May 13 - Saint John the Silent Bishop (454 - c. 558) St. John was born in 454 to a ruling family in Nicopolis, Armenia. He received faith through the teaching, prayers and example of his parents. After …More
May 13 - Saint John the Silent
(454 - c. 558)

St. John was born in 454 to a ruling family in Nicopolis, Armenia. He received faith through the teaching, prayers and example of his parents. After their passing, John built a church in honor of the Blessed Virgin, and also a monastery with the help of ten fervent companions: all at the age of 18. John was quiet and contemplative and spoke with discretion.
John was consecrated bishop of Colonia, Armenia, by the archbishop of Sebaste in 482. In this dignity, he preserved his spirit of recollection and monastic discipline. One night in prayer, Bp. John saw before him a bright cross. He heard a voice say, "If you desire to be saved, follow this light." The vision pointed to the monastery of St. Sabas. Bp. John later abdicated the episcopal office and retired to the monastery of St. Sabas, where 150 monks lived. He was 38 years old.
At the monastery, John routinely fetched water, carried stones and performed manual labor. St. Sabas deemed him worthy of consecration and presented him to Patriarch Elias. When John told the patriarch that he was a bishop, St. Sabas chastised him for concealing the matter. John then departed the monastery and St. Sabas could not prevail on him to stay. In the year 503, John withdrew to a neighboring wilderness. He returned 7 years later and lived in holy solitude for forty years.
John, by his example and counsels, conducted many fervent souls to God. He emulated the heavenly spirits as much as his nature allowed. Soon after the year 558, he passed from this world and joined the Church Triumphant in Heaven. He lived in holy solitude for 76 years, with the exception of 9 spent at the episcopal see.