America's Choice 2008 Please Note: This video is designed especially for undecided Christian voters. It is suitable for all ages and there are no graphic images. The goal here is to give American …More
America's Choice 2008
Please Note: This video is designed especially for undecided Christian voters. It is suitable for all ages and there are no graphic images. The goal here is to give American citizens a solid grasp of where Senators McCain and Obama really stand on the life issue, using their own words.
Millions of young lives depend on our election-day decisions. Over 35 years of hard won pro-life battles could be reversed if voters remain uninformed — especially Christian voters who alone could reclaim the rights of the unborn on November 4th.
Please help get the word out.
Everyone needs to see this. Even if you are certain on what side you stand. It strengthens the right choice and shames the liars. 😇