Spain Is Literally Dying

BARCELONA, December 17, 2013 ( – The Catholic kingdom of Spain once ruled the sea but demographers are warning that if current birth trends continue, Spain as we know it will gradually be washed away.

If population trends continue apace, researchers say that Spain will cross the line to a nation that is literally dying, with the number of deaths outweighing births.

The National Statistics Institute (INE) published its findings in the report "Projections for the Spanish Population 2013-23," released last month. They found that by 2017, there will be an estimated 397,714 births and 404,054 deaths.

Spain's population is already in decline, plunging by 206,000 people last year, to 47.1 million.

Spain has a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 1.48 children per woman, below the 2.1 replacement level necessary to keep population stable. Only 10,000 native Spaniards were born in 2012.

Some demographers tie a low birthrate to secularism. More than half – 55.3 percent – of the Spanish population attends religious services “seldom or never.”

Spain continues to have one of the highest unemployment rates in the EU, at 26.7 percent. The problem is more pronounced for young people trying to start a family. One-half of Spain's population under 25 are unemployed.

Because of these factors, another 2.6 million Spaniards will emigrate from the country, further shrinking the population, according to the INE report. In all, analysts expect twice as many people to leave Spain as to migrate there over the next decade.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
I just looked up the birth rate for Germany in 2012 and deaths and births. Birth rate = 1.36 (so I correct myself). Deaths = 869,582 Births = 673,570 Differential of Deaths over Births = 196,012
The figure does not distinguish from DNA Germans and immigrants, particularly Muslims, who usually have higher birthrate--for awhile.
David Goldman in his "How Civilizations Die" has give DNA bearers of …More
I just looked up the birth rate for Germany in 2012 and deaths and births. Birth rate = 1.36 (so I correct myself). Deaths = 869,582 Births = 673,570 Differential of Deaths over Births = 196,012

The figure does not distinguish from DNA Germans and immigrants, particularly Muslims, who usually have higher birthrate--for awhile.

David Goldman in his "How Civilizations Die" has give DNA bearers of historical Germans less than 200 years before they are no more. Yet more women must enter the working market and be freed of children or the state should take over the children after 6 months for most of the day. "Whoopy!" smiles Evolution.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
One should not overstress the employment factor in an attempt to explain the birth rate in Spain. Germany, to where many young Spanards come, has a 1.4 per woman birth rate and unemployment is no significant problem. The last time I read an article on it the birth rate among German Catholics and the rest I was informed that there is no difference, statistically speaking. Some 22% of German women …More
One should not overstress the employment factor in an attempt to explain the birth rate in Spain. Germany, to where many young Spanards come, has a 1.4 per woman birth rate and unemployment is no significant problem. The last time I read an article on it the birth rate among German Catholics and the rest I was informed that there is no difference, statistically speaking. Some 22% of German women between 40 and 44 have never ever had a child, period? My prediction: Any Spanish young that arrive on German soil will soon lower any birth rate and increment sexual activity. Whoopy!

Why is this all happening? I do not feel like preaching today. Let me view it all from the point of view of evolution (often enough treated in Germany as substantial reality). Any species that does not reproduce itself, for whatever reason, is evolutionarily unfit to survive. So, the species killing cultures of Europe will soon feel the wrath of pitiless evolution and be gone! My view here is sarcastic, I admit. But in a sense I have lost sympathy with a dying culture rightly called by Benedict XVI the "culture of death". Alas, there will be no requiem.
😊 🤗 Bye, bye!