How the Globalist Grinches Stole Christmas In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father discusses the war on Christmas and the urgent need for Christians to take a stand...before it's too late.…More
How the Globalist Grinches Stole Christmas

In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father discusses the war on Christmas and the urgent need for Christians to take a stand...before it's too late. The Christophobes have been trying to steal Christmas since the days of Herod, and now they're ramping it up. Why are people not allowed to go to Christmas Mass when they can go to Walmart and shop for Christmas presents until their hearts are content? Why are Catholic Bishops refusing to defend Christmas in the face of a virus which has a 99.5 percent recovery rate? Who gave governors the power to tell Christians how many people can come to Christmas dinner? Why are we sitting back and taking this attempt to outlaw Christmas without so much as a whimper of protest? Father explains the danger to our faith and freedom presented by these globalist grinches who would steal Christmas.