Message of Our Lady 27/01/10 at Borg in Nadur Malta. Message of 27th January, 2010, given at Borg in-Nadur. My dear children, and my children – the ones of my heart! The following is for Fr Hayden and …More
Message of Our Lady 27/01/10 at Borg in Nadur Malta.

Message of 27th
January, 2010, given at Borg in-Nadur.

My dear children, and my children – the ones of my heart! The following is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to pass on to the people.

A couple, wedded two months ago got separated. They are now cohabiting with another man and woman. Another couple who have been two years married have done the same. Another couple, eight years married, did likewise.

My children, fear divorce! Fear it!

What is this, when it is said: “I have had enough” or “she has had enough”; “I am fed up of you” or “I am fed up of her”; “she no longer attracts me as before”; “I find you repulsive”; “I no longer love you”; “and I want to live with another man.”? This is what you have become, my children. Some of you are not realizing that they are mistaken. They believe they are in the right. If a woman goes off with another man, she will go to hell! If one of them makes a mistake, the other should not make a mistake also.

Many say: “A diocesan priest or a religious priest are allowed to leave! They ask for dispensation and the Church gives it to them! Even in genuine cases, or very serious cases, they still say: “What difference is there? Is it not a bond that binds them just the same?”

Mistaken! The diocesan priest and the religious priest are bound by the Church. It is the Church that has bound them, but marriage was fashioned by God. What God has bound, man must not put asunder. You find this in the Old Testament. On the other hand, the Church may release the diocesan priest or the religious priest, from celibacy. Do not compare, my children! Rather the fact remains that a mistake is a mistake.

Therefore, you are to be witnesses and cause people to believe in what you are seeing and hearing. Never fear to say the truth, at any cost.

Thank you for having listened to my call.