Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò What is a conservative ? You have heard it: “A conservative is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond it. It is a suicidal attitude… to lock …More
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò What is a conservative ?

You have heard it: “A conservative is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond it. It is a suicidal attitude… to lock oneself in a dogmatic box.”

For once, Bergoglio is absolutely right: conservatism wants to “preserve” the outward appearances of Tradition, without the doctrinal substance that makes it alive. Conservatism is the attitude of those who criticize the excesses of the synodical church but are careful not to question the causes, which are to be found in Vatican II.

Conservatism is really “suicidal behaviour” because it creates an artificial “dogmatic box,” made of Novus Ordo ad orientem with Roman chasubles and Gregorian chants and also of Vetus Ordo; made of selected quotations of some conciliar documents, accidentally not contrasting with the Catholic Magisterium of all time; made of the apotheosis of John Paul II and the regret of Benedict XVI, whom we all loved.

But Tradition is not conservatism; Tradition is not a “dogmatic box” because it draws from the limpid and pure water of the divine source, drawing from grace and fidelity to the Gospel and the Depositum Fidei the lifeblood that makes it capable of looking to the future without denying the past.

Tradition develops like an athlete, who goes from childhood to adolescence and adulthood always remaining the same and developing his body harmoniously, so that he can face new challenges and overcome them.

Semper idem, always the same.
religions shares this
True Mass
As Archbishop Vigano continues to move closer and closer to the Truth it is clear that his influence within "conservative and trad" media fades. Let us not forget that He was the first to sound the warning. And he has never stopped never wavered. He is responsible for beginning my journey toward Truth.
God Bless you and protect you Archbishop Vigano.
A traditionalist is not a conservative!
Ivan Tomas
Not really. It's more, it's greater and beyond conservatism. Traditionalism lives forth.
Trough the generations, centuries. It hasn't happened in one time, which ended at certain moment.
Therefore we don't need to conserve it, but to live it.