Alex A

Rediscovering Archbishop Lefebvre’s Intolerance for Error Before There’s No Tolerance for Truth “Nothing is done in the world that does not relate to our Lord; it is either for Him or against Him, with Him or without Him. Our Lord is the key to the solution of all the problems. There are none here below that are indifferent to our Lord. Men try in vain to work without reference to our Lord, but it is impossible because our Lord is everywhere. He created everything; therefore everything is in His hands. Everything belongs to Him, nothing is outside of Him. Men seek to evade Him, but they cannot because everything is His.” With these words taken from his seminary conferences from the late 1970s (compiled in The Mystery of Jesus), Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre gave Catholics a simple and reliable way to evaluate the problems facing the Church and world. Indeed, we can see that the greatest problems in the Church and world today have resulted from the the guardians of these truths having

Rediscover Archbishop Lefebvre's intolerance......
Ave Crux
O the irony of Rand Miller's comment....! "Apparently his intolerance for error didn't include Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus."
Vatican II's heterodox assertions in Dignitatis Humanae concerning Religious Liberty -- and the natural "right" of men to profess religious error and false religions contrary to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and contrary to the Church's teaching prior to Vatican IIMore
O the irony of Rand Miller's comment....! "Apparently his intolerance for error didn't include Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus."

Vatican II's heterodox assertions in Dignitatis Humanae concerning Religious Liberty -- and the natural "right" of men to profess religious error and false religions contrary to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and contrary to the Church's teaching prior to Vatican II -- was precisely one of the reasons Archbishop Lefebvre considered that the crisis in the Church was not only liturgical, but doctrinal.

It is the reason Lefebvre was called out of retirement by young men who wanted an orthodox, Catholic seminary without being poisoned by these errors.

It is one of the reasons he considered the crisis in the Church so severe that he would not be forced to violate his conscience and die without providing for those seminarians and the means to preserve the Church's Patrimony and doctrines from the assaults of Modernism.

Archbishop Lefebvre will be canonized, and as that unnamed (for fear of reprisal) Cardinal in Rome - a modern day Nicodemus -- said of him: "Marcel Lefebvre will be declared a Doctor of the Church one day."
Alex A
Well articulated!
Rand Miller
@Alex A Apparently his intolerance for error didn't include Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus.
Alex A
@michael newman Thank you for the"Canonical Status", I was familiar with the edicts of Cardinal Cassidy-he being an Australian prince of the Church- and in part, those of Cardinal Ratzinger, but not the others mentioned in the document. It most certainly will add to my knowledge of opines by other prominent Catholics from those 'Uncertain Times."
Carol H
I, like so many others, was a casualty of those Vatican II bombs. And amist all the smoke, destruction and screams for help, a sole light appeared offering shelter and certainty. His Grace, Archbishop Lefebrve, sacrificed his flawless reputation to provide that shelter. It's that's not Christ-like, I don't what is. To my mind, it makes far more sense, to defend those trying to counter the dragon, …More
I, like so many others, was a casualty of those Vatican II bombs. And amist all the smoke, destruction and screams for help, a sole light appeared offering shelter and certainty. His Grace, Archbishop Lefebrve, sacrificed his flawless reputation to provide that shelter. It's that's not Christ-like, I don't what is. To my mind, it makes far more sense, to defend those trying to counter the dragon, than to join the enemy ranks and attack our own knights. Keep up the good fight Alex A!
Rand Miller
Stop defending Marcel Lefebvre. Pick a truly holy person, like Cardinal Pie.
Alex A
@Rand Miller Whom might you be to advise me, or otherwise, on whom I should defend? I believe, being in my eighties, that I am old enough to make up my own mind on just about all matters impacting my life, Catholic or secular. Besides, where were you when the 'bombs' imploded on the Catholic world following the Vatican 2 Council? Just to be sure you fully understand what I'm stating, this old grizzly …More
@Rand Miller Whom might you be to advise me, or otherwise, on whom I should defend? I believe, being in my eighties, that I am old enough to make up my own mind on just about all matters impacting my life, Catholic or secular. Besides, where were you when the 'bombs' imploded on the Catholic world following the Vatican 2 Council? Just to be sure you fully understand what I'm stating, this old grizzly traditional Catholic has defended the 'Faith of Our Fathers' for many a year and will continue to do so to my dying breath. I wonder whether yourself will be able to make a similar claim as you reach your zenith?
GTV's Self-Appointed Official Seer Formally Predicts: That is NOT happening, not unless there's a critical financial crisis in the Vatican and the SSPX buys a sainthood for their founder like the Opus Dei. Otherwise, no.
"GTV s self appointed troll has also become a seer." - from @michael newman -who also wrote-
"Please leave the ad hominem attacks and be civil when you comment."
Yeah, you're THAT much of a hypocrite. Before you start sputtering, that isn't an ad hominem attack. It's a valid observation since I've just shown you don't practice what you preach. Your SSPX tears are delicious, btw.More
"GTV s self appointed troll has also become a seer." - from @michael newman -who also wrote-

"Please leave the ad hominem attacks and be civil when you comment."

Yeah, you're THAT much of a hypocrite. Before you start sputtering, that isn't an ad hominem attack. It's a valid observation since I've just shown you don't practice what you preach. Your SSPX tears are delicious, btw.
@Jimmy akaDanielle Martinez Benedict isn't pope and you're an utter failure at Catholic-sounding rhetoric.
@Danielle Martinez Cry harder, Jimbo. The Latin Mass isn't an issue for you Novus Ordo types. Pope Francis supports your liturgical circus.
Sadly, his intolerance for error led him into making one that got him excommunicated.
Alex A
Is he???