Gloria.tv-Fan produced a Logo. That is, what the creator of the logo thought: 1.The word is written in Yellow colour symbolizing the Glorious Christ. 2. The Red border across the word is symbolic of …More
Gloria.tv-Fan produced a Logo.
That is, what the creator of the logo thought:
1.The word is written in Yellow colour symbolizing the Glorious Christ.
2. The Red border across the word is symbolic of the passion of Christ.
3. Gloria Tv being a purely Catholic channel, I arranged the letters " GLO" to the contours of the dome of St. Peter's church( the head of the Catholic Church )
4. The words ," The more catholic the better" are written in Green colour symbolizing peace. Its the colour of growth.Gloria Tv is ever growing, it is alive , it is fresh. It is the channel of peace.
5. The letter " i " is written with a broadcasting signal in green colour symbolizing that Gloria Tv is a channel broadcasting peace all over the world.
6. The letter " a " is written with a grey TV screen representing TV. 7. The word " TV " is written in Red colour symbolic of Christ.
Thanks for your sincere comments !
Thanks to Gloria.TV for publishing the logo.
The logo is designed with simplicity of Christ. There are no more than three colours- I have thought of "Trinity"
Christ enters into Glory through passion- that's the reason why I edged RED with Yellow. " RED" being the symbolic of passion. " YELLOW " being the symbolic colour of Glory. 😇 😇 😇