Les Crispi
Les Crispi shares from Les Crispi

Did you know Pagan blood flowed through Jesus' veins?

Yes! It does! According to heretic Bergoglio. "In the Gospel we have heard the genealogy of Jesus (cf. Mt 1,1-17), which is not a simple list of names, but living history, the history of a people with …More
Yes! It does! According to heretic Bergoglio.
"In the Gospel we have heard the genealogy of Jesus (cf. Mt 1,1-17), which is not a simple list of names, but living history, the history of a people with whom God has walked and, by becoming one of us , has wanted to announce to us that through his blood runs the history of the just and sinners, that our salvation is not an aseptic, laboratory salvation, but a concrete salvation, a salvation of life that walks.
This heresy denies the Immaculate Conception and the purity of the Incarnation.
But according to some, I can't discern this, only "THE CHURCH" (which is their cowardly excuse for not accepting Truth) can.
Les Crispi shares from Les Crispi

What is Coprophagia, and Why Is Bergoglio Obsessed With it?

By the way, you may get tired of me calling "Pope Francis" by his real name. But even Francis doesn't use his papal name on his legal documents. And he's not the pope. So out of respect for the Papacy …More
By the way, you may get tired of me calling "Pope Francis" by his real name. But even Francis doesn't use his papal name on his legal documents. And he's not the pope. So out of respect for the Papacy all the good men who held that divinely assigned position, I will never ever ever call Bergoglio "Francis" or "The Pope".
Here you go.
Les Crispi shares from Les Crispi
NB: you cannot be a schismatic if you uphold Catholic dogma and in good faith hold problematic the actions of and the identity of the papacy. This is biblical, actually. The attempt to paint me as such …More
NB: you cannot be a schismatic if you uphold Catholic dogma and in good faith hold problematic the actions of and the identity of the papacy. This is biblical, actually.
The attempt to paint me as such doesn't bother me personally, it bothers me because ostensibly smart people are losing their faith trying to reconcile Bergoglio's actions with their faith. Can't. Be. Done. And that's why they're going mad.

On Schism, or One Critic's Descent into Madness

The children here are upset because I won't allow them to comment on my posts. Or that I control who can comment. Well, they've called me everything in the book, from a heretic myself, to not Catholic …More
The children here are upset because I won't allow them to comment on my posts. Or that I control who can comment.
Well, they've called me everything in the book, from a heretic myself, to not Catholic, to "schismatic".
I'm sure that will get me to do it!
It is impossible to be in schism by upholding the Catholic faith. GOOD FAITH dissent from and speculation of the Roman Pontiff is not schismatic.
F.X. Wernz, P. Vidal: “Finally they cannot be numbered among the schismatics, who refuse to obey the Roman Pontiff because they consider his person to be suspect or doubtfully elected on account of rumours in circulation.” (Ius Canonicum, 7:398, 1943)
Maybe this is projection, because actually holding on to the false premise that Bergoglio is pope leads to heresy, schism, and apostasy.
Les Crispi shares from Les Crispi
This needs to be read. A pope cannot be judged by anyone except on matters of faith. This is Church law. Read this carefully.More
This needs to be read. A pope cannot be judged by anyone except on matters of faith. This is Church law.
Read this carefully.

Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church, Easter Week, 2019

Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church, Easter Week, 2019 Original Document (PDF) » Contributed by Pete Baklinski (…
Les Crispi
@Angelo Santelli Oh please, show me my error. Would you please?
Les Crispi
Church doctors, not just sedevacantists, have said that a pope automatically loses his office after a public heresy. However, since the pope is a physical …More
Church doctors, not just sedevacantists, have said that a pope automatically loses his office after a public heresy. However, since the pope is a physical, political place, and apparently since we have so many popes not able to speak clearly, it takes all the bishops to act.
Ok, and then what? What if the Bishops are scared? What if the Bishops are thoroughly corrupted?
The fact that the Church, as in the Bishops, haven't called Bergoglio a heretic is not proof he isn't one. The same document also agrees that the laity can judge the pope on his faith.
And of course Christ Himself, through Paul, and other places says we do not have to follow a man who isn't Catholic.
So, @Mathathias Maccabeus I have every right to call out Bergoglio and accuse him of heresy. THe question is whether or not the Church will. But the Church doesn't hold us in moral limbo until that happens.
ANd I'm not going to acknowledge a man who prays to demons as a Catholic, much less the Pope.
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Les Crispi shares from Les Crispi
The Devil wants us all going to hell. When you suffer with the vax, the pain and the misery is so great, and it's so scary that doctors don't even know what's going on, the temptation to kill yourself …More
The Devil wants us all going to hell. When you suffer with the vax, the pain and the misery is so great, and it's so scary that doctors don't even know what's going on, the temptation to kill yourself is deafening.
And Arch heretic and antipope Bergolio has given comfort to the devil by declaring that hell doesn't exist. So many Catholics and even people who aren't Catholic but who see the papacy as the moral authority on earth, will consider killing themselves because THE POPE SAID SO.
This is the real world application of Bergoglio's heresies. This is how the devil gets a foot in.
May Bergoglio die soon, and with an opportunity to repent for his demonic crimes.

Antony Mo Intended To End His Life Because Of His COVID Vaccine Injuries: “I Already Bought Ropes”

The COVID World post date: January 25th, 2022 Antony Mo, a previously healthy young man, suffered life …