911,7 Tsd.
Pontifikalamt vom Thron aus, Kopenhagen 2010 Zelebriert von Seiner Exzellenz, Mgr. Czeslaw KOZON, in seiner Kathedrale St. Ansgar, in Kopenhagen. Fest der Heiligen Familie, 10. Januar 2010Mehr
Pontifikalamt vom Thron aus, Kopenhagen 2010
Zelebriert von Seiner Exzellenz, Mgr. Czeslaw KOZON, in seiner Kathedrale St. Ansgar, in Kopenhagen.
Fest der Heiligen Familie, 10. Januar 2010
👏 👏 👏
👏 Te Deum Laudamus!
7 weitere Kommentare
520,2 Tsd.
Bishop Kozon celebrates TLM in Copenhagen. His Excellency Bishop Czeslaw Kozon celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass on the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, August 2nd 2009. This was the first time for a …Mehr
Bishop Kozon celebrates TLM in Copenhagen.
His Excellency Bishop Czeslaw Kozon celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass on the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, August 2nd 2009. This was the first time for a Scandinavian bishop to celebrate TLM since 1969.
👏 👏 👏
Oh mein Gott ist das schön. Die Skandinavier machen schöne Messen im alten Ritus. Ich kenne das noch von Stockholm.
3 weitere Kommentare
5,3 Tsd.
Bishop Kozon celebrates TLM in Copenhagen. His Excellency Bishop Czeslaw Kozon celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass on the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, August 2nd 2009. This was the first time for a …Mehr
Bishop Kozon celebrates TLM in Copenhagen.
His Excellency Bishop Czeslaw Kozon celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass on the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, August 2nd 2009. This was the first time for a Scandinavian bishop to celebrate TLM since 1969.
6,1 Tsd.
Cardinal Castrillon in Westminster. Address of Cardinal Castrillon in Westminster, October 2008, developing the practical intentions and meaning of the Holy Father's Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum"…Mehr
Cardinal Castrillon in Westminster.
Address of Cardinal Castrillon in Westminster, October 2008, developing the practical intentions and meaning of the Holy Father's Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" (2007) on the full restoration of the traditional form of the Roma Rite.
47,7 Tsd.
Extraordinary Mass in Copenhagen, Denmark. August 17, 2008 (celebration of the Feast of the Assumption, moved to the following Sunday in this diocese since the 50's)Mehr
Extraordinary Mass in Copenhagen, Denmark.
August 17, 2008 (celebration of the Feast of the Assumption, moved to the following Sunday in this diocese since the 50's)
👏 Thank you for sharing. Is there a possibility to make the titles or subtitle also in English ? or is there any video like this online ? let me know …Mehr
Thank you for sharing.
Is there a possibility to make the titles or subtitle also in English ?
or is there any video like this online ?
let me know, please.
Thanks and Gob bless you ! 🤗
@Somerfield12 Hjertlig velkommen op Gloria.TV De er virkelig en store fryd to find katolikker i Danmark. God velsigne dig!Mehr
Hjertlig velkommen op Gloria.TV De er virkelig en store fryd to find katolikker i Danmark. God velsigne dig!
2 weitere Kommentare