Mavros Gatos
FREE WILL 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015 - Best Film Award - Roof of Arts and Letters, Free Design - Audience Award - Roof of Arts and Letters, Free Design - Best Film Award - micro m Festival Director: Antonis …More

4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

- Best Film Award - Roof of Arts and Letters, Free Design
- Audience Award - Roof of Arts and Letters, Free Design
- Best Film Award - micro m Festival

Director: Antonis Sotiropoulos.
Screenwriter: Vassilis Sigalas, Antonis Sotiropoulos.
Starring: Giorgos Hraniotis, Spyros Bibilas.

The film takes place in Athens in 2020. The long-lasting European economic crisis has brought about significant changes in people's everyday life, the most important being the start of electronic transactions to replace money as we knew it. What are the new parameters created, what changes are there in people's daily lives and what are the dangers behind a total transparency system?