Faked death certificates to maintain the pandemic fraud - Dr. Scott Jensen is a physician and senator in Minnesota. In an interview with U.S. news station KX-4, he says that in late March he received …More
Faked death certificates to maintain the pandemic fraud - Dr. Scott Jensen is a physician and senator in Minnesota. In an interview with U.S. news station KX-4, he says that in late March he received instructions from the National Institutes of Health on how to fill out death certificates in the future. "Basically, it said you didn't need a lab test for COVID-19 to put COVID-19 as the cause of death on the death certificate." When the moderator inquired what interest the health department had in artificially inflating Corona death rates in this way, the Republican senator says, "Fear is a good way to control people."

Hospitals that enter Corona as the cause of death receive bonuses. And although there is cheating like this, there are still no increased death rates worldwide. It is a pure media pandemic and only takes place in the heads of some gullible people who have not yet understood what kind of corrupt system they live in: www.cbs42.com/news/health/coronavirus/new-cdc-report-shows-94-of-covid-19-deaths-in-us-had-underlying-medical-conditions/