Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington. LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington, DC Jan. 21-22 Columbus, OH – January 19, 2015 - As we enter the 42nd year of decriminalized child-…More
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington.
LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington, DC Jan. 21-22
Columbus, OH – January 19, 2015 - As we enter the 42nd year of decriminalized child-killing, thousands will gather for marches and rallies in Washington, DC and statehouses across America on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. This anniversary provides all of us an appropriate time to shed light on the primary victims of abortion – preborn children.
Watch: Our NEW "Resistance" video
The day before and day of the DC March For Life will be marked by Created Equal, Defend Life, and other groups showing actual abortions using our NEW Jumbo TV technology at two locations in downtown DC.
Jan. 21, 2015 from 11:00AM-5:00PM – JumboTV outreach at Farragut Square located at the corner of 17th St. NW and K St. NW. See MAP.
Jan 22, 2015 from 9:00AM-4:00PM – JumboTV outreach in front of the Canadian Embassy located at 501 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001 (This …More
There is no hope for the world and your lie shit
Where is the name of the clandestine clinics? Because, in the name of the sanity and the healty, this "babys" have more than 4 weeks of gestacion but in this case we can take legal actions because it´s ilegal!!!
But wait a moment, don't come to me with religious issues because there they are losing worse, the bible has worse things that they continue to support and if they have read it at …
Where is the name of the clandestine clinics? Because, in the name of the sanity and the healty, this "babys" have more than 4 weeks of gestacion but in this case we can take legal actions because it´s ilegal!!!

But wait a moment, don't come to me with religious issues because there they are losing worse, the bible has worse things that they continue to support and if they have read it at least, they will realize the aberrations still worse than "killing" something that is not yet I live to treat something that needs real help like the same garbage.
You should feel special cuz I set up this account just to tell you what an idiot you are.
freede ..... how dare you condemn unborn children ....what you state makes no sense and if you have conceived multiple times through rape than you must be living an unsavory life indeed ...bear in mind you are allowed to take a breath each day unlike the slaughtered babies you speak of .... how dare you sit and blame rape for your obvious less than desirable lifestyle.... how dare you make a choice …More
freede ..... how dare you condemn unborn children ....what you state makes no sense and if you have conceived multiple times through rape than you must be living an unsavory life indeed ...bear in mind you are allowed to take a breath each day unlike the slaughtered babies you speak of .... how dare you sit and blame rape for your obvious less than desirable lifestyle.... how dare you make a choice that is ONLY the Lords choice to make .. how dare you condemn a child to death ... from the moment it is conceived a baby has a SOUL much unlike your evil self .... you make me vomit ... there is no excuse for murder .... you preach you wretch all you want ...there is always a choice other than MURDER and TORTURE ... how dare you blame an innocent for your indiscretions...........
Hey SpankyBrat a name that suits you to a "B" in brat, so judging a woman that got raped you claim it's from living an "unsavory" life? Obviously, you haven't been raped & are so delusional blaming the poor victims of rape to think their "unsavory" life caused their rape(s)? How dare you sit on your your golden thrown to shame victims. This has been reported to the Admin. & you should be ashamed of …More
Hey SpankyBrat a name that suits you to a "B" in brat, so judging a woman that got raped you claim it's from living an "unsavory" life? Obviously, you haven't been raped & are so delusional blaming the poor victims of rape to think their "unsavory" life caused their rape(s)? How dare you sit on your your golden thrown to shame victims. This has been reported to the Admin. & you should be ashamed of yourself. If you call yourself a "Christian' please look up the definition & get another Bible b/c the one you have is the Book of Diablo! More blaming so you need to ask God for forgiveness for condemning victims of rape!
Deborah R Blanchard
MsKona007 You are demented
Hawaii, United States of America
Dec 26, 2019
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Dec 27, 2019
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MsKona007 You are demented


Hawaii, United States of America



Dec 26, 2019

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Dec 27, 2019




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