I mean we can say yes when things and political 00:26:52.848 --> 00:26:53.687 statements are one thing 00:26:53.687 --> 00:26:55.500 but er the actions are different 00:26:55.500 --> 00:26:57.093 and they understand that Russia 00:26:57.093 --> 00:26:58.525 you know the right but 00:26:58.525 --> 00:27:00.009 if you need to take Russia 00:27:00.009 --> 00:27:01.076 you need to take control 00:27:01.076 --> 00:27:03.166 over it completely to integrate 00:27:03.166 --> 00:27:06.659 or russian and american mucapotential 00:27:06.659 --> 00:27:09.264 and from these possessions then dictate 00:27:09.264 --> 00:27:12.334 to perhaps to China or any other country 00:27:12.334 --> 00:27:16.002 you point to to maintain the hegemony 00:27:16.002 --> 00:27:17.653 of the united States of America 00:27:17.653 --> 00:27:19.806 that you see your 00:27:19.806 --> 00:27:24.562 including this I am using the nucleus the black mail 00:27:24.562 --> 00:27:29.210 so I I think infer that from simple from 00:27:29.210 --> 00:27:32.886 point of clarity and one effectiveness the 00:27:32.886 --> 00:27:36.488 united States it is not you would not gain 00:27:36.488 --> 00:27:38.412 any advantage from destruction of Russia 00:27:38.412 --> 00:27:40.773 so as for politics I it is difficult 00:27:40.773 --> 00:27:43.204 to say how they will whitish want 00:27:43.204 --> 00:27:45.636 to hear your opinion you might 00:27:45.636 --> 00:27:47.115 here you as well 00:27:47.115 --> 00:27:49.799 on one of the points that I've made 00:27:50.303 --> 00:27:54.972 fair enough I think I think 00:27:54.972 --> 00:27:59.625 that he 1st of all let's start that we we can 00:27:59.625 --> 00:28:03.628 say without a shadow of a doubt that the united States has 00:28:03.628 --> 00:28:05.488 since the end of the cold War 00:28:05.488 --> 00:28:08.157 a vision of keeping Russia weak 00:28:08.157 --> 00:28:11.019 that the united States does not want Russia 00:28:11.019 --> 00:28:14.129 to gain the stature and status 00:28:14.129 --> 00:28:16.744 of the former Soviet Union 00:28:16.744 --> 00:28:19.697 how we define weakness is 00:28:19.697 --> 00:28:22.170 as another question we know in the decade 00:28:22.170 --> 00:28:25.265 of the 19 nineties weakness was defined 00:28:25.265 --> 00:28:28.073 as the economic and political domination 00:28:28.073 --> 00:28:29.914 of Russia the exploitation 00:28:29.914 --> 00:28:32.696 of Russia economically and 00:28:32.696 --> 00:28:36.119 using a russian politics a 00:28:36.119 --> 00:28:39.127 the control of russian leadership or the influence 00:28:39.127 --> 00:28:41.028 of russian leadership to keep Russia 00:28:41.028 --> 00:28:43.678 weakened some have speculated 00:28:43.678 --> 00:28:46.475 that had Orselen continued 00:28:46.475 --> 00:28:48.522 in government for a number of years 00:28:48.522 --> 00:28:50.791 that this could have led to the fracturing 00:28:50.791 --> 00:28:54.367 of Russia along the lines that you have spoken of 00:28:54.367 --> 00:28:57.406 but there are consequences attached 00:28:57.406 --> 00:28:59.000 to the fracturing of Russia 00:28:59.000 --> 00:29:01.369 that you have alluded to hum 00:29:01.369 --> 00:29:04.247 that make that unnecessarily the most attractive 00:29:04.247 --> 00:29:06.457 a solution because you you speak 00:29:06.457 --> 00:29:10.128 of the geo political strengthening of China 00:29:10.128 --> 00:29:13.409 it seems to me though that Russia has 00:29:13.409 --> 00:29:15.276 good relations with China right now 00:29:15.276 --> 00:29:18.375 the a meeting between President Houten 00:29:18.375 --> 00:29:22.125 and President Z in Bazin on February 4th a talk 00:29:22.125 --> 00:29:24.348 about a relationship that is stronger 00:29:24.348 --> 00:29:27.312 than an alliance and a china appears 00:29:27.312 --> 00:29:29.712 to be a working with Russia 00:29:29.712 --> 00:29:32.165 to overcome some of the economic 00:29:32.165 --> 00:29:35.561 of difficulties that have accrued because of sanctions 00:29:35.561 --> 00:29:38.929 and China has its own vested interests in maintaining 00:29:38.929 --> 00:29:42.218 good relations with Russia given its 00:29:42.218 --> 00:29:44.446 a precarious position 00:29:44.446 --> 00:29:46.210 with the united States in the Pacific 00:29:46.210 --> 00:29:48.704 especially over the issue of Iwan 00:29:48.704 --> 00:29:52.000 and the AH South chinese islands 00:29:52.000 --> 00:29:56.252 so from an american perspective we know that the 00:29:56.252 --> 00:30:00.439 Job Den when he met with the Vladimir Puttin in June 00:30:00.439 --> 00:30:03.942 of the 21 last year 00:30:03.942 --> 00:30:08.686 he said that Russia should think about a china 00:30:08.686 --> 00:30:10.877 and the strengthening of China 00:30:10.877 --> 00:30:12.185 and the indication was 00:30:12.185 --> 00:30:13.538 that the united States was trying 00:30:13.538 --> 00:30:16.118 to create a wedge between Russia 00:30:16.118 --> 00:30:18.783 and China to keep them apart 00:30:18.783 --> 00:30:21.984 united States appears to be very concerned 00:30:21.984 --> 00:30:25.899 about Russia and China developing good relations 00:30:25.899 --> 00:30:29.854 and a unified geo political approach 00:30:30.477 --> 00:30:33.971 I think the greatest threat to the united States 00:30:33.971 --> 00:30:37.694 in Europe isn't necessarily 00:30:37.694 --> 00:30:40.484 a russian victory in Ukraine 00:30:40.484 --> 00:30:43.253 but a russian victory in Ukraine 00:30:43.253 --> 00:30:47.255 that draws Russia and China closer together 00:30:47.255 --> 00:30:49.493 that the goal of the united 00:30:49.493 --> 00:30:51.303 States in Europe right now appears 00:30:51.303 --> 00:30:55.123 to be to make a peace with Russia 00:30:55.123 --> 00:31:00.010 so as to keep Russia from finalising some sort 00:31:00.010 --> 00:31:02.997 of strategic arrangement with China this is why 00:31:02.997 --> 00:31:06.543 we see of Emanuel Macron 00:31:06.543 --> 00:31:10.385 and of Scholtz the german Chancellor of 00:31:10.385 --> 00:31:15.536 for the 1st time talking about a recognizing 00:31:15.536 --> 00:31:19.302 Russia's legitimate security interests 00:31:19.302 --> 00:31:23.929 in Europe and the need to engage in a dialogue 00:31:23.929 --> 00:31:27.352 about a new european security framework 00:31:27.352 --> 00:31:30.520 the irony is that Russia was proposing 00:31:30.520 --> 00:31:33.736 this very thing in December of last year 00:31:33.736 --> 00:31:37.217 and were ignored so in some ways you could say 00:31:37.217 --> 00:31:39.230 that the russian special 00:31:39.230 --> 00:31:41.724 military operation has achieved 00:31:41.724 --> 00:31:45.345 a great success and that it's compelled Europe 00:31:45.345 --> 00:31:47.785 to take russia's concerns 00:31:47.785 --> 00:31:51.369 seriously ah and I wanted to ask you a question 00:31:51.369 --> 00:31:53.327 about that what you thought about 00:31:53.327 --> 00:31:56.636 MC Roan and Scholtz talking about 00:31:56.636 --> 00:31:59.947 recognizing Russia's security interests 00:31:59.947 --> 00:32:02.174 and the need for a new european 00:32:02.174 --> 00:32:04.963 security framework ah is this something 00:32:04.963 --> 00:32:08.677 that resonates in russian leadership circles 00:32:13.381 --> 00:32:15.640 Gaspare 00:32:15.640 --> 00:32:18.393 ah Mister Richard that Control 00:32:18.393 --> 00:32:20.922 sometimes I want to make it more specific 00:32:20.922 --> 00:32:21.983 clearly yet 00:32:21.983 --> 00:32:23.789 yet what is more priority 00:32:23.789 --> 00:32:26.045 for U s you hear from your point of view 00:32:26.045 --> 00:32:28.184 emotions we 00:32:28.184 --> 00:32:30.586 Zealand maybe from american politicians 00:32:30.586 --> 00:32:33.307 to take an eye control of Russia and 00:32:33.307 --> 00:32:35.341 forts in Europe 00:32:35.341 --> 00:32:37.180 and to remove it from the 00:32:37.180 --> 00:32:40.931 political map or to take control of Russia 00:32:40.931 --> 00:32:42.314 you rose 00:32:42.314 --> 00:32:45.919 there to throw it against China verse but not word 00:32:45.919 --> 00:32:48.078 you really say take control of Russia to its 00:32:48.078 --> 00:32:49.236 into now 00:32:49.236 --> 00:32:52.903 so turning it into an american satellite 00:32:56.446 --> 00:33:00.853 I think the ideal goal for the united States 00:33:00.853 --> 00:33:03.803 would be to return Russia to the 19 nineties 00:33:03.803 --> 00:33:06.455 to return Russia to be a 00:33:06.455 --> 00:33:09.975 a a weakened nation that was controlled 00:33:09.975 --> 00:33:13.754 by american political and economic interests A 00:33:13.754 --> 00:33:20.345 to make Russia a colonial nations reliant 00:33:20.345 --> 00:33:22.735 upon the West subordinated to the West 00:33:22.735 --> 00:33:25.667 and therefore unavailable to China 00:33:25.667 --> 00:33:28.064 that the biggest threat is having Russia 00:33:28.064 --> 00:33:29.948 and China coming together 00:33:29.948 --> 00:33:33.604 as Vladimir Putting and Zizi Ping Ah talked about 00:33:33.604 --> 00:33:38.013 to create a trans a eurasian economic Union this is 00:33:38.013 --> 00:33:40.062 perhaps one of the greatest threats 00:33:40.062 --> 00:33:41.433 that faces the united States 00:33:41.433 --> 00:33:43.704 because as you've i've mentioned 00:33:43.704 --> 00:33:45.452 a war isn't just about fighting 00:33:45.452 --> 00:33:47.657 on the ground it's about economics 00:33:47.657 --> 00:33:50.775 and about politics and a russian chinese 00:33:50.775 --> 00:33:54.050 collaboration is the biggest threat to the united States 00:33:54.050 --> 00:33:56.908 so I think we would like Russia to return 00:33:56.908 --> 00:33:59.816 to the era of Boris Yelson we'd 00:33:59.816 --> 00:34:01.354 like a russian leader 00:34:01.354 --> 00:34:03.908 who isn't strong like Vladimir Pouting 00:34:03.908 --> 00:34:05.776 but weak like Boris Elson 00:34:05.776 --> 00:34:08.069 that would be the ideal outcome 00:34:13.113 --> 00:34:14.970 Swansea 00:34:14.970 --> 00:34:17.954 I thank you I think of it is answer 00:34:18.375 --> 00:34:22.096 yes sir you can follow on with your question 00:34:22.096 --> 00:34:25.330 just one last question 00:34:25.330 --> 00:34:28.960 he it deals with sustain ability 00:34:28.960 --> 00:34:32.014 ahem you mentioned you know that Russia has 00:34:32.014 --> 00:34:34.268 sufficient military power 00:34:34.268 --> 00:34:37.393 to achieve the military objectives 00:34:37.393 --> 00:34:39.681 but that these will be 00:34:39.923 --> 00:34:43.989 determined by economic and political realities 00:34:43.989 --> 00:34:46.826 but there is one other reality of it 00:34:46.826 --> 00:34:49.593 that he has been put out there by the West 00:34:49.593 --> 00:34:52.910 and that is for instance Russia has achieved 00:34:52.910 --> 00:34:57.971 tremendous success in the past month attacking 00:34:57.971 --> 00:35:01.959 the critical infrastructure of Ukraine using 00:35:01.959 --> 00:35:05.119 sea launched missiles and air launched missiles 00:35:05.119 --> 00:35:06.887 but there are some who say 00:35:06.887 --> 00:35:09.879 that the Russia cannot continue this 00:35:09.879 --> 00:35:11.603 that the Russians running 00:35:11.603 --> 00:35:14.609 out of missiles Russia's running 00:35:14.609 --> 00:35:16.289 out of tanks Russia's running 00:35:16.289 --> 00:35:18.408 out of ammunition Russia's running 00:35:18.408 --> 00:35:20.669 out of the means to carry out this war 00:35:20.669 --> 00:35:23.041 so even though Russia has mobilized 00:35:23.041 --> 00:35:27.111 300,000 men they don't have the material necessary 00:35:27.111 --> 00:35:30.246 to follow through I know you can't talk 00:35:30.246 --> 00:35:33.018 about military secrets and I'm not asking you to 00:35:33.018 --> 00:35:36.995 but the the question is is Russia running out of missiles 00:35:36.995 --> 00:35:40.987 can Russia finish the job or is it over 00:35:42.986 --> 00:35:46.873 overhead the light 00:35:46.899 --> 00:35:48.499 well let's 00:35:48.499 --> 00:35:52.245 legislates sand parts to 1st about the ammunition 00:35:52.245 --> 00:35:54.183 but if you be 00:35:54.183 --> 00:35:57.315 Riessky in the russian Federation 00:35:57.315 --> 00:35:59.649 of Tristan after collapse of yester 00:35:59.649 --> 00:36:01.034 things is there 00:36:01.034 --> 00:36:04.231 a strategic artery or ammunition remaining here 00:36:04.231 --> 00:36:06.211 most likely were the Tsar 00:36:06.211 --> 00:36:09.400 that were saved for a mass of massive war against the West 00:36:09.400 --> 00:36:11.182 not that perhaps mother 00:36:11.182 --> 00:36:13.162 of massive war against the western night I 00:36:13.162 --> 00:36:14.442 yes I think 00:36:14.442 --> 00:36:17.096 I would consider that both think 00:36:17.096 --> 00:36:19.650 and in both sides were able to have 00:36:19.650 --> 00:36:20.862 multi 1,000,000 armies 00:36:20.862 --> 00:36:22.344 but we care these that 00:36:22.344 --> 00:36:24.316 up to 10,000,000 armies from each side we 00:36:24.316 --> 00:36:25.171 use 00:36:25.171 --> 00:36:28.520 and these ammunitions have to be enough 00:36:28.520 --> 00:36:30.171 we be to 00:36:30.171 --> 00:36:31.747 ye to conduct a war fair 00:36:31.747 --> 00:36:33.977 you mean you pitying the 00:36:33.977 --> 00:36:36.227 ostian time that that is needed 00:36:36.227 --> 00:36:38.419 the Hereto defeat the enemy 00:36:38.419 --> 00:36:41.228 he orthopedic and er ensure 00:36:41.228 --> 00:36:42.919 that the production of arms worthy 00:36:42.919 --> 00:36:46.031 of the league would be in such a way that it would 00:36:46.234 --> 00:36:49.198 where you mean yes I only will be best 00:36:49.198 --> 00:36:52.237 you whistle right now and in Ukraine just 00:36:52.237 --> 00:36:54.342 desires me 00:36:54.445 --> 00:36:56.223 Garis 00:36:56.223 --> 00:36:58.154 we are using 10 times less 00:36:58.154 --> 00:37:00.896 than we thought that we knew that we would need 00:37:00.896 --> 00:37:03.600 for it and during cold War really 00:37:03.600 --> 00:37:07.987 so so there is er an abundance of ammunition in Russia 00:37:07.987 --> 00:37:09.823 oh yes the value will be worth 00:37:09.823 --> 00:37:13.189 yes we're some years using some older types 00:37:13.189 --> 00:37:14.646 very what 00:37:14.646 --> 00:37:17.103 of the older types of ammunition 00:37:17.103 --> 00:37:19.412 what we positively now of them is that 00:37:19.412 --> 00:37:23.682 upstart which are hurled ready to her 00:37:23.682 --> 00:37:26.809 almost her ready for exploration 00:37:26.809 --> 00:37:28.226 while they were using 00:37:28.226 --> 00:37:29.905 some older weapons for example 00:37:29.905 --> 00:37:30.381 on 00:37:30.381 --> 00:37:33.266 visitor to 62 tanks 00:37:33.266 --> 00:37:35.508 atrocity to 00:37:35.508 --> 00:37:37.029 so that's why we're using them 00:37:37.029 --> 00:37:38.875 right too but they are not used 00:37:38.875 --> 00:37:43.077 as an attacking force is but as odious 00:37:43.077 --> 00:37:44.481 I do report them 00:37:44.481 --> 00:37:48.117 as artillery near where they are given a target 00:37:48.117 --> 00:37:51.635 he and they have 115 a millimeter 00:37:51.635 --> 00:37:54.982 our cannon and they can use that to target the enemy 00:37:54.982 --> 00:37:56.434 failure pleases you or 00:37:56.434 --> 00:37:59.842 he will so use older other older types of weapons 00:37:59.842 --> 00:38:02.712 so we have more than enough ammunition 00:38:02.712 --> 00:38:05.031 but but the new ones of course we tried 00:38:05.031 --> 00:38:07.865 to hemeconomize with them 00:38:07.865 --> 00:38:11.151 when it comes to rockery and artillery 00:38:11.151 --> 00:38:12.973 in 00:38:15.415 --> 00:38:19.576 sea we can see that when we can note that the 00:38:19.576 --> 00:38:21.635 number of rockets used we can see 00:38:21.635 --> 00:38:22.563 that they're almost equal 00:38:22.563 --> 00:38:24.486 to the united States there 00:38:24.486 --> 00:38:25.824 really easy 00:38:25.824 --> 00:38:27.036 in U S 00:38:27.036 --> 00:38:28.480 a 00:38:28.480 --> 00:38:32.549 lead campaigns against Yugoslavia Lilia 00:38:32.549 --> 00:38:36.187 I thesaurus for as for the inn 00:38:36.187 --> 00:38:40.137 one attacks there they would use 20,300 rockets frequently 00:38:40.137 --> 00:38:41.436 why theory that 00:38:41.436 --> 00:38:43.830 so in these this data is on the internet 00:38:43.830 --> 00:38:45.752 see what the ardours 00:38:45.752 --> 00:38:47.822 that to day Russia uses probably 00:38:47.822 --> 00:38:49.693 same amount of the rockets 00:38:49.693 --> 00:38:51.517 as is the western back Dan 00:38:51.517 --> 00:38:54.053 it is obviously a a but what it does 00:38:54.053 --> 00:38:55.808 not just with Tomahawk rockets 00:38:55.808 --> 00:38:58.034 that were used of calibre rockets 00:38:58.034 --> 00:39:00.935 know my different type of rockets 00:39:00.935 --> 00:39:03.274 maybe 22 rockets will be used 00:39:03.274 --> 00:39:06.142 that so very old like used em since sixties 00:39:06.142 --> 00:39:07.844 poor Martha 00:39:07.844 --> 00:39:11.723 there using her that would target the er sea targets 00:39:11.723 --> 00:39:13.026 if you now who 00:39:13.026 --> 00:39:16.172 of course it's his old rocket from the sixties you 00:39:16.172 --> 00:39:17.456 but it wasn't no 00:39:17.456 --> 00:39:21.163 rule but even a current er er air defence sort 00:39:21.163 --> 00:39:22.453 but it wouldn't be useful 00:39:22.453 --> 00:39:26.398 against er current air defense systems but it's very useful 00:39:26.398 --> 00:39:29.044 I still in some er aspects 00:39:29.044 --> 00:39:31.490 of the er field of warfare on 00:39:31.490 --> 00:39:33.766 no man that is it's a secret service rocket 00:39:33.766 --> 00:39:35.905 at Anquetil does his job it's 00:39:35.905 --> 00:39:38.811 but it's mostly for land as targets he 00:39:38.811 --> 00:39:40.725 Phaedria 00:39:40.725 --> 00:39:46.343 ratification also we were using rockets for another reason 00:39:46.343 --> 00:39:47.926 to elongate 00:39:47.926 --> 00:39:49.814 is that well limit the use of rockets 00:39:49.814 --> 00:39:52.474 because here Urania are we 00:39:52.474 --> 00:39:55.894 or his brother people and would want to limit 00:39:55.894 --> 00:39:56.907 the civilian casualties 00:39:56.907 --> 00:39:58.121 there 00:39:58.222 --> 00:40:01.136 30 years ago it was our cities 00:40:01.136 --> 00:40:03.419 are the Soviet cities 00:40:03.419 --> 00:40:05.539 and for us to indiscriminately bomb 00:40:05.539 --> 00:40:07.789 them would be would be ridiculous 00:40:07.789 --> 00:40:11.118 so we tried to use surgical precision when striking 00:40:11.118 --> 00:40:14.606 er cities to limit the casualties of the civilians 00:40:14.606 --> 00:40:16.504 one of them a heap 00:40:16.504 --> 00:40:17.491 so we've 00:40:17.491 --> 00:40:19.538 used to recuperate from a 100 00:40:19.538 --> 00:40:22.135 to 300,000,000 rockets on different targets 00:40:22.135 --> 00:40:26.465 but the losses of the 00:40:26.797 --> 00:40:29.443 of civilians 00:40:41.715 --> 00:40:45.161 well there it is the the hazards 00:40:45.161 --> 00:40:46.895 of doing a live interview him 00:40:46.895 --> 00:40:49.366 no I don't think this was 00:40:49.366 --> 00:40:52.312 I think this was a fantastic interview 00:40:52.312 --> 00:40:54.971 a lot of insights a lot to chew on them 00:40:54.971 --> 00:40:58.051 you know Constantskov talked about the china 00:40:58.051 --> 00:40:59.314 and there's a there's 00:40:59.314 --> 00:41:01.684 an old Chinese saying an old chinese curse 00:41:01.684 --> 00:41:03.071 I think comes into mind here 00:41:03.071 --> 00:41:06.227 a may we live in interesting times 00:41:06.227 --> 00:41:09.404 based upon this interview I I think 00:41:09.404 --> 00:41:10.559 we've all been cursed 00:41:10.559 --> 00:41:12.999 these are indeed interesting times 00:41:12.999 --> 00:41:16.304 and them will be following the events 00:41:16.304 --> 00:41:18.249 on the ground in Ukraine very closely 00:41:18.249 --> 00:41:21.277 and I want to again thank my guest Konstantikov 00:41:21.277 --> 00:41:24.555 this was a very enlightening interview 00:41:24.555 --> 00:41:26.816 and I want to thank you for watching 00:41:26.816 --> 00:41:29.683 till next time remember I'll just power
Libor Halik
Transcript anglicky automatem: WEBVTT 00:00:33.463 --> 00:00:37.555 good afternoon or evening if you are watching from 00:00:37.555 --> 00:00:40.632 from Moscow or elsewhere in Russia I'm Welcome 00:00:40.632 --> 00:00:43.555 to this edition of the Sky Ridder show 00:00:43.860 --> 00:00:47.974 let's start off by talking about diplomacy 00:00:47.974 --> 00:00:49.407 and war 00:00:49.407 --> 00:00:…Více
Transcript anglicky automatem: WEBVTT 00:00:33.463 --> 00:00:37.555 good afternoon or evening if you are watching from 00:00:37.555 --> 00:00:40.632 from Moscow or elsewhere in Russia I'm Welcome 00:00:40.632 --> 00:00:43.555 to this edition of the Sky Ridder show 00:00:43.860 --> 00:00:47.974 let's start off by talking about diplomacy 00:00:47.974 --> 00:00:49.407 and war 00:00:49.407 --> 00:00:52.280 Angle Merkel the chancellor of Germany 00:00:52.280 --> 00:00:54.232 former Chancellor of Germany gave an interview 00:00:54.232 --> 00:00:56.663 to Der Schlegel magazine last month 00:00:56.663 --> 00:01:00.689 where she acknowledged that 00:01:00.689 --> 00:01:06.365 the decision to engage Russia in the Minsk Accords 00:01:06.365 --> 00:01:10.447 was not a vehicle for a cease fire 00:01:10.447 --> 00:01:12.444 for peaceful resolution of the problems 00:01:12.444 --> 00:01:14.277 between Russia and Ukraine 00:01:14.277 --> 00:01:17.509 regarding the dombas but rather 00:01:17.959 --> 00:01:22.135 a vehicle to buy eukrane time time 00:01:22.135 --> 00:01:24.457 to do what to build up their economy 00:01:24.457 --> 00:01:26.281 to build up their military 00:01:26.281 --> 00:01:28.103 now one has to ask the question 00:01:28.103 --> 00:01:30.302 why do you need to build up your military 00:01:30.302 --> 00:01:33.259 if your goal is a peaceful outcome it's 00:01:33.259 --> 00:01:37.065 because the fact is the goal is never a peaceful outcome 00:01:37.065 --> 00:01:39.038 as former Ukranean President 00:01:39.038 --> 00:01:44.311 Petroporshenko has acknowledged Minsk too was just 00:01:44.311 --> 00:01:47.814 a vehicle to by time a sham agreement 00:01:47.814 --> 00:01:49.862 so that eucrane could have 00:01:49.862 --> 00:01:53.150 its army trained by NATO and prepared 00:01:53.150 --> 00:01:55.547 to decide the dombas question 00:01:55.547 --> 00:01:56.815 through force of arms 00:01:56.815 --> 00:01:58.708 war 00:01:58.708 --> 00:02:01.967 was always the option and 00:02:01.967 --> 00:02:05.165 right now to day we have a war where 10 months 00:02:05.165 --> 00:02:08.362 and to the special military operations 00:02:08.362 --> 00:02:10.872 the fighting has gone back and forth 00:02:10.872 --> 00:02:12.437 we are in a situation now 00:02:12.437 --> 00:02:14.754 where it appears Russia is getting ready 00:02:14.754 --> 00:02:17.361 to bring to bear the fruits 00:02:17.361 --> 00:02:22.427 of their partial mobilization am upwards of 220,000 troops 00:02:22.427 --> 00:02:25.885 freshly trained equipped and organized 00:02:25.885 --> 00:02:27.157 for 00:02:27.157 --> 00:02:29.757 combat are due to arrive on the battle field 00:02:29.757 --> 00:02:32.519 in the near future a What's going to happen 00:02:32.519 --> 00:02:35.368 what's what's the next step so 00:02:35.368 --> 00:02:37.880 is Russia finally prepared 00:02:37.880 --> 00:02:41.831 to win this conflict ah is no better person 00:02:41.831 --> 00:02:45.257 to a talk about this than our guest to day 00:02:45.257 --> 00:02:48.969 a constant in a Shihkov he is a 00:02:48.969 --> 00:02:51.443 retired a navy captain 00:02:51.443 --> 00:02:53.943 he is a distinguished academic he is a man 00:02:53.943 --> 00:02:56.477 with a stellar military background 00:02:56.477 --> 00:02:58.644 and he is somebody who has 00:02:58.644 --> 00:03:00.938 over the course of the past several years 00:03:00.938 --> 00:03:04.996 he articulated forcefully about the very topics 00:03:04.996 --> 00:03:06.775 that we here discuss thank you 00:03:06.775 --> 00:03:09.695 Sir thank you for coming on this program to day 00:03:17.383 --> 00:03:20.393 thank you I am happy to be here 00:03:20.393 --> 00:03:24.657 and I am happy to er Ahem agreed 00:03:24.657 --> 00:03:26.128 the former Marine of the 00:03:26.128 --> 00:03:28.554 united States Marine Corps 00:03:29.400 --> 00:03:31.734 er Mister Ritter I I know 00:03:31.734 --> 00:03:33.272 you i 00:03:33.272 --> 00:03:36.304 am aware of all your publications 00:03:37.086 --> 00:03:39.867 and I respect you as a military specialist 00:03:39.867 --> 00:03:41.461 as a specialist with the 00:03:41.461 --> 00:03:43.043 huge 00:03:43.043 --> 00:03:45.949 experience with operations or experience 00:03:45.949 --> 00:03:48.403 great the 00:03:48.403 --> 00:03:51.053 you and her you know all the information very well 00:03:51.053 --> 00:03:52.962 and the course of operations 00:03:52.962 --> 00:03:59.054 of the circumstances in the s m a bishop 00:04:00.642 --> 00:04:04.189 Mithridates occupy you will quit see how 00:04:04.189 --> 00:04:06.865 her how the victory will be determined 00:04:06.865 --> 00:04:08.086 in the current situation 00:04:08.086 --> 00:04:09.109 than I see 00:04:09.109 --> 00:04:12.027 what you do for Russia thoughtless it's 00:04:12.027 --> 00:04:15.535 a very difficult situation right now Otto let's say that 00:04:15.535 --> 00:04:16.789 on me that I can 00:04:16.789 --> 00:04:19.443 see the main goal to day for Russia is to 00:04:19.443 --> 00:04:21.149 see the moon is only what you 00:04:21.149 --> 00:04:23.052 know is to conduct the special preparation 00:04:23.052 --> 00:04:23.953 in such a way that 00:04:23.953 --> 00:04:24.521 you do 00:04:24.521 --> 00:04:25.850 it well not to provoke 00:04:25.850 --> 00:04:27.614 not what I mean is that 00:04:27.614 --> 00:04:31.007 er a confrontation with the West of Er Er 00:04:31.007 --> 00:04:34.688 russian Commandant ER understand you 00:04:34.688 --> 00:04:38.748 you mean that in the case of direct confrontation 00:04:38.748 --> 00:04:40.622 and armed confrontation of Russia in 00:04:40.622 --> 00:04:43.421 naturally well 00:04:43.421 --> 00:04:48.075 sooner or later you this confrontation this conflict will 00:04:48.075 --> 00:04:49.630 or will 00:04:49.630 --> 00:04:52.734 quite quickly turn into a nuclear conflict 00:04:52.734 --> 00:04:53.999 wait a moment 00:04:53.999 --> 00:04:55.287 therefore 00:04:55.287 --> 00:04:57.141 we are beginning a character 00:04:57.141 --> 00:04:59.061 in determining the characteristics 00:04:59.061 --> 00:05:01.137 of the special interpretations 00:05:01.137 --> 00:05:03.325 that this this factor this political 00:05:03.325 --> 00:05:05.970 factor peculiar is is a key factor who 00:05:05.970 --> 00:05:07.175 in me 00:05:07.175 --> 00:05:08.845 a roll I have one notes we 00:05:08.845 --> 00:05:09.280 find 00:05:09.280 --> 00:05:11.701 eyeing during the special Interpretation 00:05:11.701 --> 00:05:14.221 for every year that the Erie strategy 00:05:14.221 --> 00:05:15.745 and the dynamics of the changes 00:05:15.745 --> 00:05:18.423 in these graves must be for Wiley 00:05:18.423 --> 00:05:21.736 the choice of finer your welfare 00:05:21.736 --> 00:05:24.296 in 90 per cent all that depends on 00:05:24.296 --> 00:05:25.505 it it is what 00:05:25.505 --> 00:05:27.542 on the political situation in the world 00:05:27.542 --> 00:05:29.456 and its characteristics you row 00:05:29.456 --> 00:05:31.553 and it is the political conversations 00:05:31.553 --> 00:05:34.714 between the West and Russia and 1st of all 00:05:34.714 --> 00:05:36.335 of course the united States of America 00:05:36.335 --> 00:05:37.440 yes yes it will 00:05:37.440 --> 00:05:40.806 use if from this point of view we at what is going on 00:05:40.806 --> 00:05:42.055 so very 00:05:42.055 --> 00:05:46.229 to day on the same that we can see 00:05:46.229 --> 00:05:47.047 is 00:05:47.047 --> 00:05:48.622 that Russia her 00:05:48.622 --> 00:05:50.689 I want you 00:05:50.689 --> 00:05:54.180 he balances on you on the same level 00:05:54.180 --> 00:05:56.860 I mean that the united States you must 00:05:56.860 --> 00:05:58.571 see that before you would i 00:05:58.571 --> 00:06:01.377 would not go in to direct intervention 00:06:01.377 --> 00:06:04.698 into the conflict and from the side of Ukraine you 00:06:04.698 --> 00:06:05.116 might 00:06:05.116 --> 00:06:07.490 er they take an attempt 00:06:07.490 --> 00:06:11.047 to er to provoke completely this conflict 00:06:11.047 --> 00:06:12.935 and 00:06:12.935 --> 00:06:14.978 draw united States into conflict 00:06:14.978 --> 00:06:16.846 with Russia and you need to note that 00:06:16.846 --> 00:06:19.177 he in 00:06:19.177 --> 00:06:23.494 Aerodrome that the Angus ermine 00:06:23.494 --> 00:06:25.272 field was taken it was Er 00:06:25.272 --> 00:06:27.858 it was an attack on the nuclear forces of Russia 00:06:27.858 --> 00:06:30.755 was wetness and yet it 00:06:30.755 --> 00:06:34.093 was the basis of russian military doctrine 00:06:34.093 --> 00:06:36.496 on nuclear armaments it is a document 00:06:36.496 --> 00:06:39.225 that determines that the principle of 00:06:39.225 --> 00:06:42.855 him of the use of nuclear arms by Russia after 00:06:42.855 --> 00:06:46.869 such an attack on strategical Forces Russia has 00:06:46.869 --> 00:06:51.819 the basis to to use nuclear weapons in this case if you do I 00:06:51.819 --> 00:06:55.329 although Russia at the moment has done everything 00:06:55.329 --> 00:06:57.498 in its power not to allow 00:06:57.498 --> 00:07:00.638 this situation to get out of hand and so 00:07:00.638 --> 00:07:02.528 far it is federal regards 00:07:02.528 --> 00:07:04.612 METIER the Commandments headquarters 00:07:04.612 --> 00:07:06.813 of her Ministry of Defense of Russia as 00:07:06.813 --> 00:07:07.883 if Russia 00:07:07.883 --> 00:07:09.557 has minimized the Er 00:07:09.557 --> 00:07:11.484 it got 00:07:11.624 --> 00:07:13.689 her minimized this attack 00:07:13.689 --> 00:07:15.314 in the united States of America 00:07:15.314 --> 00:07:17.641 and not that they also tried 00:07:17.641 --> 00:07:19.356 to distance themselves from that attack 00:07:19.356 --> 00:07:21.556 the Oomiaks 00:07:21.556 --> 00:07:24.775 and there sure I dare say also 00:07:24.775 --> 00:07:27.186 that they said themselves directly that they 00:07:27.186 --> 00:07:29.082 did Ole 00:07:29.082 --> 00:07:31.904 that Russia has nothing to do with the er rockets 00:07:31.904 --> 00:07:33.499 that landed in Poland and U S 00:07:33.499 --> 00:07:35.236 also distance themselves 00:07:35.236 --> 00:07:37.139 er from the attack on the Crimea 00:07:37.139 --> 00:07:40.332 Bridge therefore you I am demonstrating 00:07:40.332 --> 00:07:42.931 that we mutually or demonstrating 00:07:42.931 --> 00:07:44.250 to Russia that they do not want 00:07:44.250 --> 00:07:46.136 to draw themselves into that conflict 00:07:46.136 --> 00:07:49.663 we if we talk about from a military strategic 00:07:49.663 --> 00:07:53.161 point of view with you or you that to day I wonder 00:07:53.161 --> 00:07:55.526 that Russia has wooer 00:07:55.526 --> 00:07:57.946 the following factors for victory so 1st 00:07:57.946 --> 00:08:01.170 Moscow be he 00:08:01.392 --> 00:08:03.837 a marine you understand me really well 00:08:03.837 --> 00:08:05.395 it has why 00:08:05.395 --> 00:08:08.800 Russia has the overwhelming power of the air 00:08:08.800 --> 00:08:11.849 or a new reasserted 00:08:11.849 --> 00:08:14.033 Russia has her full advantage on the theatre 00:08:14.033 --> 00:08:15.335 of the battle field but 00:08:15.335 --> 00:08:16.677 the open grotto 00:08:16.677 --> 00:08:19.526 and Russia has gawd an advantage 00:08:19.526 --> 00:08:22.318 in the Hem armed Society 00:08:22.318 --> 00:08:25.156 who see the armed vehicles recesses 00:08:25.156 --> 00:08:27.201 and they have an advantage of destroying 00:08:27.201 --> 00:08:29.642 the man power of the enemy the sure 00:08:29.642 --> 00:08:30.665 Europe you see 00:08:30.665 --> 00:08:31.636 and the number is 00:08:31.636 --> 00:08:33.600 enormous as they it is the 00:08:33.600 --> 00:08:36.993 Bastille of the er immediately a 00:08:36.993 --> 00:08:39.632 contingent of forces is roughly the same 00:08:39.632 --> 00:08:42.453 now I wish a mobilized story 00:08:42.453 --> 00:08:45.541 or personnel military either already arrived 00:08:45.541 --> 00:08:49.619 to the theatre of of war or ready to 00:08:49.619 --> 00:08:52.541 to go there there'll be about half a 1,000,000 00:08:52.541 --> 00:08:57.188 of people from from the russian side you ready to fight 00:08:57.188 --> 00:08:59.919 not just the number as this is the dose 00:08:59.919 --> 00:09:02.540 that will be a used in in the conflict 00:09:02.540 --> 00:09:04.659 besides about half a 1,000,000 people 00:09:04.659 --> 00:09:07.131 they all ready to to fight your 00:09:07.131 --> 00:09:09.363 presumably minute 00:09:09.363 --> 00:09:10.712 Buchan has about the same number 00:09:10.712 --> 00:09:11.939 like you 00:09:11.939 --> 00:09:15.017 and in these factors why Russia has all 00:09:15.017 --> 00:09:18.367 of all the circumstances Wiregrass 00:09:18.367 --> 00:09:22.041 to Rigorous to advance 00:09:22.041 --> 00:09:26.585 on two ukrainian her forces and destroy them 00:09:26.646 --> 00:09:29.017 although the decision to conduct these 00:09:29.017 --> 00:09:32.018 operations may rife may be taken 00:09:32.018 --> 00:09:35.652 only in the case of Guebres if there be 00:09:35.652 --> 00:09:39.209 yet positive political circumstances and 00:09:39.209 --> 00:09:43.715 environment and united States of America would for 00:09:44.058 --> 00:09:46.767 major provided stipulation 00:09:46.767 --> 00:09:51.632 that I if if such er advances would take part 00:09:51.632 --> 00:09:54.014 from Russia and that Nata 00:09:54.014 --> 00:09:56.952 Nata could decide to intervene in this conflict 00:09:56.952 --> 00:10:00.995 and that may be Russia may er limit themselves 00:10:00.995 --> 00:10:03.126 from conducting such operations however 00:10:03.126 --> 00:10:05.834 if Russia he would go 00:10:05.834 --> 00:10:08.156 in full advance and conduct such operations 00:10:08.156 --> 00:10:09.792 you mean the destruction 00:10:09.792 --> 00:10:11.357 of her armed forces of crane 00:10:11.357 --> 00:10:12.440 raid 00:10:12.440 --> 00:10:14.577 and capture of the Man majority part of 00:10:14.577 --> 00:10:17.389 Crane Mon and free them from the Nazi 00:10:17.389 --> 00:10:20.262 regime or he from my point of view would 00:10:20.262 --> 00:10:23.910 you would happen in about 3 4 or 3 4 months 00:10:23.910 --> 00:10:24.928 when he 00:10:24.928 --> 00:10:26.899 were talking about up to the beginning 00:10:26.899 --> 00:10:28.693 of the summer maybe we begin 00:10:28.693 --> 00:10:30.690 a Heine the high Lights 00:10:30.690 --> 00:10:31.764 I see 00:10:31.764 --> 00:10:33.201 more that in estimate Russia 00:10:33.201 --> 00:10:34.960 can be rid right 00:10:34.960 --> 00:10:37.456 or can conduct all these operations 00:10:37.456 --> 00:10:39.648 but it all depends on the political circumstances 00:10:39.648 --> 00:10:41.166 and though right now Russia 00:10:41.166 --> 00:10:43.790 is limiting themselves from doing it 00:10:43.790 --> 00:10:46.512 I edited 00:10:46.512 --> 00:10:49.041 Mister Israel watched 00:10:49.041 --> 00:10:51.310 and in February your predictions 00:10:51.310 --> 00:10:54.489 they were very accurate really weltering 00:10:54.489 --> 00:10:56.914 and you you are very accurate in your predictions 00:10:56.914 --> 00:10:58.224 from the technical point of view 00:10:58.224 --> 00:10:59.894 the what that and there is 00:10:59.894 --> 00:11:01.313 melon brushes 00:11:01.313 --> 00:11:05.299 that could have er completely destroyed that of the few 00:11:05.299 --> 00:11:06.512 oh he 00:11:06.512 --> 00:11:08.863 knew it well in the while 00:11:08.863 --> 00:11:10.147 on the west of Eucrane there weren't 00:11:10.147 --> 00:11:12.201 enough fighting forces 00:11:12.201 --> 00:11:14.826 and it was prepared her back 00:11:14.826 --> 00:11:17.247 then if you remember he said in the 00:11:17.247 --> 00:11:19.502 the beginning of March now it wasn't er 00:11:19.502 --> 00:11:21.780 we had the talks after which 00:11:21.780 --> 00:11:25.533 Russia decided to withdraw you and decided to 00:11:25.533 --> 00:11:27.110 Er 00:11:27.110 --> 00:11:32.138 on different tactics er attacking or brick 00:11:32.138 --> 00:11:35.973 to the fortifications or born 00:11:35.973 --> 00:11:39.685 on the territories of Logans Roberts and Dombes 00:11:39.685 --> 00:11:42.045 it in her 00:11:42.045 --> 00:11:45.424 those er that war fare still is going on 00:11:45.424 --> 00:11:47.521 on that side of the country 00:11:47.521 --> 00:11:50.370 they are huge losses from ukrainian side but they're 00:11:50.370 --> 00:11:51.269 here he me 00:11:51.269 --> 00:11:54.208 and right now the facts I 00:11:54.208 --> 00:11:57.358 untie the few of the people 00:11:57.358 --> 00:12:00.260 the equipment that Ukrane had started fighting with 00:12:00.260 --> 00:12:01.681 has been completely destroyed 00:12:01.681 --> 00:12:04.227 and now they're fighting basically 00:12:04.227 --> 00:12:05.465 with all the weapons that their 00:12:05.465 --> 00:12:09.189 fighting with his has been supplied by nature with most 00:12:09.189 --> 00:12:12.873 of the arms spites export version if 00:12:12.873 --> 00:12:14.670 tithing I am the only hero 00:12:14.670 --> 00:12:18.637 of what's a yeast to produce slightly modernized 00:12:18.637 --> 00:12:21.086 by the western countries of Poly 00:12:21.086 --> 00:12:23.004 mean sir or think he wore 00:12:23.004 --> 00:12:25.702 basically prepared but without weapons or artillery 00:12:25.702 --> 00:12:28.388 and no on armored vehicles the hat 00:12:28.388 --> 00:12:29.884 which are running up right now with 00:12:29.884 --> 00:12:30.508 an 00:12:30.508 --> 00:12:32.001 really tanks from the 00:12:32.001 --> 00:12:32.668 what's 00:12:32.668 --> 00:12:35.405 that the Ukraine side although there are 00:12:35.405 --> 00:12:37.141 a lot of tanks from the uranian side at the moment 00:12:37.141 --> 00:12:40.638 as was something like that 00:12:41.282 --> 00:12:45.238 thank you very much for that I deeply appreciate 00:12:45.238 --> 00:12:48.075 the ah analysis and the information am 00:12:48.075 --> 00:12:51.076 to quite par question 00:12:51.201 --> 00:12:53.805 the goals the stated goals 00:12:53.805 --> 00:12:56.268 of the special military operations 00:12:56.268 --> 00:12:59.963 have been de militarization 00:12:59.963 --> 00:13:02.551 and I assume that means to remove 00:13:02.551 --> 00:13:05.621 the Neto influence from the ukrainian military 00:13:05.621 --> 00:13:08.560 and given the fact that the ukrainian military to day is 00:13:08.560 --> 00:13:11.432 a proxy of neto that means to the destruction 00:13:11.432 --> 00:13:13.326 of the ukrainian military 00:13:13.326 --> 00:13:16.786 and to de notification and given the fact 00:13:16.786 --> 00:13:19.194 that the russian government has labeled 00:13:19.194 --> 00:13:22.378 the Zalensky government a Nazi regime 00:13:22.378 --> 00:13:25.299 which has been proven 00:13:25.299 --> 00:13:28.418 with General Zeluzni taking a photograph 00:13:28.418 --> 00:13:31.268 with Stepan Banderin the background 00:13:31.268 --> 00:13:35.328 um I think it's an accurate depiction 00:13:35.514 --> 00:13:38.541 but also recognizing what you said about the 00:13:38.541 --> 00:13:42.612 political nature of war is Russia backing down 00:13:42.612 --> 00:13:44.902 from its stated objectives 00:13:44.902 --> 00:13:47.002 in March you yourself said 00:13:47.002 --> 00:13:49.383 in an interview or in an article you wrote 00:13:49.383 --> 00:13:52.109 that a Ukraine is just the beginning 00:13:52.109 --> 00:13:56.053 ah but it sounds like Russia has toned down 00:13:56.053 --> 00:13:58.763 its expectations is this the case 00:13:58.763 --> 00:14:03.245 is a are we looking at a different conclusion 00:14:03.245 --> 00:14:05.882 or is de ossification 00:14:05.882 --> 00:14:08.234 and de militarization still the objective 00:14:08.234 --> 00:14:11.036 of the special military operations 00:14:15.268 --> 00:14:19.352 fiention and De Milesian of you 00:14:19.352 --> 00:14:22.020 crane is the political target 00:14:22.020 --> 00:14:24.060 of the special interpretation 00:14:24.060 --> 00:14:28.615 however but we need to consider that it is salute 00:14:28.615 --> 00:14:31.343 that the special military operations and the warfare 00:14:31.343 --> 00:14:34.266 on the uranian Er theatre of war that is 00:14:34.266 --> 00:14:36.166 because the union is the 00:14:36.166 --> 00:14:38.987 main part of that is is the er clash 00:14:38.987 --> 00:14:40.933 between the Russia and the West and we know well 00:14:40.933 --> 00:14:45.478 that war is not just just Er fighting 00:14:45.478 --> 00:14:48.212 on the field of social information warfare 00:14:48.212 --> 00:14:51.418 there's other ways of warfare it may be 00:14:51.418 --> 00:14:53.356 if we take the formal aspects 00:14:53.356 --> 00:14:54.992 with heresies of 00:14:54.992 --> 00:14:57.286 which you say well 00:14:57.286 --> 00:14:59.967 how Russia looks and how the west looks we can say 00:14:59.967 --> 00:15:03.876 that er unfortunately de facto Russia in the West 00:15:03.876 --> 00:15:04.809 but where it 00:15:04.809 --> 00:15:07.742 Nellie we are at pretty march 00:15:07.742 --> 00:15:11.055 on er and full on conflict states is that 00:15:11.055 --> 00:15:13.819 what I shout the west in the 00:15:13.819 --> 00:15:16.940 sanctions envies thrown out 00:15:16.940 --> 00:15:18.838 all the er the peace agreements 00:15:18.838 --> 00:15:20.394 the peace time agreements in 00:15:20.394 --> 00:15:21.714 pretty well whom 00:15:21.714 --> 00:15:24.168 also it's an economical warfare of the peace time 00:15:24.168 --> 00:15:25.784 why you now 00:15:25.784 --> 00:15:28.920 and it's economical warfare it's it's a type 00:15:28.920 --> 00:15:30.884 of warfare that is used 00:15:30.884 --> 00:15:34.167 another type of worker is the Information Work and 00:15:34.167 --> 00:15:38.495 Information psychological Board the West had also thrown out 00:15:38.495 --> 00:15:42.886 all their limitations and have fallen if we decided to 00:15:42.886 --> 00:15:44.911 the way you know we 00:15:44.911 --> 00:15:50.901 use a this this type of a information warfare there 00:15:50.901 --> 00:15:53.240 as if it were in war time you hear 00:15:53.240 --> 00:15:56.043 and it has a short a short time 00:15:56.043 --> 00:15:58.774 he now the 00:15:58.774 --> 00:16:01.286 limitations is it used in war time 00:16:01.286 --> 00:16:04.134 with it right now if we are in a state of war fully 00:16:04.134 --> 00:16:06.049 above both of us west in Russia 00:16:06.049 --> 00:16:10.331 with the idea but in this war the with West Russia 00:16:10.331 --> 00:16:12.750 is completing the target 00:16:12.750 --> 00:16:15.480 of us saving its sovereignty 00:16:15.480 --> 00:16:18.803 and in the west in this war he sets the goal of 00:16:18.803 --> 00:16:20.191 a really 00:16:20.191 --> 00:16:21.883 of taking control of Russia 00:16:21.883 --> 00:16:23.458 why you think it is really 00:16:23.458 --> 00:16:25.258 so you understand completely 00:16:25.258 --> 00:16:27.295 that Russia as a nuclear 00:16:27.295 --> 00:16:30.591 power it is impossible too to defeat it 00:16:30.591 --> 00:16:35.359 in an and military and on the field of war so Russia would 00:16:35.359 --> 00:16:37.419 go on to use nuclear weapons 00:16:37.419 --> 00:16:39.881 and if there is a threat of destroying Russia 00:16:39.881 --> 00:16:41.334 that Russia would destroy there would never be 00:16:41.334 --> 00:16:44.594 any Russia and U S after this so the only way 00:16:44.594 --> 00:16:47.577 to conduct warfare against Russia 00:16:47.577 --> 00:16:49.889 by the West it's a high bred type of war 00:16:49.889 --> 00:16:53.029 and in this I will stop a little bit Er on 00:16:53.029 --> 00:16:55.321 on that the theory theoretical aspect 00:16:55.321 --> 00:16:57.343 of what's a hybrid war is different 00:16:57.343 --> 00:16:58.621 from traditional warfare 00:16:58.621 --> 00:17:02.313 so in traditional warfare the political goals 00:17:02.313 --> 00:17:05.049 are reached by destruction 00:17:05.049 --> 00:17:07.345 of the man power of the enemy 00:17:07.345 --> 00:17:10.873 I then forcing them to ever accept 00:17:10.873 --> 00:17:15.247 the terms of the winner he be be in hybrid warfare 00:17:15.247 --> 00:17:18.054 the goal is is different it may be 00:17:18.054 --> 00:17:18.838 in hot 00:17:18.838 --> 00:17:23.545 fight the goal is set that and what was 00:17:23.545 --> 00:17:27.466 to capture of the government from inside 00:17:27.466 --> 00:17:33.921 of the enemy easily by internal resources 00:17:33.921 --> 00:17:38.479 or insult agreed on on the aggressor who met to other words 00:17:38.479 --> 00:17:39.719 yet he wrong 00:17:39.719 --> 00:17:41.108 it's like a theft column 00:17:41.108 --> 00:17:43.384 so it's the weak people who will betray you 00:17:43.384 --> 00:17:46.613 and in these circumstances the main goal 00:17:46.613 --> 00:17:49.715 for the aggressor let's say for the enemy 00:17:49.715 --> 00:17:50.843 that is 00:17:50.843 --> 00:17:54.915 basis to a wounded to find 00:17:54.915 --> 00:17:57.805 em are good circumstances 00:17:57.805 --> 00:18:00.153 for her for those people inside 00:18:00.153 --> 00:18:01.949 to take advantage so that the strategy of 00:18:01.949 --> 00:18:04.681 the west is to is aimed at 00:18:04.681 --> 00:18:05.724 in a 00:18:05.724 --> 00:18:08.175 destablizing or geographical 00:18:08.175 --> 00:18:10.242 her position of Russia 00:18:10.242 --> 00:18:13.638 and fire and find comfortable circumstances 00:18:13.638 --> 00:18:16.410 and her overthrow president putting 00:18:16.410 --> 00:18:19.430 by internal social er 00:18:19.430 --> 00:18:21.115 Er 00:18:21.115 --> 00:18:23.231 de stabilization or a coup 00:18:23.231 --> 00:18:26.461 so there's two ways of action for the west 00:18:26.461 --> 00:18:29.531 so 1st is economical and if 00:18:29.531 --> 00:18:32.282 informational that the 00:18:32.664 --> 00:18:35.506 when a ghost for Ukraine the territory 00:18:35.506 --> 00:18:38.603 of Ukraine the warfare is conducted in the way 00:18:38.603 --> 00:18:41.990 we legislate to disable 00:18:41.990 --> 00:18:43.994 internal political situation 00:18:43.994 --> 00:18:47.329 inside Russia was even as meet strictly speak 00:18:47.329 --> 00:18:49.519 for the West it doesn't matter 00:18:49.519 --> 00:18:52.104 what how the conflict will end the main goal is 00:18:52.104 --> 00:18:55.065 to that the ending of the conflict for the West 00:18:55.065 --> 00:18:57.843 yes it would be successful yes indeed 00:18:57.843 --> 00:19:00.430 and it can only be successful if inside Russia 00:19:00.430 --> 00:19:03.432 by the end of the conflict well 00:19:03.432 --> 00:19:06.318 then there will be will be an internal defeat 00:19:06.318 --> 00:19:07.888 I hear that he sees 00:19:07.888 --> 00:19:09.034 that a victory for Russia 00:19:09.034 --> 00:19:11.312 would tell a british sum for you in 00:19:11.312 --> 00:19:13.872 if they on an internal here 00:19:13.872 --> 00:19:17.846 Reynold the end of our new Crane a well 00:19:17.846 --> 00:19:20.761 that will be viewed as a successful war victory 00:19:20.761 --> 00:19:22.722 but it can estates cut easy 00:19:22.722 --> 00:19:23.770 coming from this 00:19:23.770 --> 00:19:26.226 er you know the muteness 00:19:26.226 --> 00:19:28.078 wound to look at the situation er 00:19:28.078 --> 00:19:29.369 yes you see the look easy 00:19:29.369 --> 00:19:31.315 if but from this point of view we look 00:19:31.315 --> 00:19:33.157 at things so she well 00:19:33.157 --> 00:19:35.453 that the decisive role in this 00:19:35.453 --> 00:19:37.530 her special interpretation 00:19:37.530 --> 00:19:40.091 and the result of it will play 00:19:40.091 --> 00:19:44.697 the informational ahem informational a part 00:19:44.697 --> 00:19:47.037 so on the informational part we can say that 00:19:47.037 --> 00:19:50.696 for example that the ending of the war relief 00:19:50.696 --> 00:19:53.662 and the end of special military operations by freeing 00:19:53.662 --> 00:19:59.652 the Logans Abase and her son Ovid and approve 00:19:59.893 --> 00:20:02.445 termed rise 00:20:02.445 --> 00:20:05.028 so making those territories territory 00:20:05.028 --> 00:20:06.202 of Russia we can already say 00:20:06.202 --> 00:20:09.889 that that will be a successful end of the operations 00:20:09.889 --> 00:20:10.576 of the 00:20:10.576 --> 00:20:13.353 30th which will not allow 00:20:13.353 --> 00:20:15.940 the stabilization in Russia 00:20:15.940 --> 00:20:19.610 gayndevna Dose but 00:20:19.610 --> 00:20:21.662 Mazarin but it will be 00:20:21.662 --> 00:20:23.138 if there will be a regime change in Russia 00:20:23.138 --> 00:20:25.419 there will be a problem of the future 00:20:25.419 --> 00:20:28.018 is for or not an 00:20:28.018 --> 00:20:31.763 on on the current point a utility attack 00:20:31.763 --> 00:20:33.942 the geological attack against Russia 00:20:33.942 --> 00:20:37.888 it will be well it will be fought off like 00:20:37.888 --> 00:20:39.786 a VITIATING 00:20:39.786 --> 00:20:41.629 so right now we need to also fight off 00:20:41.629 --> 00:20:43.092 the economical attack 00:20:43.092 --> 00:20:46.006 Russia has certain problems economical problems 00:20:46.006 --> 00:20:48.344 may be as there is the west has also 00:20:48.344 --> 00:20:50.701 certain economical problems but 00:20:52.443 --> 00:20:54.008 yes but 00:20:54.008 --> 00:20:56.538 to de stabilize the situation internal 00:20:56.538 --> 00:20:58.220 the political situation Russia 00:20:58.220 --> 00:21:00.826 they have not succeeded Russia has a has been able 00:21:00.826 --> 00:21:02.375 to fight off that attack 00:21:02.375 --> 00:21:04.039 so the specific of the special 00:21:04.039 --> 00:21:06.189 military operation it's also dictated 00:21:06.189 --> 00:21:08.303 by this if we want to finish 00:21:08.303 --> 00:21:09.493 this special military operation 00:21:09.493 --> 00:21:11.289 yes 00:21:11.289 --> 00:21:13.785 without confronting nito directly 00:21:13.785 --> 00:21:15.833 we don't commit it and 00:21:15.833 --> 00:21:19.093 er for us to er to determine her 00:21:19.093 --> 00:21:22.053 life philosophy see a good 00:21:22.053 --> 00:21:24.902 philosophy a good atmosphere in Russia 00:21:24.902 --> 00:21:27.893 and to a political stable situation in Russia 00:21:29.091 --> 00:21:32.828 it is two two quick questions 00:21:32.828 --> 00:21:36.320 and just to follow up on that do you envision 00:21:36.320 --> 00:21:39.457 a possibility that the special military 00:21:39.457 --> 00:21:41.740 operations could conclude 00:21:41.740 --> 00:21:45.435 with Zalensky still president of Ukraine 00:21:45.435 --> 00:21:47.882 and Zeluzni still the commander 00:21:47.882 --> 00:21:50.083 of the uranian armed forces 00:21:53.434 --> 00:21:55.874 with an idea yes 00:21:55.874 --> 00:21:58.323 well you know I must give that name I can say 00:21:58.323 --> 00:22:01.981 that on this topic just one thing while that decisive 00:22:01.981 --> 00:22:04.450 the fact is that if this is not determined 00:22:04.450 --> 00:22:06.717 on Russia it will it will depend on the 00:22:06.717 --> 00:22:10.234 er Er hit what on the united States 00:22:10.234 --> 00:22:12.798 or that as head of the united States 00:22:12.798 --> 00:22:16.270 as long as Zaleski is in power and in considering 00:22:16.270 --> 00:22:19.881 that that part of Ukraine in foremost I will stay 00:22:19.881 --> 00:22:23.671 under Zalensky and and Boon Salon her 00:22:23.671 --> 00:22:26.790 yet they machine probably magnificent of course 00:22:26.790 --> 00:22:28.750 it's also problematic for the U s a 00:22:28.750 --> 00:22:31.866 if they will stay in power er of course U S will 00:22:31.866 --> 00:22:33.914 move the other part in Europe 00:22:33.914 --> 00:22:36.783 if well we'll say that this is a success 00:22:36.783 --> 00:22:38.944 yet I can but for the West 00:22:38.944 --> 00:22:41.791 yet it's actually a difficult and a heavy defeat 00:22:41.791 --> 00:22:43.745 a thief because 00:22:43.745 --> 00:22:46.618 o think Russia the thief keeps its sovereignty 00:22:46.618 --> 00:22:49.366 Russia keeps its power here 00:22:50.124 --> 00:22:52.209 I beseech you 00:22:52.209 --> 00:22:54.852 o the People in Power and Russia will some 00:22:54.852 --> 00:22:55.272 to 00:22:55.272 --> 00:22:57.990 Armand be able to do you think you 00:22:57.990 --> 00:23:01.307 to repel that main main attack our goal is 00:23:01.307 --> 00:23:03.526 it is not just destroy U Crane 00:23:03.526 --> 00:23:05.458 but it's also to repel the attack from the west 00:23:05.458 --> 00:23:07.013 will 00:23:07.013 --> 00:23:10.590 Tsar Crane is nothing more than an 00:23:10.612 --> 00:23:13.824 petites 00:23:13.824 --> 00:23:18.829 Marvel as her is a foot hold taper for the waistcoat 00:23:18.829 --> 00:23:20.133 move to break 00:23:20.133 --> 00:23:22.361 so in this case Selinski may be removed 00:23:22.361 --> 00:23:23.729 and 00:23:23.729 --> 00:23:26.162 that most likely will be liquidated to you 00:23:26.162 --> 00:23:27.369 was Grey 00:23:27.369 --> 00:23:29.012 where he will fall as a hero 00:23:29.012 --> 00:23:30.658 in men 00:23:30.658 --> 00:23:34.014 that should be briskest like an idol 00:23:34.014 --> 00:23:38.988 of the Eniukranean Ugranean government liyalike 00:23:38.988 --> 00:23:40.199 a hero that fell 00:23:40.199 --> 00:23:42.240 in the fighting how it will happen is difficult 00:23:42.240 --> 00:23:43.483 to say but I can note that 00:23:43.483 --> 00:23:45.846 Russia at her at the moment has 00:23:45.846 --> 00:23:47.293 all the possibilities 00:23:47.293 --> 00:23:50.213 to to destroy Zaleski wit the missile strike 00:23:50.213 --> 00:23:53.018 that or that 00:23:53.018 --> 00:23:56.333 but of striking the heads of Heads of 00:23:56.333 --> 00:23:57.872 State Russia does not consider that 00:23:57.872 --> 00:23:59.127 a possibility right now and 00:23:59.127 --> 00:24:00.766 does not see any use in that 00:24:00.766 --> 00:24:02.379 so Russia will not do that 00:24:02.379 --> 00:24:04.379 although it has the means but Riquet 00:24:04.379 --> 00:24:06.576 Piquet circuses 00:24:06.576 --> 00:24:10.303 to this will happen may be in internal witness fighting 00:24:10.303 --> 00:24:12.593 in Ukraine or maybe this will be some some kind 00:24:12.593 --> 00:24:15.195 of a diversion here where the death of Selinski 00:24:15.195 --> 00:24:16.506 will be written off as 00:24:16.506 --> 00:24:18.941 nearly robe on 00:24:18.941 --> 00:24:23.346 on external enemies this is possible but as for the illusion 00:24:23.346 --> 00:24:25.453 that we need to say that is illusionist fear 00:24:25.453 --> 00:24:28.547 him or an I think either or if he 00:24:28.547 --> 00:24:30.723 tolerated is considered by us 00:24:30.723 --> 00:24:33.792 is it as a talented military leader if he is an enemy 00:24:33.792 --> 00:24:35.506 or either would later 00:24:35.506 --> 00:24:37.126 united he's a bad enemy 00:24:37.126 --> 00:24:39.383 but he is a talented military leader 00:24:39.383 --> 00:24:41.658 he spotted 00:24:41.658 --> 00:24:45.834 and from that point of view that he issue of political 00:24:46.537 --> 00:24:49.818 that his his politics 00:24:49.980 --> 00:24:51.736 serious 00:24:51.736 --> 00:24:53.809 is not this as outspoken as Selinski 00:24:53.809 --> 00:24:55.770 because Zalensky allows himself 00:24:55.770 --> 00:24:57.577 to say many things and will say 00:24:57.577 --> 00:25:00.080 that the change of zaleski to Zaluski 00:25:00.080 --> 00:25:02.062 tedious could be interesting actually 00:25:02.062 --> 00:25:02.926 Hayes 00:25:02.926 --> 00:25:05.178 you with the 4 united States of America to 00:25:05.178 --> 00:25:07.298 flag and theories to replace one another and 00:25:07.298 --> 00:25:09.900 actually for Russia this will also be acceptable 00:25:09.900 --> 00:25:11.993 you like that on me out I companions 00:25:11.993 --> 00:25:14.032 this could actual be a point of compromise 00:25:14.032 --> 00:25:17.019 yes I think I want to add 00:25:17.019 --> 00:25:19.404 one more thing to that I want to notice 00:25:19.404 --> 00:25:22.056 that's what you need 00:25:22.056 --> 00:25:26.099 Mister for the Governor we in Russia have to 00:25:26.099 --> 00:25:27.435 that er 00:25:27.435 --> 00:25:31.945 well we say that U S is a goal pursued the girl 00:25:31.945 --> 00:25:35.372 Florescence 00:25:35.812 --> 00:25:41.533 agitate the shape of America he pose 00:25:41.533 --> 00:25:44.471 a witch which a ghost of a united States puts 00:25:44.471 --> 00:25:46.241 in front of itself you 00:25:46.241 --> 00:25:48.958 that if I rush is as ripped apart 00:25:48.958 --> 00:25:53.014 and is split somehow that the risk of that eastern regions 00:25:53.014 --> 00:25:55.726 would would go to toward China 00:25:55.726 --> 00:25:58.686 and that China would get part 00:25:58.686 --> 00:26:00.733 of russian nuclear arms 00:26:00.733 --> 00:26:02.923 and that if 00:26:02.923 --> 00:26:06.343 China gets nerves bask or or some other parts 00:26:06.343 --> 00:26:08.381 yearly hear 00:26:08.381 --> 00:26:11.483 her or the factories and her those factories 00:26:11.483 --> 00:26:14.749 that her manufacture new charms what would turn 00:26:14.749 --> 00:26:18.072 or china into the massive centre 00:26:18.072 --> 00:26:20.174 with which united States will never be able 00:26:20.174 --> 00:26:25.632 to to handle however so I mean you I think that smart people 00:26:25.632 --> 00:26:27.151 in united States of America 00:26:27.151 --> 00:26:29.614 have a theory of your own in than 00:26:29.614 --> 00:26:32.306 officers and generals of the Pentagon 00:26:32.306 --> 00:26:35.589 Stanley he I will 00:26:35.589 --> 00:26:37.980 that they balanced and smart 00:26:37.980 --> 00:26:40.209 politicians in the united States will tell you 00:26:40.209 --> 00:26:42.629 as as i've seen how they how they behave 00:26:42.629 --> 00:26:45.205 and i've watched how the united States forces behave 00:26:45.205 --> 00:26:48.282 and they demonstrate a balance and he 00:26:48.282 --> 00:26:50.388 his opinion his opinion is i 00:26:50.388 --> 00:26:52.848 I mean we can say yes when things and political 00:26:52.848 --> 00:26:53.687 statements are one thing 00:26:53.687 --> 00:26:55.500 but er the actions are different 00:26:55.500 --> 00:26:57.093 and they understand that Russia 00:26:57.093 --> 00:26:58.525 you know the right but 00:26:58.525 --> 00:27:00.009 if you need to take Russia 00:27:00.009 --> 00:27:01.076 you need to take control 00:27:01.076 --> 00:27:03.166 over it completely to integrate 00:27:03.166 --> 00:27:06.659 or russian and american mucapotential 00:27:06.659 --> 00:27:09.264 and from these possessions then dictate 00:27:09.264 --> 00:27:12.334 to perhaps to China or any other country 00:27:12.334 --> 00:27:16.002 you point to to maintain the hegemony 00:27:16.002 --> 00:27:17.653 of the united States of America 00:27:17.653 --> 00:27:19.806 that you see your 00:27:19.806 --> 00:27:24.562 including this I am using the nucleus the black mail 00:27:24.562 --> 00:27:29.210 so I I think infer that from simple from 00:27:29.210 --> 00:27:32.886 point of clarity and one effectiveness the 00:27:32.886 --> 00:27:36.488 united States it is not you would not gain 00:27:36.488 --> 00:27:38.412 any advantage from destruction of Russia 00:27:38.412 --> 00:27:40.773 so as for politics I it is difficult 00:27:40.773 --> 00:27:43.204 to say how they will whitish want 00:27:43.204 --> 00:27:45.636 to hear your opinion you might 00:27:45.636 --> 00:27:47.115 here you as well 00:27:47.115 --> 00:27:49.799 on one of the points that I've made 00:27:50.303 --> 00:27:54.972 fair enough I think I think 00:27:54.972 --> 00:27:59.625 that he 1st of all let's start that we we can 00:27:59.625 --> 00:28:03.628 say without a shadow of a doubt that the united States has 00:28:03.628 --> 00:28:05.488 since the end of the cold War 00:28:05.488 --> 00:28:08.157 a vision of keeping Russia weak 00:28:08.157 --> 00:28:11.019 that the united States does not want Russia 00:28:11.019 --> 00:28:14.129 to gain the stature and status 00:28:14.129 --> 00:28:16.744 of the former Soviet Union 00:28:16.744 --> 00:28:19.697 how we define weakness is 00:28:19.697 --> 00:28:22.170 as another question we know in the decade 00:28:22.170 --> 00:28:25.265 of the 19 nineties weakness was defined 00:28:25.265 --> 00:28:28.073 as the economic and political domination 00:28:28.073 --> 00:28:29.914 of Russia the exploitation 00:28:29.914 --> 00:28:32.696 of Russia economically and 00:28:32.696 --> 00:28:36.119 using a russian politics a 00:28:36.119 --> 00:28:39.127 the control of russian leadership or the influence 00:28:39.127 --> 00:28:41.028 of russian leadership to keep Russia 00:28:41.028 --> 00:28:43.678 weakened some have speculated 00:28:43.678 --> 00:28:46.475 that had Orselen continued 00:28:46.475 --> 00:28:48.522 in government for a number of years 00:28:48.522 --> 00:28:50.791 that this could have led to the fracturing 00:28:50.791 --> 00:28:54.367 of Russia along the lines that you have spoken of 00:28:54.367 --> 00:28:57.406 but there are consequences attached 00:28:57.406 --> 00:28:59.000 to the fracturing of Russia 00:28:59.000 --> 00:29:01.369 that you have alluded to hum 00:29:01.369 --> 00:29:04.247 that make that unnecessarily the most attractive 00:29:04.247 --> 00:29:06.457 a solution because you you speak 00:29:06.457 --> 00:29:10.128 of the geo political strengthening of China 00:29:10.128 --> 00:29:13.409 it seems to me though that Russia has 00:29:13.409 --> 00:29:15.276 good relations with China right now 00:29:15.276 --> 00:29:18.375 the a meeting between President Houten 00:29:18.375 --> 00:29:22.125 and President Z in Bazin on February 4th a talk 00:29:22.125 --> 00:29:24.348 about a relationship that is stronger 00:29:24.348 --> 00:29:27.312 than an alliance and a china appears 00:29:27.312 --> 00:29:29.712 to be a working with Russia 00:29:29.712 --> 00:29:32.165 to overcome some of the economic 00:29:32.165 --> 00:29:35.561 of difficulties that have accrued because of sanctions 00:29:35.561 --> 00:29:38.929 and China has its own vested interests in maintaining 00:29:38.929 --> 00:29:42.218 good relations with Russia given its 00:29:42.218 --> 00:29:44.446 a precarious position 00:29:44.446 --> 00:29:46.210 with the united States in the Pacific 00:29:46.210 --> 00:29:48.704 especially over the issue of Iwan 00:29:48.704 --> 00:29:52.000 and the AH South chinese islands 00:29:52.000 --> 00:29:56.252 so from an american perspective we know that the 00:29:56.252 --> 00:30:00.439 Job Den when he met with the Vladimir Puttin in June 00:30:00.439 --> 00:30:03.942 of the 21 last year 00:30:03.942 --> 00:30:08.686 he said that Russia should think about a china 00:30:08.686 --> 00:30:10.877 and the strengthening of China 00:30:10.877 --> 00:30:12.185 and the indication was 00:30:12.185 --> 00:30:13.538 that the united States was trying 00:30:13.538 --> 00:30:16.118 to create a wedge between Russia 00:30:16.118 --> 00:30:18.783 and China to keep them apart 00:30:18.783 --> 00:30:21.984 united States appears to be very concerned 00:30:21.984 --> 00:30:25.899 about Russia and China developing good relations 00:30:25.899 --> 00:30:29.854 and a unified geo political approach 00:30:30.477 --> 00:30:33.971 I think the greatest threat to the united States 00:30:33.971 --> 00:30:37.694 in Europe isn't necessarily 00:30:37.694 --> 00:30:40.484 a russian victory in Ukraine 00:30:40.484 --> 00:30:43.253 but a russian victory in Ukraine 00:30:43.253 --> 00:30:47.255 that draws Russia and China closer together 00:30:47.255 --> 00:30:49.493 that the goal of the united 00:30:49.493 --> 00:30:51.303 States in Europe right now appears 00:30:51.303 --> 00:30:55.123 to be to make a peace with Russia 00:30:55.123 --> 00:31:00.010 so as to keep Russia from finalising some sort 00:31:00.010 --> 00:31:02.997 of strategic arrangement with China this is why 00:31:02.997 --> 00:31:06.543 we see of Emanuel Macron 00:31:06.543 --> 00:31:10.385 and of Scholtz the german Chancellor of 00:31:10.385 --> 00:31:15.536 for the 1st time talking about a recognizing 00:31:15.536 --> 00:31:19.302 Russia's legitimate security interests 00:31:19.302 --> 00:31:23.929 in Europe and the need to engage in a dialogue 00:31:23.929 --> 00:31:27.352 about a new european security framework 00:31:27.352 --> 00:31:30.520 the irony is that Russia was proposing 00:31:30.520 --> 00:31:33.736 this very thing in December of last year 00:31:33.736 --> 00:31:37.217 and were ignored so in some ways you could say 00:31:37.217 --> 00:31:39.230 that the russian special 00:31:39.230 --> 00:31:41.724 military operation has achieved 00:31:41.724 --> 00:31:45.345 a great success and that it's compelled Europe 00:31:45.345 --> 00:31:47.785 to take russia's concerns 00:31:47.785 --> 00:31:51.369 seriously ah and I wanted to ask you a question 00:31:51.369 --> 00:31:53.327 about that what you thought about 00:31:53.327 --> 00:31:56.636 MC Roan and Scholtz talking about 00:31:56.636 --> 00:31:59.947 recognizing Russia's security interests 00:31:59.947 --> 00:32:02.174 and the need for a new european 00:32:02.174 --> 00:32:04.963 security framework ah is this something 00:32:04.963 --> 00:32:08.677 that resonates in russian leadership circles 00:32:13.381 --> 00:32:15.640 Gaspare 00:32:15.640 --> 00:32:18.393 ah Mister Richard that Control 00:32:18.393 --> 00:32:20.922 sometimes I want to make it more specific 00:32:20.922 --> 00:32:21.983 clearly yet 00:32:21.983 --> 00:32:23.789 yet what is more priority 00:32:23.789 --> 00:32:26.045 for U s you hear from your point of view 00:32:26.045 --> 00:32:28.184 emotions we 00:32:28.184 --> 00:32:30.586 Zealand maybe from american politicians 00:32:30.586 --> 00:32:33.307 to take an eye control of Russia and 00:32:33.307 --> 00:32:35.341 forts in Europe 00:32:35.341 --> 00:32:37.180 and to remove it from the 00:32:37.180 --> 00:32:40.931 political map or to take control of Russia 00:32:40.931 --> 00:32:42.314 you rose 00:32:42.314 --> 00:32:45.919 there to throw it against China verse but not word 00:32:45.919 --> 00:32:48.078 you really say take control of Russia to its 00:32:48.078 --> 00:32:49.236 into now 00:32:49.236 --> 00:32:52.903 so turning it into an american satellite 00:32:56.446 --> 00:33:00.853 I think the ideal goal for the united States 00:33:00.853 --> 00:33:03.803 would be to return Russia to the 19 nineties 00:33:03.803 --> 00:33:06.455 to return Russia to be a 00:33:06.455 --> 00:33:09.975 a a weakened nation that was controlled 00:33:09.975 --> 00:33:13.754 by american political and economic interests A 00:33:13.754 --> 00:33:20.345 to make Russia a colonial nations reliant 00:33:20.345 --> 00:33:22.735 upon the West subordinated to the West 00:33:22.735 --> 00:33:25.667 and therefore unavailable to China 00:33:25.667 --> 00:33:28.064 that the biggest threat is having Russia 00:33:28.064 --> 00:33:29.948 and China coming together 00:33:29.948 --> 00:33:33.604 as Vladimir Putting and Zizi Ping Ah talked about 00:33:33.604 --> 00:33:38.013 to create a trans a eurasian economic Union this is 00:33:38.013 --> 00:33:40.062 perhaps one of the greatest threats 00:33:40.062 --> 00:33:41.433 that faces the united States 00:33:41.433 --> 00:33:43.704 because as you've i've mentioned 00:33:43.704 --> 00:33:45.452 a war isn't just about fighting 00:33:45.452 --> 00:33:47.657 on the ground it's about economics 00:33:47.657 --> 00:33:50.775 and about politics and a russian chinese 00:33:50.775 --> 00:33:54.050 collaboration is the biggest threat to the united States 00:33:54.050 --> 00:33:56.908 so I think we would like Russia to return 00:33:56.908 --> 00:33:59.816 to the era of Boris Yelson we'd 00:33:59.816 --> 00:34:01.354 like a russian leader 00:34:01.354 --> 00:34:03.908 who isn't strong like Vladimir Pouting 00:34:03.908 --> 00:34:05.776 but weak like Boris Elson 00:34:05.776 --> 00:34:08.069 that would be the ideal outcome 00:34:13.113 --> 00:34:14.970 Swansea 00:34:14.970 --> 00:34:17.954 I thank you I think of it is answer 00:34:18.375 --> 00:34:22.096 yes sir you can follow on with your question 00:34:22.096 --> 00:34:25.330 just one last question 00:34:25.330 --> 00:34:28.960 he it deals with sustain ability 00:34:28.960 --> 00:34:32.014 ahem you mentioned you know that Russia has 00:34:32.014 --> 00:34:34.268 sufficient military power 00:34:34.268 --> 00:34:37.393 to achieve the military objectives 00:34:37.393 --> 00:34:39.681 but that these will be 00:34:39.923 --> 00:34:43.989 determined by economic and political realities 00:34:43.989 --> 00:34:46.826 but there is one other reality of it 00:34:46.826 --> 00:34:49.593 that he has been put out there by the West 00:34:49.593 --> 00:34:52.910 and that is for instance Russia has achieved 00:34:52.910 --> 00:34:57.971 tremendous success in the past month attacking 00:34:57.971 --> 00:35:01.959 the critical infrastructure of Ukraine using 00:35:01.959 --> 00:35:05.119 sea launched missiles and air launched missiles 00:35:05.119 --> 00:35:06.887 but there are some who say 00:35:06.887 --> 00:35:09.879 that the Russia cannot continue this 00:35:09.879 --> 00:35:11.603 that the Russians running 00:35:11.603 --> 00:35:14.609 out of missiles Russia's running 00:35:14.609 --> 00:35:16.289 out of tanks Russia's running 00:35:16.289 --> 00:35:18.408 out of ammunition Russia's running 00:35:18.408 --> 00:35:20.669 out of the means to carry out this war 00:35:20.669 --> 00:35:23.041 so even though Russia has mobilized 00:35:23.041 --> 00:35:27.111 300,000 men they don't have the material necessary 00:35:27.111 --> 00:35:30.246 to follow through I know you can't talk 00:35:30.246 --> 00:35:33.018 about military secrets and I'm not asking you to 00:35:33.018 --> 00:35:36.995 but the the question is is Russia running out of missiles 00:35:36.995 --> 00:35:40.987 can Russia finish the job or is it over 00:35:42.986 --> 00:35:46.873 overhead the light 00:35:46.899 --> 00:35:48.499 well let's 00:35:48.499 --> 00:35:52.245 legislates sand parts to 1st about the ammunition 00:35:52.245 --> 00:35:54.183 but if you be 00:35:54.183 --> 00:35:57.315 Riessky in the russian Federation 00:35:57.315 --> 00:35:59.649 of Tristan after collapse of yester 00:35:59.649 --> 00:36:01.034 things is there 00:36:01.034 --> 00:36:04.231 a strategic artery or ammunition remaining here 00:36:04.231 --> 00:36:06.211 most likely were the Tsar 00:36:06.211 --> 00:36:09.400 that were saved for a mass of massive war against the West 00:36:09.400 --> 00:36:11.182 not that perhaps mother 00:36:11.182 --> 00:36:13.162 of massive war against the western night I 00:36:13.162 --> 00:36:14.442 yes I think 00:36:14.442 --> 00:36:17.096 I would consider that both think 00:36:17.096 --> 00:36:19.650 and in both sides were able to have 00:36:19.650 --> 00:36:20.862 multi 1,000,000 armies 00:36:20.862 --> 00:36:22.344 but we care these that 00:36:22.344 --> 00:36:24.316 up to 10,000,000 armies from each side we 00:36:24.316 --> 00:36:25.171 use 00:36:25.171 --> 00:36:28.520 and these ammunitions have to be enough 00:36:28.520 --> 00:36:30.171 we be to 00:36:30.171 --> 00:36:31.747 ye to conduct a war fair 00:36:31.747 --> 00:36:33.977 you mean you pitying the 00:36:33.977 --> 00:36:36.227 ostian time that that is needed 00:36:36.227 --> 00:36:38.419 the Hereto defeat the enemy 00:36:38.419 --> 00:36:41.228 he orthopedic and er ensure 00:36:41.228 --> 00:36:42.919 that the production of arms worthy 00:36:42.919 --> 00:36:46.031 of the league would be in such a way that it would 00:36:46.234 --> 00:36:49.198 where you mean yes I only will be best 00:36:49.198 --> 00:36:52.237 you whistle right now and in Ukraine just 00:36:52.237 --> 00:36:54.342 desires me 00:36:54.445 --> 00:36:56.223 Garis 00:36:56.223 --> 00:36:58.154 we are using 10 times less 00:36:58.154 --> 00:37:00.896 than we thought that we knew that we would need 00:37:00.896 --> 00:37:03.600 for it and during cold War really 00:37:03.600 --> 00:37:07.987 so so there is er an abundance of ammunition in Russia 00:37:07.987 --> 00:37:09.823 oh yes the value will be worth 00:37:09.823 --> 00:37:13.189 yes we're some years using some older types 00:37:13.189 --> 00:37:14.646 very what 00:37:14.646 --> 00:37:17.103 of the older types of ammunition 00:37:17.103 --> 00:37:19.412 what we positively now of them is that 00:37:19.412 --> 00:37:23.682 upstart which are hurled ready to her 00:37:23.682 --> 00:37:26.809 almost her ready for exploration 00:37:26.809 --> 00:37:28.226 while they were using 00:37:28.226 --> 00:37:29.905 some older weapons for example 00:37:29.905 --> 00:37:30.381 on 00:37:30.381 --> 00:37:33.266 visitor to 62 tanks 00:37:33.266 --> 00:37:35.508 atrocity to 00:37:35.508 --> 00:37:37.029 so that's why we're using them 00:37:37.029 --> 00:37:38.875 right too but they are not used 00:37:38.875 --> 00:37:43.077 as an attacking force is but as odious 00:37:43.077 --> 00:37:44.481 I do report them 00:37:44.481 --> 00:37:48.117 as artillery near where they are given a target 00:37:48.117 --> 00:37:51.635 he and they have 115 a millimeter 00:37:51.635 --> 00:37:54.982 our cannon and they can use that to target the enemy 00:37:54.982 --> 00:37:56.434 failure pleases you or 00:37:56.434 --> 00:37:59.842 he will so use older other older types of weapons 00:37:59.842 --> 00:38:02.712 so we have more than enough ammunition 00:38:02.712 --> 00:38:05.031 but but the new ones of course we tried 00:38:05.031 --> 00:38:07.865 to hemeconomize with them 00:38:07.865 --> 00:38:11.151 when it comes to rockery and artillery 00:38:11.151 --> 00:38:12.973 in 00:38:15.415 --> 00:38:19.576 sea we can see that when we can note that the 00:38:19.576 --> 00:38:21.635 number of rockets used we can see 00:38:21.635 --> 00:38:22.563 that they're almost equal 00:38:22.563 --> 00:38:24.486 to the united States there 00:38:24.486 --> 00:38:25.824 really easy 00:38:25.824 --> 00:38:27.036 in U S 00:38:27.036 --> 00:38:28.480 a 00:38:28.480 --> 00:38:32.549 lead campaigns against Yugoslavia Lilia 00:38:32.549 --> 00:38:36.187 I thesaurus for as for the inn 00:38:36.187 --> 00:38:40.137 one attacks there they would use 20,300 rockets frequently 00:38:40.137 --> 00:38:41.436 why theory that 00:38:41.436 --> 00:38:43.830 so in these this data is on the internet 00:38:43.830 --> 00:38:45.752 see what the ardours 00:38:45.752 --> 00:38:47.822 that to day Russia uses probably 00:38:47.822 --> 00:38:49.693 same amount of the rockets 00:38:49.693 --> 00:38:51.517 as is the western back Dan 00:38:51.517 --> 00:38:54.053 it is obviously a a but what it does 00:38:54.053 --> 00:38:55.808 not just with Tomahawk rockets 00:38:55.808 --> 00:38:58.034 that were used of calibre rockets 00:38:58.034 --> 00:39:00.935 know my different type of rockets 00:39:00.935 --> 00:39:03.274 maybe 22 rockets will be used 00:39:03.274 --> 00:39:06.142 that so very old like used em since sixties 00:39:06.142 --> 00:39:07.844 poor Martha 00:39:07.844 --> 00:39:11.723 there using her that would target the er sea targets 00:39:11.723 --> 00:39:13.026 if you now who 00:39:13.026 --> 00:39:16.172 of course it's his old rocket from the sixties you 00:39:16.172 --> 00:39:17.456 but it wasn't no 00:39:17.456 --> 00:39:21.163 rule but even a current er er air defence sort 00:39:21.163 --> 00:39:22.453 but it wouldn't be useful 00:39:22.453 --> 00:39:26.398 against er current air defense systems but it's very useful 00:39:26.398 --> 00:39:29.044 I still in some er aspects 00:39:29.044 --> 00:39:31.490 of the er field of warfare on 00:39:31.490 --> 00:39:33.766 no man that is it's a secret service rocket 00:39:33.766 --> 00:39:35.905 at Anquetil does his job it's 00:39:35.905 --> 00:39:38.811 but it's mostly for land as targets he 00:39:38.811 --> 00:39:40.725 Phaedria 00:39:40.725 --> 00:39:46.343 ratification also we were using rockets for another reason 00:39:46.343 --> 00:39:47.926 to elongate 00:39:47.926 --> 00:39:49.814 is that well limit the use of rockets 00:39:49.814 --> 00:39:52.474 because here Urania are we 00:39:52.474 --> 00:39:55.894 or his brother people and would want to limit 00:39:55.894 --> 00:39:56.907 the civilian casualties 00:39:56.907 --> 00:39:58.121 there 00:39:58.222 --> 00:40:01.136 30 years ago it was our cities 00:40:01.136 --> 00:40:03.419 are the Soviet cities 00:40:03.419 --> 00:40:05.539 and for us to indiscriminately bomb 00:40:05.539 --> 00:40:07.789 them would be would be ridiculous 00:40:07.789 --> 00:40:11.118 so we tried to use surgical precision when striking 00:40:11.118 --> 00:40:14.606 er cities to limit the casualties of the civilians 00:40:14.606 --> 00:40:16.504 one of them a heap 00:40:16.504 --> 00:40:17.491 so we've 00:40:17.491 --> 00:40:19.538 used to recuperate from a 100 00:40:19.538 --> 00:40:22.135 to 300,000,000 rockets on different targets 00:40:22.135 --> 00:40:26.465 but the losses of the 00:40:26.797 --> 00:40:29.443 of civilians 00:40:41.715 --> 00:40:45.161 well there it is the the hazards 00:40:45.161 --> 00:40:46.895 of doing a live interview him 00:40:46.895 --> 00:40:49.366 no I don't think this was 00:40:49.366 --> 00:40:52.312 I think this was a fantastic interview 00:40:52.312 --> 00:40:54.971 a lot of insights a lot to chew on them 00:40:54.971 --> 00:40:58.051 you know Constantskov talked about the china 00:40:58.051 --> 00:40:59.314 and there's a there's 00:40:59.314 --> 00:41:01.684 an old Chinese saying an old chinese curse 00:41:01.684 --> 00:41:03.071 I think comes into mind here 00:41:03.071 --> 00:41:06.227 a may we live in interesting times 00:41:06.227 --> 00:41:09.404 based upon this interview I I think 00:41:09.404 --> 00:41:10.559 we've all been cursed 00:41:10.559 --> 00:41:12.999 these are indeed interesting times 00:41:12.999 --> 00:41:16.304 and them will be following the events 00:41:16.304 --> 00:41:18.249 on the ground in Ukraine very closely 00:41:18.249 --> 00:41:21.277 and I want to again thank my guest Konstantikov 00:41:21.277 --> 00:41:24.555 this was a very enlightening interview 00:41:24.555 --> 00:41:26.816 and I want to thank you for watching 00:41:26.816 --> 00:41:29.683 till next time remember I'll just power