Дивна логіка Папи Франциска: 2+2=5 Зображення: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsPzpmoaarzcБільше
Дивна логіка Папи Франциска: 2+2=5
Зображення: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsPzpmoaarzc
Attention Ukrainians, please see proof of big abomination, the betrayal of Christ and His martyrs. Eastern Catholic Church in London held eccumenic meeting with "Orthodox". One should avoid eccumenics, and become sedevacantist. Please see full truth about current situation in Rome @
They have had temerity to hold vigil for victims of Holodomor afterwards.
We know that victims …Більше
Attention Ukrainians, please see proof of big abomination, the betrayal of Christ and His martyrs. Eastern Catholic Church in London held eccumenic meeting with "Orthodox". One should avoid eccumenics, and become sedevacantist. Please see full truth about current situation in Rome @

They have had temerity to hold vigil for victims of Holodomor afterwards.
We know that victims of holodomor were largely persecuted with help of KGB agents who were from apostate "Orthodox" schizmatic sect in Russia.