Homily 200217 at Nazareth House. Fr. Thomas Welbers Fr. Marty Jenco, a Servite priest in the mid-1980s a hostage for 1-1/2 years in Beirut, struggled with both gratitude in severe adversity and …More
Homily 200217 at Nazareth House.

Fr. Thomas Welbers Fr. Marty Jenco, a Servite priest in the mid-1980s a hostage for 1-1/2 years in Beirut, struggled with both gratitude in severe adversity and forgiveness that truly heals. He died in 1996, and I am grateful to have counted him as a friend. (James 1:1-11; Mark 8:11-13).
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Fr. Marty Jenco, a Servite priest in the mid-1980s a hostage for 1-1/2 years in Beirut