First Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. On 12th December 1531, Our Lady of Guadalupe simultaneously imprinted her image on the tilma of St Juan Diego, and he also appeared to his sick uncle, Juan …More
First Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

On 12th December 1531, Our Lady of Guadalupe simultaneously imprinted her image on the tilma of St Juan Diego, and he also appeared to his sick uncle, Juan Bernardino who was at home in Tulpetlac, and she healed him; her first miracle. It was also here that she revealed her name: 'The Ever Virgin, Holy Mary of Guadalupe'. Some analysts believe that she actually said not de Guadalupe but 'te coatlaxopeuh' which may be translated as 'the one who crushes the stone serpent', a symbol of the Aztec gods and their death cult. This crowned painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe healing Juan Bernardino is in the church of the Fifth Apparition in Tulpetlac.

Source: Lawrence OP on Flickr
The Tilma of Guadalupe, the Living Image