
Fortress of the Soul: “The Kingdom of God is Within You”

Tradcatknight: Fortress of the Soul: “The Kingdom of God is Within You”

By: Eric Gajewski

The goal in this life is Union with God. It is to go inside one’s self that ye might leave behind the self forever. You must find this Fortress, enter it and through grace stay in it. To stay stagnant is to retreat. You must each day be willing to advance by the knowledge of self, rooting out all vices and sins as you move along this timeline from self to His Sacred Heart. It is game of Love wherein the Beloved “hides” that you might further seek. To deny one’s self in all things, cutting through all the doubts, worries, anxieties and fears that the self and devil would put in front of you. If few even find the door of the Fortress think of how few will arrive in this life in Union with God on the Seventh Floor in the ThroneRoom? This Fortress is entered through the door of prayer. Its walls of doctrine and dogma are solid. It is unconquerable. Yea, we can enter the Church, Jesus and Mary a threefold expression of this Fortress. We can take refuge and stand behind these Walls of victory in Faith.…/fortress-of-sou…