Top U.S. Bishop says government needs to do more for poor

Top U.S. Bishop says government needs to do more for poor, blasts rhetoric

The top U.S. Bishop, Cardinal Dolan, issued a strong statement today condemning the political rhetoric that portrays poor people in a negative way. He said it is not enough for churches and charities to help the poor the government must play its part as well.

Cardinal Dolan, who was joined by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of the Diocese of Brooklyn, sounded more like Sister Simone Campbell and her fellow Nuns on the Bus today. The nuns visited nine states this summer and have continued to express their opposition to Republican-led budget cuts to food stamps, Medicaid, and other assistance programs. Paul Ryan is the chief Congressman behind those cuts.

Cardinal Dolan has become the biggest poltical joke this year. It's just so pathetic to all of sudden become a SOCIALIST when he wasn't befoe he became the Bishop of the New York Archdioces. He was quite conservative in Wisconsin and now he's an out right liberal in New York. What a poltical joke. I thought Cardinal Dolan was a member of the Church not Congress!
Lol, I don't have a cell phone, air conditioning, and I only get to eat 2 meals a day. Cardinal Dolan should be speaking-up for me. Where is my free stuff! Oh... I am not a minority. Shucks! 😜
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Some 80 percent of poor adults and 96 percent of poor children were never hungry at any time during the year because they could not afford food.
The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and is well above recommended norms in most cases.
Some 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning; nearly two-thirds …More

Some 80 percent of poor adults and 96 percent of poor children were never hungry at any time during the year because they could not afford food.

The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and is well above recommended norms in most cases.

Some 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning; nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV; half have a personal computer; 43 percent have Internet access; and one-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.

poor means the govt pays for your kids’ healthcare and all meals at school
and for your cell phone
and for your rent, all or part
and gives you a “earned income” tax refund check as if you were getting back money you earned
among other things

oh the humanity

Is this “poor” with the free cell phones or without? Or with utilities “assistance” or without? Or with free meals for children at school or without? Or with so much other in-kind assistance that a regular couple with two children would have to earn more than $60,000 a year to have the same living standard?

Or do you mean “poor” like Obama’s half brother who lives in a tin hut in Kenya is poor?

Please tell me again how many people are poor in this country.

Any poor child in the United States who wants to better their situation can with free counseling and free college tuition, as well as additional funds for housing, etc.

Then even when they graduate from their entirely free education, they are favored due to the background of welfare assistance. Look at any job application today and there is a section asking if you have been receiving aid from the government. Companies get tax breaks from hiring the "previously unemployed" and I'm assuming minority status plays into that too or why ask?

I realize we have a dire situation right now with unemployment, but that will change - the situation of carrying the poor won't - so they can fix their situation if they want to.

Cardinal Dolan,

Perhaps you and your fellow redistributions should work to clean up the mess in your own Church starting with sanctions against Bishops who covered up sexual improprieties within their own dioceses. Incidentally, how many of your bishops have been sanctioned by Church hierarchy for their crimes or their complicity in the commission of crimes?

When and if you accomplish that, get back to Americans (the most generous people on Earth) on how the producers in this country should pay more taxes so that self-aggrandizing politicians like Obama and other leftist Democrats can steal that money (remember the 7th commandment?) under penalty of Law and pass it on to non-producers in order to insure their own reelections among their lazy constituents?