Indoctrination, Catholic? to the catechists of the diocese of San Luis

In the Arg. diocese of San Luis, whose bishop is Gabriel Barba - promoted to the episcopate of his country by Francis - a talk was organized for catechists in which a priest named Guillermo Micheletti destroyed the bases of the most basic Catholic Faith. Originally from the diocese of San Luis but ordained a priest in another diocese called Añatuya, and currently on missions in Braz., Father Micheletti in his talk to the group of catechists held the following "theses":

-The prophets and sacred writers of the Old Testament were simple and poor nomads. We cannot naively believe in what they wrote but must contextualize their texts in the field of elementary culture in which they lived.

-Original sin does not exist.

-“Human beings do not need to be baptized to be children of God. “We are all born and are children of God.” He denies the existence of original sin and the need for baptism for salvation. Faced with this clear and distinct heresy, the bishop present remained silent. Is it not the function of the bishop to be the teacher of the faith of his flock? Can Bishop Barba, who on another occasion publicly denied the Son , continue to be bishop of San Luis?

-Saint Augustine, doctor of the Church, made his first mistake (are there many more?) when he granted historical existence to Adam and Eve.

-Our first parents Adam and Eve did not exist. They are myths and stories of the nomadic and primitive peoples of the Middle East.

-We cannot remain with a theology that does not take into account the evolution of the human species, so studied by Teilhard de Chardin. Very notable that Father Micheletti, who perceives himself as an excellent academic, relies on the Jesuit de Chardin, of whom Steven Rose wrote : “…among most biologists he is seen as little more than a charlatan,” and the award Nobel Prize Peter Medawar : "Most of it [Teilhard's doctrine], I will show, is nonsense, deceived with a variety of metaphysical concepts, and its author can be excused from dishonesty only under the pretext that before deceive others, he has gone to great lengths to deceive himself.”

-Since Catholic theology has no answer for today's man, theology must be changed.

While Father Guillermo Micheletti is invited to speak to the clergy and laity of Arg. and fanned by Braz. bishops, the traditional priests are persecuted.

Catequesis ¿católica? en San Luis

Father Guillermo Micheletti
Why is he rigidly and hypocritically clinging to the Catholic Church since he doesn't believe in its teachings? He needs to convert to Anglicanism, where anything goes.
Tomito Barnin Railin
In the link the video in Spanish of the priest's talk.
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