320 000 ukrajinských vojáků se neozývá svým matkám a ženám. Asi padli, to není miniválka! Usilujme raději o mír! Scott Ritter z USA army 4.12.2022
Ahoj Libore. Tomu nerozumím je u toho datum 2015 takže to nebude nic z 4.12.2022, nebo jsem něco přehlédl?
Pravda o NATO a USA
Libor Halik
Transcript: WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.326 but I actually think what's going on here is 00:00:04.326 --> 00:00:07.680 that the west is leading eukrane 00:00:07.680 --> 00:00:11.028 down the Primrose path and the end result is 00:00:11.028 --> 00:00:14.438 that eukrane is going to get wrecked 00:00:15.091 --> 00:00:19.055 and I believe that the policy that I'm advocating 00:00:19.055 --> 00:00…Více
Transcript: WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.326 but I actually think what's going on here is 00:00:04.326 --> 00:00:07.680 that the west is leading eukrane 00:00:07.680 --> 00:00:11.028 down the Primrose path and the end result is 00:00:11.028 --> 00:00:14.438 that eukrane is going to get wrecked 00:00:15.091 --> 00:00:19.055 and I believe that the policy that I'm advocating 00:00:19.055 --> 00:00:21.558 which is neutralizing ukrane 00:00:21.558 --> 00:00:24.126 and then building it up economically and 00:00:24.126 --> 00:00:26.063 getting it out of th competition 00:00:26.063 --> 00:00:27.864 between Russia on one side and NATO 00:00:27.864 --> 00:00:29.547 on the other side is the best thing 00:00:29.547 --> 00:00:31.793 that could happen to the ukraneans 00:00:31.793 --> 00:00:34.581 what we're doing is encouraging 00:00:34.581 --> 00:00:38.354 the eukrayneans to play tough with the Russians 00:00:38.354 --> 00:00:41.910 we're encouraging the eukraineans to think 00:00:41.910 --> 00:00:44.746 that they will ultimately become part of the west 00:00:44.746 --> 00:00:48.531 because we will ultimately defeat Poutin 00:00:48.531 --> 00:00:52.854 and we will ultimately get our way time is on our side 00:00:52.854 --> 00:00:56.248 and of course the ukraneans are playing along with this 00:00:56.248 --> 00:00:59.329 and the Ukraneans are almost completely unwilling 00:00:59.329 --> 00:01:02.104 to compromise with the Russians 00:01:02.104 --> 00:01:05.275 and instead want to pursue a hard line policy 00:01:05.275 --> 00:01:07.229 well as I said to you before 00:01:07.229 --> 00:01:09.147 if they do that the result is 00:01:09.147 --> 00:01:11.112 that their country is going to be wrecked 00:01:11.112 --> 00:01:13.421 and what we're doing is in effect 00:01:13.421 --> 00:01:17.537 encouraging that outcome I think 00:01:17.537 --> 00:01:21.651 it would make much more sense for us to neutral 00:01:21.651 --> 00:01:24.479 to work to create a neutral ukrane 00:01:24.479 --> 00:01:26.083 it would be in our interest 00:01:26.083 --> 00:01:28.929 to bury this crisis as quickly as possible 00:01:28.929 --> 00:01:31.423 it certainly would be in Russia's interest 00:01:31.423 --> 00:01:33.936 to do so and most importantly it would 00:01:33.936 --> 00:01:35.457 be in Eukrane's interest 00:01:35.457 --> 00:01:37.460 to put an end to the crisis 00:01:37.460 --> 00:01:43.205 Ursela Von a made a crucial slip up 00:01:43.205 --> 00:01:48.079 in a vidio recently in which she revealed 00:01:48.079 --> 00:01:52.379 that the ukrainean armed forces had lost 00:01:52.379 --> 00:01:56.398 dead 100,000 soldiers 00:01:56.398 --> 00:01:58.728 so alarming 00:01:58.728 --> 00:02:02.861 was this that she quickly put out a 2nd vidio 00:02:02.861 --> 00:02:07.949 without the number but no one denies the number 00:02:07.949 --> 00:02:12.296 the E U refuses to deny the number 00:02:12.296 --> 00:02:15.380 if it 's a true number 00:02:15.380 --> 00:02:20.107 100,000 dead soldiers in 10 months 00:02:20.107 --> 00:02:25.432 must mean by Rubric that iave heard you express before 00:02:25.432 --> 00:02:29.371 200 to 300,000 wounded 00:02:29.371 --> 00:02:33.271 and maimed soldiers making the best part 00:02:33.271 --> 00:02:37.426 of half a 1,000,000 casualties in 10 Nths 00:02:37.426 --> 00:02:38.726 of a war 00:02:38.726 --> 00:02:42.180 that we keep getting told eukraine is winning 00:02:42.180 --> 00:02:44.693 your comments please 00:02:44.693 --> 00:02:47.352 I think that they are wrong numbers 00:02:47.352 --> 00:02:50.241 I think they're low ahm I think they're numbers 00:02:50.241 --> 00:02:54.079 that are reflective of the official 00:02:54.079 --> 00:02:56.716 a dialogue that takes place 00:02:56.716 --> 00:02:59.041 between the ukranean government 00:02:59.041 --> 00:03:03.181 and their european native and american allies a 00:03:03.306 --> 00:03:05.975 we have to remember that Ukrane is one 00:03:05.975 --> 00:03:07.780 of the most corrupt nations on the planet 00:03:07.780 --> 00:03:08.999 ah there's a petition 00:03:08.999 --> 00:03:13.023 that has been signed by a ukrainean wives 00:03:13.023 --> 00:03:16.887 and a mothers ah that are asking for the status 00:03:16.887 --> 00:03:19.512 of upwards of 3 Hundreda 20,000 men 00:03:19.512 --> 00:03:21.300 a they want to know where they've gone 00:03:21.300 --> 00:03:22.364 what's happened to them 00:03:22.364 --> 00:03:23.701 why haen't they riding home 00:03:23.701 --> 00:03:27.552 why aren't they phoning home ahm these are missing 00:03:28.722 --> 00:03:31.200 that's a lot larger number 00:03:31.200 --> 00:03:32.822 and I I think the wounded 00:03:32.822 --> 00:03:35.098 also are a significantly larger 00:03:35.098 --> 00:03:37.087 I think the Ukranians are suppressing 00:03:37.087 --> 00:03:39.188 ah the truth of the losses they're 00:03:39.188 --> 00:03:41.565 horendous I mean a 100,000 is mine blowing 00:03:41.565 --> 00:03:44.071 but U m I i'm here to tell you right now I think 00:03:44.071 --> 00:03:45.436 tha the number is probably closer 00:03:45.436 --> 00:03:47.472 to a quarter 1,000,000 ahm 00:03:47.472 --> 00:03:49.891 and then you can extrapulate the wounded ah 00:03:49.891 --> 00:03:52.704 and it's only going to get worse ah as this 00:03:52.704 --> 00:03:57.091 war unfolds as russian e reinforcements arrive 00:03:57.091 --> 00:04:01.697 as Russia begins a significant offensive combat operations 00:04:01.697 --> 00:04:03.802 against a ukranean military 00:04:03.802 --> 00:04:05.886 that has been significantly degraded 00:04:05.886 --> 00:04:08.601 over the last corps couple of months a 00:04:08.601 --> 00:04:11.251 I use as a historical analogy 00:04:11.251 --> 00:04:14.622 a the destruction of Army Group Centr that's 00:04:14.622 --> 00:04:16.585 the destruction of a german army group 00:04:16.585 --> 00:04:19.732 a and on the Soviet front in the summer of 1944 00:04:19.732 --> 00:04:22.854 but we can also liken it to a Operation Cobra 00:04:22.854 --> 00:04:26.236 where the Americans and British broke out of Normandy 00:04:26.236 --> 00:04:28.932 a bridgehead and drove the Germans back 00:04:28.932 --> 00:04:32.082 in Pell mell defeat a it was a slaughter 00:04:32.082 --> 00:04:34.395 of german troops on both sides 00:04:34.395 --> 00:04:36.863 and I'm fearful for the ukranean people 00:04:36.863 --> 00:04:37.957 that we're going to see 00:04:37.957 --> 00:04:40.314 a similar slaughter of ukranean troops 00:04:40.314 --> 00:04:42.805 in the not so distant future 00:04:42.946 --> 00:04:46.383 well these numbers are I was going 00:04:46.383 --> 00:04:48.608 to say 2nd World War type numbers 00:04:48.608 --> 00:04:50.077 but actually they are closer 00:04:50.077 --> 00:04:53.316 to 1st World War casualty figures arent they 00:04:53.316 --> 00:04:55.876 I methe 2nd World War had 00:04:55.876 --> 00:04:58.780 a battles that produced significant losses 00:04:58.780 --> 00:05:01.158 but you're right a e we're looking 00:05:01.158 --> 00:05:03.803 at som some battles right now 00:05:03.803 --> 00:05:07.206 that a o upwards of a 1000 men are dying 00:05:07.206 --> 00:05:10.440 a day and that's World War one type numbers ah 00:05:10.440 --> 00:05:13.601 and a an a an yo they're dying 00:05:13.601 --> 00:05:15.455 in trench warfare they're dying 00:05:15.455 --> 00:05:17.559 under artillery bombardment they 00:05:17.559 --> 00:05:19.554 theyr ukranean soldiers Tha are going 00:05:19.554 --> 00:05:21.084 to the front thinking 00:05:21.084 --> 00:05:22.380 that they are going to close with 00:05:22.380 --> 00:05:25.657 and engage the russian enemy in close combat 00:05:25.657 --> 00:05:29.099 and they ah they spend their entire tour am 00:05:29.099 --> 00:05:31.175 under artillery fire never once seeing 00:05:31.175 --> 00:05:33.295 the Russians ah and seeing upwards 00:05:33.295 --> 00:05:35.509 of 60 to 70 per cent of their unit 00:05:35.509 --> 00:05:38.483 ah killed or wounded before they are eventually withdrawn 00:05:38.483 --> 00:05:40.468 totally demoralised ah 00:05:40.468 --> 00:05:43.181 in an effort to regroup a Net's World War 00:05:43.181 --> 00:05:46.078 one type Bah type combat 00:05:46.778 --> 00:05:52.255 E we keep learning that inventories of armaments in 00:05:52.255 --> 00:05:57.211 the neto countries are rock bottom 00:05:57.211 --> 00:06:00.530 some countries refused to give 00:06:00.530 --> 00:06:03.078 requested military aid 00:06:03.078 --> 00:06:05.900 to Ukrane because that would leave them 00:06:05.900 --> 00:06:09.800 literally defenseless without weapons 00:06:09.800 --> 00:06:12.835 to defend their own country the 00:06:12.835 --> 00:06:16.677 financial times of all people this week said 00:06:16.677 --> 00:06:20.402 that e one of the least predicted 00:06:20.402 --> 00:06:23.648 outcomes of the war so far is 00:06:23.648 --> 00:06:27.275 that the Russians have de militarized neto 00:06:27.275 --> 00:06:31.673 by forcing them to a expend 00:06:31.673 --> 00:06:35.847 almost all of the weapons inventory that they 00:06:35.847 --> 00:06:37.058 had 00:06:37.058 --> 00:06:40.792 what are the Ukraineans doing with these weapons 00:06:40.792 --> 00:06:44.797 another dyn they're receiving 00:06:44.797 --> 00:06:46.885 these weapons they go into combat 00:06:46.885 --> 00:06:49.578 and a these weapons get destroyed 00:06:49.578 --> 00:06:52.160 a the men manning the weapons get killed 00:06:52.160 --> 00:06:54.309 in the case of the artillery pieces 00:06:54.309 --> 00:06:57.229 the Eukranians Ah Whel 00:06:57.229 --> 00:07:00.513 fire off as many rounds as they can an ye r 00:07:00.513 --> 00:07:03.692 during the Gulf War a the united States 00:07:03.692 --> 00:07:06.013 miltaist is 1990 on we fired 00:07:06.013 --> 00:07:08.000 60,000 rounds of artillery 00:07:08.000 --> 00:07:11.535 for the entire onflit the euranean miltary 00:07:11.535 --> 00:07:14.662 is firing upwards of 20,000 rounds a day 00:07:14.662 --> 00:07:19.344 a when when we provide them with NATO standard 155 00:07:19.344 --> 00:07:20.967 Millimetere artillery pieces 00:07:20.967 --> 00:07:23.434 like the M Triple 7 the m one o 9 00:07:23.434 --> 00:07:25.815 and others a they use 00:07:25.815 --> 00:07:28.778 thi this Nato standard ammunition 00:07:28.778 --> 00:07:32.209 a but Nedo didn't hasn't pland 00:07:32.209 --> 00:07:34.598 for expenditures of this rate I mean I dont know 00:07:34.598 --> 00:07:36.655 what Nedo has been doing for the last 20 years 00:07:36.655 --> 00:07:38.356 but they obviousl haven't been planning 00:07:38.356 --> 00:07:40.477 for a large scale ground conflict 00:07:40.477 --> 00:07:43.152 in Europe despite ah articulating 00:07:43.152 --> 00:07:45.607 that Russia was somehow the threat worthy 00:07:45.607 --> 00:07:48.016 of Ah the enlargement of neto 00:07:48.016 --> 00:07:51.363 ah the united States produces around a quarter 00:07:51.363 --> 00:07:54.176 of a 1,000,055 millimetere rounds 00:07:54.176 --> 00:07:57.626 per year a me much of that's used for training 00:07:57.626 --> 00:07:58.810 and the rest of it's used 00:07:58.810 --> 00:08:01.529 to keep stocks up to date as they retire 00:08:01.529 --> 00:08:03.745 o expired ammunition 00:08:03.745 --> 00:08:06.053 a when you provide the Ukrainians with say 00:08:06.053 --> 00:08:08.201 a quarter of a 1,000,000 rounds of ammunition 00:08:08.201 --> 00:08:11.398 a we might think that that's going to last several months 00:08:11.398 --> 00:08:14.765 ah the the reality is it lasts two weeks 00:08:14.765 --> 00:08:16.793 and then the Eukranians need more 00:08:16.793 --> 00:08:19.266 and after a while we don't have any more 00:08:19.266 --> 00:08:22.527 to give ah the there's some talk 00:08:22.527 --> 00:08:25.114 in the media that the the british Army 00:08:25.114 --> 00:08:26.827 E which by the way I just want 00:08:26.827 --> 00:08:28.647 to make the following point the World Cup 00:08:28.647 --> 00:08:29.970 is going on right now and you have 00:08:29.970 --> 00:08:31.701 many stadiums that can seat 00:08:31.701 --> 00:08:34.481 you know a 100 hured 10 plus 1000 people 00:08:34.481 --> 00:08:36.602 you could put the entire british army 00:08:36.602 --> 00:08:38.557 in a soker stadium and still have 00:08:38.557 --> 00:08:41.818 about 40,000 seats free so 00:08:41.818 --> 00:08:45.013 the british army small as it is am 00:08:45.013 --> 00:08:47.248 will run out of ammunition in two days 00:08:47.248 --> 00:08:49.741 on a large scale ground combat two days 00:08:49.741 --> 00:08:51.501 the american army would probably run 00:08:51.501 --> 00:08:53.455 out of ammunition in two weeks 00:08:53.455 --> 00:08:57.987 neto this this is war losing numbers ahm meaning 00:08:57.987 --> 00:09:00.579 that if neto were ever to engage in a conflict 00:09:00.579 --> 00:09:03.089 with a a an enemy like Russia 00:09:03.089 --> 00:09:05.831 ahm and you run out of ammunition 00:09:05.831 --> 00:09:08.471 against an enemy that uses artillery 00:09:08.471 --> 00:09:10.214 to dominate the battle field 00:09:10.214 --> 00:09:12.868 its game set match Moscow 00:09:12.868 --> 00:09:16.619 from the start a Neto is never able to fight 00:09:16.619 --> 00:09:18.915 a russian its modern configuration 00:09:18.915 --> 00:09:21.836 its posh cold War Configuration Nedo is n 00:09:21.836 --> 00:09:24.102 organized equipped or trained 00:09:24.102 --> 00:09:26.306 to fight Russia but now they don't have 00:09:26.306 --> 00:09:28.275 the logistic sustainability 00:09:28.275 --> 00:09:30.655 to do it even in a Fhantasie scenario 00:09:30.655 --> 00:09:33.569 so a what this is doing and I think this war 00:09:33.569 --> 00:09:35.448 is actually doing Neto a favor 00:09:35.448 --> 00:09:38.203 because it's allowing Neto to understand 00:09:38.203 --> 00:09:42.642 that if it goes to war it will lose it will lose decisively 00:09:42.642 --> 00:09:46.189 so maybe don't go to war this is the thought 00:09:46.189 --> 00:09:48.437 that should be in the head of everybody 00:09:48.437 --> 00:09:50.068 who wears a uniform in Neto 00:09:50.068 --> 00:09:54.107 to day that we should tell our diplomats to stop talking 00:09:54.107 --> 00:09:57.005 about aggressive posturing towards Russia 00:09:57.005 --> 00:09:59.855 because the last thing Neto wants needs or 00:09:59.855 --> 00:10:04.420 even can survive in is a meaningful conflict with Russia 00:10:04.884 --> 00:10:09.075 i'll come to the politicians in a minute a 00:10:09.075 --> 00:10:11.672 but er one of the reasons why I ask you 00:10:11.672 --> 00:10:13.005 that question and thanks 00:10:13.005 --> 00:10:16.588 for that incredible powerful answer 00:10:16.588 --> 00:10:20.978 is that President Bohari of Nygeria says 00:10:20.978 --> 00:10:24.865 that there's evidence in his possession 00:10:24.865 --> 00:10:27.365 that weapons that were given 00:10:27.365 --> 00:10:31.911 to Eukrane are showing up in the Chad Basin 00:10:31.911 --> 00:10:35.756 in the hands of a Islamist 00:10:35.756 --> 00:10:39.031 a throat cutting mad men 00:10:39.031 --> 00:10:42.298 of the likes of Boko Haram 00:10:42.298 --> 00:10:45.494 and other Islamist groups ah who 00:10:45.494 --> 00:10:49.128 are to be found in the Chada Basin 00:10:49.128 --> 00:10:53.609 and if ah the President of Nigeria is correct 00:10:53.609 --> 00:10:57.621 then it would seem that the OFT predicted 00:10:57.621 --> 00:11:01.049 leakage of the weaponry that's 00:11:01.049 --> 00:11:03.843 being sent to Eukrane is beginning 00:11:03.843 --> 00:11:06.553 to happen 1st in Africa 00:11:06.553 --> 00:11:12.433 but maybe ultimately to a bank hold up near us 00:11:12.840 --> 00:11:16.488 no you're 100 per cent correct the that 00:11:16.488 --> 00:11:19.300 which many people including you and myself have 00:11:19.300 --> 00:11:23.313 been the fearfully predicting is becoming reality 00:11:23.313 --> 00:11:24.557 the 00:11:24.557 --> 00:11:25.908 I don't know 00:11:25.908 --> 00:11:28.402 what the united States Europe Natov and everybody 00:11:28.402 --> 00:11:31.088 whoas been providing weapons Ducrane was thinking 00:11:31.088 --> 00:11:37.713 when you hand over without any formal accounting mechanism 00:11:37.713 --> 00:11:41.042 in place ah massive quantities 00:11:41.042 --> 00:11:43.464 of weaponry now yo tanks 00:11:43.464 --> 00:11:45.378 armored fighting vehicles artillery pieces 00:11:45.378 --> 00:11:46.594 these aren't weapons 00:11:46.594 --> 00:11:49.717 that are easily transported across borders 00:11:49.717 --> 00:11:52.817 javelin missiles Endlaw Missiles 00:11:52.817 --> 00:11:56.649 Stinger missiles machine guns ammunition grenades 00:11:56.649 --> 00:12:01.844 land mines a portable a suicide drones these are 00:12:01.844 --> 00:12:04.561 and these weapons have been turned over 00:12:04.561 --> 00:12:08.113 to the most corrupt nation state 00:12:08.113 --> 00:12:10.711 in Europe Eukrane at a time 00:12:10.711 --> 00:12:12.724 when the rule of law has ceased 00:12:12.724 --> 00:12:14.334 to exist so that corruption 00:12:14.334 --> 00:12:16.537 has no checks ind balance right now 00:12:16.537 --> 00:12:18.884 the ukranean military is a military 00:12:18.884 --> 00:12:21.183 that has been taken over 00:12:21.183 --> 00:12:24.923 by criminal elements the Aizov Battalion 00:12:24.923 --> 00:12:27.622 the Aydhar Battalion the Safary Unit 00:12:27.622 --> 00:12:30.042 of the Kracken Battalion we can go on 00:12:30.042 --> 00:12:32.977 and on tens of thousands even more 00:12:32.977 --> 00:12:36.713 of these neo Natzy White supremacys criminal elements 00:12:36.713 --> 00:12:40.372 whose links aren't to normal governments 00:12:40.372 --> 00:12:41.941 but to the underworld 00:12:41.941 --> 00:12:44.496 to the black market to the criminal element 00:12:44.496 --> 00:12:47.175 and these are corrupt people who recognise 00:12:47.175 --> 00:12:48.876 the opportunity a been given 00:12:48.876 --> 00:12:50.301 because of the careless behaviour 00:12:50.301 --> 00:12:52.926 of the west to take this man transportable 00:12:52.926 --> 00:12:56.377 is easily transportable of free money 00:12:56.377 --> 00:12:58.281 and instead of using it 00:12:58.281 --> 00:13:00.532 as it was intended to fight the Russians 00:13:00.532 --> 00:13:02.251 to have it filter back 00:13:02.251 --> 00:13:03.675 and now it's appearing on the 00:13:03.675 --> 00:13:05.286 markets in Africa it's appearing on 00:13:05.286 --> 00:13:07.116 the markets in Europe it con appear 00:13:07.116 --> 00:13:09.220 on every market in the world 00:13:09.220 --> 00:13:12.766 and the world has only the united States NATO 00:13:12.766 --> 00:13:16.859 european Union to blame we could have instituted 00:13:16.859 --> 00:13:19.844 a system of accounting as is normally done 00:13:19.844 --> 00:13:22.595 when you're dealing with weapons of this legality 00:13:22.595 --> 00:13:24.468 you account for them every time 00:13:24.468 --> 00:13:26.112 they are expended officers write 00:13:26.112 --> 00:13:28.205 a report that goes back to the logistics 00:13:28.205 --> 00:13:30.142 and it can be taken off a list 00:13:30.142 --> 00:13:32.701 we have no clue what's happened to these weapons 00:13:32.701 --> 00:13:37.498 and this was done it was with malice a forethought 00:13:37.498 --> 00:13:39.338 because it wasn't as if the people 00:13:39.338 --> 00:13:41.222 who provided the weapons to Ukrane 00:13:41.222 --> 00:13:42.841 didn't know what the reality was 00:13:42.841 --> 00:13:44.624 they can't say this was a mistake 00:13:44.624 --> 00:13:46.737 they did this knowing Fooll well what 00:13:46.737 --> 00:13:48.197 the outcome was going to be 00:13:48.197 --> 00:13:50.845 because they were seeking a political 00:13:50.845 --> 00:13:53.939 a e a moment where they could say 00:13:53.939 --> 00:13:56.377 we are being strong look how strong we are 00:13:56.377 --> 00:13:58.010 but it wasn't a moment that had 00:13:58.010 --> 00:13:59.657 any ge political significance 00:13:59.657 --> 00:14:02.672 in terms of advancing their cause it was a moment 00:14:02.672 --> 00:14:05.105 that gave them short term political benefit 00:14:05.105 --> 00:14:07.007 for long term political costs 00:14:07.007 --> 00:14:10.196 are real cost for the rest of the world 00:14:10.417 --> 00:14:13.710 sometimes a like a glimpse 00:14:13.710 --> 00:14:17.679 of sunlight on a cloudy day we read and see 00:14:17.679 --> 00:14:22.676 a a vision of a of a President Macron 00:14:22.676 --> 00:14:25.537 I appreciate that it's not often he looks 00:14:25.537 --> 00:14:26.947 like a ray of sunshine 00:14:26.947 --> 00:14:31.233 but one such glimpse was a yesterday 00:14:31.233 --> 00:14:33.980 or to day in which he said 00:14:33.980 --> 00:14:37.256 to my absolute astonishment 00:14:37.256 --> 00:14:42.091 that we not only need a security architecture 00:14:42.091 --> 00:14:44.748 which includes Russia 00:14:44.748 --> 00:14:51.318 we have to address Russia's legitimate concern 00:14:51.318 --> 00:14:56.036 that NATO is turning up on Russia's door step 00:14:56.036 --> 00:14:59.377 with weapons systems missiles 00:14:59.377 --> 00:15:01.194 on Russia's door step 00:15:01.194 --> 00:15:03.679 this is the same President Makron 00:15:03.679 --> 00:15:05.578 who was in Washington 00:15:05.578 --> 00:15:09.114 last week meeting President Byden do you think he said 00:15:09.114 --> 00:15:12.261 the same thing to Byden or is it one thing 00:15:12.261 --> 00:15:14.859 for one audience one thing for another 00:15:14.859 --> 00:15:18.427 well one never knows with MC Grog because the 00:15:19.403 --> 00:15:22.376 Emanuel if you had had 00:15:22.376 --> 00:15:24.541 this same mind set back in December 00:15:24.541 --> 00:15:26.222 when Russia turned over 00:15:26.222 --> 00:15:29.153 a draft treaty to Nedo for the consideration 00:15:29.153 --> 00:15:32.559 of all european members of Nedo including France 00:15:32.559 --> 00:15:35.050 about the very issues you just addressed 00:15:35.050 --> 00:15:36.877 had you shown this mind set 00:15:36.877 --> 00:15:38.815 then and said we need to sit down 00:15:38.815 --> 00:15:40.670 with the Russians and address this issue 00:15:40.670 --> 00:15:43.219 there would have been no war in eukraine 00:15:43.219 --> 00:15:45.619 Russia said if you are willing to talk with us 00:15:45.619 --> 00:15:47.094 this is how we want to solve 00:15:47.094 --> 00:15:48.815 the problem diplomatically 00:15:48.815 --> 00:15:50.420 but if you ignore us we will have 00:15:50.420 --> 00:15:52.675 no choice but to go the military technical route 00:15:52.675 --> 00:15:54.925 so why is MC rone saying this now 00:15:54.925 --> 00:15:57.583 I saying it because he's waking up to reality 00:15:57.583 --> 00:16:00.262 that Russia is winning and is going to win 00:16:00.262 --> 00:16:02.699 and there's nothing Nedo can do to prevent this 00:16:02.699 --> 00:16:04.965 so he's trying to create a framework 00:16:04.965 --> 00:16:06.746 for a negotiated settlement 00:16:06.746 --> 00:16:08.864 but it's a discussion that's taking place 00:16:08.864 --> 00:16:12.455 internally within Nedo EH Russia's not listening 00:16:12.455 --> 00:16:14.324 why would Russia ever listen 00:16:14.324 --> 00:16:17.749 to Emanuel M' Krone again Emanuel Mc Crone 00:16:17.749 --> 00:16:20.862 France was part of the Normandy Format 00:16:20.862 --> 00:16:24.055 that was supposed to pressure Ukrane to implement 00:16:24.055 --> 00:16:26.464 the Minskacchords we now know 00:16:26.464 --> 00:16:29.694 thanks to Petrporeshenko and Angolemerko 00:16:29.694 --> 00:16:32.496 that Minsk was never intended to be implemented 00:16:32.496 --> 00:16:35.042 it was always a vehicle to buy time 00:16:35.042 --> 00:16:37.914 for nado to train a ukranean armed force 00:16:37.914 --> 00:16:40.605 to forcibly retake the dombas 00:16:40.605 --> 00:16:43.042 and in a according with their own 00:16:43.042 --> 00:16:45.454 fantasies Crimea and M Kron was part 00:16:45.454 --> 00:16:48.317 of that MC Kron and his diplomats 00:16:48.317 --> 00:16:50.627 stood face to face with their russian counterparts 00:16:50.627 --> 00:16:52.140 in October of last year 00:16:52.140 --> 00:16:55.345 when the Russians pleaded for them to implement mensk 00:16:55.345 --> 00:16:57.738 that war could be avoided and mccrony said 00:16:57.738 --> 00:17:01.202 no we're not going to do that so who knows what 00:17:01.202 --> 00:17:03.743 Emanuel Comc Crone's telling people 00:17:03.743 --> 00:17:06.144 what did he say to Byden what's he saying to day 00:17:06.144 --> 00:17:08.188 he is a confused individual 00:17:08.188 --> 00:17:10.373 because he's on the wrong side of history 00:17:10.373 --> 00:17:12.814 and on the losing cause right now and he's 00:17:12.814 --> 00:17:16.301 dead desperate for a solution but he needs to understand 00:17:16.301 --> 00:17:19.207 that in order for there to be a negotiated 00:17:19.207 --> 00:17:21.979 agreement with Russia Russia has to trust France 00:17:21.979 --> 00:17:24.518 Russia will never trust France again not as long 00:17:24.518 --> 00:17:26.502 as Emanuel M Kron is the president 00:17:26.502 --> 00:17:28.338 because France has shown itself to be 00:17:28.338 --> 00:17:31.736 eminently untrustworthy just like the U K has 00:17:31.736 --> 00:17:34.521 just like Germany has just like Nedo has 00:17:34.521 --> 00:17:36.465 just like the united States has 00:17:36.465 --> 00:17:39.463 this is a conflict that will not be settled 00:17:39.463 --> 00:17:42.679 by negotiation tragically this is a conflict 00:17:42.679 --> 00:17:44.707 that'll be settled on the battle field 00:17:44.707 --> 00:17:48.114 on the terms dictated by the victorious party 00:17:48.114 --> 00:17:50.155 and that victorious party is going to 00:17:50.155 --> 00:17:52.744 be Russia party and that victorious 00:17:52.744 --> 00:17:55.237 party and that victorious party is going 00:17:55.237 --> 00:17:58.178 to be Russia is going to happen 00:17:58.178 --> 00:18:03.206 but the reality that the policy being pushed by 00:18:03.206 --> 00:18:06.831 the ukranean government together with their m 00:18:06.831 --> 00:18:11.438 I 6 and C I a controllers is a policy designed 00:18:11.438 --> 00:18:14.272 to create through information warfare 00:18:14.272 --> 00:18:16.479 because it's not going to happen on the ground 00:18:16.479 --> 00:18:19.539 that what they are looking for is to 00:18:19.539 --> 00:18:21.721 dishearten the russian people 00:18:21.721 --> 00:18:23.793 to demoralize the russian people 00:18:23.793 --> 00:18:26.572 to such an extent that there will be 00:18:26.572 --> 00:18:29.375 meaningful domestic opposition 00:18:29.375 --> 00:18:32.980 to Vladimir Putin a there will be a Moscow maidon 00:18:32.980 --> 00:18:34.901 that's a term that is used 00:18:34.901 --> 00:18:36.245 by the ukranean government 00:18:36.245 --> 00:18:37.489 a term that has been plant 00:18:37.489 --> 00:18:41.398 in ukranean government by M I 6 this is a British 00:18:41.398 --> 00:18:44.669 concept the Moscow Maidan 00:18:44.669 --> 00:18:47.076 where the russian people rise up together 00:18:47.076 --> 00:18:49.676 with oligarchs and other Silovki men of power 00:18:49.676 --> 00:18:52.847 who are frustrated by Gladimer Putin's impotence 00:18:52.847 --> 00:18:55.788 as a leader so they are going to rmove him 00:18:55.788 --> 00:18:58.795 and then replace him with something and so the idea is 00:18:58.795 --> 00:19:01.532 that the C I A and the British are waiting 00:19:01.532 --> 00:19:03.714 in the wings with this government 00:19:03.714 --> 00:19:05.766 in exile hand picked people 00:19:05.766 --> 00:19:08.010 that are already in Moscow now 00:19:08.010 --> 00:19:09.501 understand what we're saying here 00:19:09.501 --> 00:19:12.363 to accept this at face value you have to believe 00:19:12.363 --> 00:19:15.969 that the C and the British have the ability 00:19:15.969 --> 00:19:18.885 to have a government in waiting 00:19:18.885 --> 00:19:21.185 in Moscow which means 00:19:21.185 --> 00:19:23.611 there is no security service in Russia Potin's 00:19:23.611 --> 00:19:25.643 that much inconpetent they're planting 00:19:25.643 --> 00:19:27.579 this idea not for you and I 00:19:27.579 --> 00:19:28.996 to have this conversation 00:19:28.996 --> 00:19:30.427 but for Russians to sit there 00:19:30.427 --> 00:19:31.938 and start calling each other up going 00:19:31.938 --> 00:19:34.223 man is this real is Pootin that weak 00:19:34.223 --> 00:19:36.136 is is are the Americans 00:19:36.136 --> 00:19:37.785 and the british there and to create 00:19:37.785 --> 00:19:41.372 is Pooten's riding high on on O a wave of appro 00:19:41.372 --> 00:19:42.752 and the idea is to create 00:19:42.752 --> 00:19:44.104 through information warfare 00:19:44.104 --> 00:19:45.925 a mechanism that brings him down 00:19:45.925 --> 00:19:47.482 that lowers the approval rate 00:19:47.482 --> 00:19:51.091 to make this happen it is 100 per cent 00:19:51.091 --> 00:19:54.900 pure phantasy so much so that I believe 00:19:54.900 --> 00:19:56.627 a state department official came out 00:19:56.627 --> 00:20:00.235 just the other day and said there's no indication 00:20:00.235 --> 00:20:04.197 that the he the the H the Putan government is 00:20:04.197 --> 00:20:07.472 oh you're on the verge of being overthrown through 00:20:07.472 --> 00:20:10.134 popular discontent it's it's it's not going 00:20:10.134 --> 00:20:12.422 to happen but for a while that was the 00:20:12.422 --> 00:20:14.452 that's the whole purpose of you know 00:20:14.452 --> 00:20:16.307 when you turn on your computer in the morning 00:20:16.307 --> 00:20:18.073 of all the stories that scrawl out 00:20:18.073 --> 00:20:20.705 youve let him rputn dying of cancer drop the pen 00:20:20.705 --> 00:20:23.447 shaky Jake Can't Walk Eh 00:20:23.447 --> 00:20:27.378 the russian military incompetent retreating deserting 00:20:27.378 --> 00:20:29.798 crying for Mamma the russian generals 00:20:29.798 --> 00:20:32.158 committing suicide dying russian equipment 00:20:32.158 --> 00:20:34.478 breaking the Ukraneans are the strongest 00:20:34.478 --> 00:20:36.588 most virile men in the world e 00:20:36.588 --> 00:20:38.190 and you read all this stuff 00:20:38.190 --> 00:20:40.728 and you're going who and it's not again for us 00:20:40.728 --> 00:20:42.627 the Russians are some 00:20:42.627 --> 00:20:44.471 of the most internet saveg people 00:20:44.471 --> 00:20:46.702 in the world they are plugged in 00:20:46.702 --> 00:20:48.858 to all this they're watching 00:20:48.858 --> 00:20:50.956 this program they watch every program 00:20:50.956 --> 00:20:53.460 and the idea by flooding 00:20:53.460 --> 00:20:55.620 hi the field so to speak with this 00:20:55.620 --> 00:20:58.608 disinformation is to sow seeds of doubt 00:20:58.608 --> 00:21:01.992 amongst the Russians but when you're that internet Savvey 00:21:01.992 --> 00:21:04.871 yo these aren't children they're not going 00:21:04.871 --> 00:21:08.064 to take your candy these are adults who recognize 00:21:08.064 --> 00:21:09.556 exactly what's going on 00:21:09.556 --> 00:21:12.458 and it has backfired Vladimer Pouton 00:21:12.458 --> 00:21:17.049 to day is as has very solid support ah 00:21:17.049 --> 00:21:19.477 his policies are generally approved 00:21:19.477 --> 00:21:21.509 especially when it comes to this war 00:21:21.509 --> 00:21:25.135 and there's no chance a you cound take a snow ball 00:21:25.135 --> 00:21:28.508 and throw it in a fireplace and that snow ball has 00:21:28.508 --> 00:21:30.195 a better chance of surviving 00:21:30.195 --> 00:21:34.902 than this Poltics this phantasy has of becoming truth 00:21:35.516 --> 00:21:38.725 well as you and I both know 00:21:38.725 --> 00:21:43.972 a no names no pack drill our intelligence services 00:21:43.972 --> 00:21:47.395 are more austene powers than James Bond 00:21:47.395 --> 00:21:51.838 as is demonstrated over decades Scott Writter 00:21:51.838 --> 00:21:54.841 a phenomenal interview that will fly far 00:21:54.841 --> 00:21:58.685 I predict thanks for joining us on the mother of
Zuzka M S sdílí