Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College of American Pediatricians, told LifeSiteNews that puberty blockers should never be given to a physically healthy child.
“It is never ethically permissible to give a physically healthy child puberty blocking medication because these drugs cause objective harm,” she said via email. “Ethical and compassionate physicians do not give any child, let alone …More
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College of American Pediatricians, told LifeSiteNews that puberty blockers should never be given to a physically healthy child.

“It is never ethically permissible to give a physically healthy child puberty blocking medication because these drugs cause objective harm,” she said via email. “Ethical and compassionate physicians do not give any child, let alone a suicidal one, medications that cause harm.”

Vatican News runs interview claiming puberty blockers okay in ‘very restricted cases’

VATICAN CITY, March 11, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A member of the Pontifical Academy for Life has argued on the Vatican …