'The evidence of chemical attack in Syria is questionable' - Marcello Ferrada de Noli. An independent organisation Swedish Doctors for Human Rights has claimed that the video shot by White Helmets …More
'The evidence of chemical attack in Syria is questionable' - Marcello Ferrada de Noli.
An independent organisation Swedish Doctors for Human Rights has claimed that the video shot by White Helmets group on the alleged chemical attack in Syria is fake. The Sweden-based research assosiation of medical doctors revealed that the life-saving procedures seen in the footage are incorrect. Moreover, according to the watchdog’s findings, children in the video were unconscious from an overdose of opiates, showing no sign of being a victim of a chemical attack. White Helmets are best known for their aid work in Syria, where they are said to have saved tens of thousands of people from ruins and battlefields. At the same time the group is notorious for the heavy criticism it has been facing over the recent years. In particular, some experts claim the White Helmets primarily as a propaganda tool for the Western countries. Others argue the White Helmets of sympathizing with jihadists and having links …More
@Holy Cannoli: So if there is evidence of "Assad's attacks against his own people" the how about the scores of civilians and children which the U.S. army is currently killing in Mossul? Assad is fighting mercenaries. 80% of the population of Syria are under his control and if they would not support Assad, he could not survive for five minutes. Nobody in Syria (except ISIS and Al Qaida) wants the …More
@Holy Cannoli: So if there is evidence of "Assad's attacks against his own people" the how about the scores of civilians and children which the U.S. army is currently killing in Mossul? Assad is fighting mercenaries. 80% of the population of Syria are under his control and if they would not support Assad, he could not survive for five minutes. Nobody in Syria (except ISIS and Al Qaida) wants the U.S. to "help" them. They see what U.S. "help" is doing in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Bahrein, Afghanistan, you name it. I have many Christian friends from Syria. I don't need the propaganda of the New York Times.