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Senator Ron Johnson on Mornings with Maria 8.11.23 US Senator Ron JOHNSON: "It was all planned by a very powerful group of elite people to take control of our lives" [Aug. 11, 2023] Senator Ron Johnson …More
Senator Ron Johnson on Mornings with Maria 8.11.23

US Senator Ron JOHNSON: "It was all planned by a very powerful group of elite people to take control of our lives" [Aug. 11, 2023]

Senator Ron Johnson interviewed on Fox Business' "Mornings With Maria" program yesterday, made explosive statements. According to Senator Johnson, a 'group of people belonging to the elite" hatched a plan to take away freedoms from citizens.

When asked by journalist and anchor Maria Bartiromo about the government's motives in conspiring with mass media and Big Tech to hide the truth, Republican Senator Johnson replied, "This was all pre-planned by an 'elite group of people. EVENT 201 (Event 201 | Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security), occurred in late 2019, before the rest of us knew about this pandemic. This is very disturbing in terms of what has happened, what is happening, what continues to be planned for our loss of freedom. It needs to be exposed, but unfortunately there are very few people, even in Congress, who are willing to take a look at it. We are up against a very powerful group of people here, Maria."

Senator Johnson had words of appreciation for journalists willing to take personal risks to combat the mainstream narrative: "We need the truth to be exposed, we need more Americans to hear the truth."

"We are going down a very dangerous road. It's a road mapped out and planned by a group of people from the elites who want to take total control over our lives, and they're doing it little by little. They are doing it by increasing massive government spending, by increasing government powers, by the takeover of the WHO. These amendments that are going to be voted on in 2024 on WHO are frightening and really threaten to take away all of our sovereignty."

Senator Ron Johnson on Mornings with Maria 8.11.23
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