Tom Jones
Tom Jones

Green energy and the culture of death.

Our Nation's legalization of abortion and the One True Church's tact silence in the face of evil ( a form of support ) gives the impression that we don't believe in a God who loves all hiss children. …More
Our Nation's legalization of abortion and the One True Church's tact silence in the face of evil ( a form of support ) gives the impression that we don't believe in a God who loves all hiss children.
When the Church acts with indifference who will teach society that the lives of others and their selves have worth,?
As it turns out no one. We cause the slavery of thousands, the unregulated pollution of productive farmland and the enrichment of Communist China.
Those who make slavery profitable share in the guilt, Nations will be punished on this world and souls in the next. Green Energy Has a Dirty Secret
Tom Jones

If the One True Church wants to save souls.

It must tell people what is true. Two years after Roe’s fall, why do churches remain silent as abortions continue? Yet when was the last time you heard a Priest mention that support for abortion in …More
It must tell people what is true.
Two years after Roe’s fall, why do churches remain silent as abortions continue?
Yet when was the last time you heard a Priest mention that support for abortion in any form is a mortal sin?
"And if the people of the land neglecting, and as it were little regarding my commandment, let alone the man that hath given of his seed to Moloch, and will not kill him I will set my face against that man, and his kindred, and will cut off both him and all that consented with him, to commit fornication with Moloch, out of the midst of their people." Leviticus Chapter 20
Tell the church that it must act if God was real and True, anything else is on the easy wide superhighway to Hell, lets stop leading our neighbors there,
Father Karl A Claver
The majority of bishops could care less. They are more concerned about illegal aliens. Just look at horribly they treated Father Frank Pavone.
Tom Jones

Enduring defeat and knowing the battles are not over.

the issue not decided. At times it is needed to fight rear guard actions in order that future victory be attained. Close Planned Parenthood - Cincinnati Right to Life Lets not surrender and remember …More
the issue not decided. At times it is needed to fight rear guard actions in order that future victory be attained. Close Planned Parenthood - Cincinnati Right to Life
Lets not surrender and remember that the victory belongs to God.
And as he was sleeping, hot dung out of a swallow's nest fell upon his eyes, and he was made blind. 12 Now this trial the Lord therefore permitted to happen to him, that an example might be given to posterity of his patience, as also of holy Job.
Book of Tobias* (Tobit) Chapter v2
Become an Activist - Cincinnati Right to Life
chris griffin
45. All of Heaven and earth will testify against her Deut 30:19 46. Her heart is hardened by sin the greater the sin the more they are hardened Heb 3:13 …More
45. All of Heaven and earth will testify against her Deut 30:19
46. Her heart is hardened by sin
the greater the sin the more they are hardened Heb 3:13
47. She refuses to place her baby with a loving adoptive couple. She wants to make sure that her baby is dead that day.
Be prayer warriors against abortion Be Catholic Pro-Life Prayer Warriors
Tom Jones shares from Marysrose

Islamic Invasion and Conquest

Islam means surrender. There is an obligation to (eventually) conquer and impose Sharia (Islamic) law as soon as there are enough Muslims to enforce it. The U.S. is being invaded at the borders by …More
Islam means surrender. There is an obligation to (eventually) conquer and impose Sharia (Islamic) law as soon as there are enough Muslims to enforce it. The U.S. is being invaded at the borders by jihadists who are allied with drug cartels. Such alliance is a hudna agreement wherein there is a ceasefire until Muslims are strong enough to take over.
What Catholics Believe:
Islam 101:…/items/ChristianE-books/RobertSpencer-Islam101.pdf
This Week in Jihad: Video: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Welcome to Dearborn Edition)
Let's NOT support the enemies of Jesus Christ. Let's NOT be traitors to our salvation through Jesus and the church Jesus Himself founded. Be what Islam calls people of the Book (the Bible) and show them The Way.
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

The first Catholic church west of the Allegheny Mountains.

Catholic Pioneers | ExploreKYHistory Was (and is ) in Kentucky. Kentucky’s Cradle of Catholicism "Bob explains that the first large Catholic migration into Nelson County began in the late 1700s by the …More
Catholic Pioneers | ExploreKYHistory
Was (and is ) in Kentucky.
Kentucky’s Cradle of Catholicism
"Bob explains that the first large Catholic migration into Nelson County began in the late 1700s by the League of Catholic Families, most of whom were from St. Mary’s County, Maryland."

The first Catholic church west of the Allegheny Mountains.

Catholic Pioneers | ExploreKYHistory Was (and is ) in Kentucky. Kentucky’s Cradle of Catholicism "Bob explains that the first large Catholic migration into Nelson County began in the late 1700s by the …More
Catholic Pioneers | ExploreKYHistory
Was (and is ) in Kentucky.
Kentucky’s Cradle of Catholicism
"Bob explains that the first large Catholic migration into Nelson County began in the late 1700s by the League of Catholic Families, most of whom were from St. Mary’s County, Maryland."
Tom Jones shares this

Live Adoration from the Tyburn Convent

Near the site of the Tyburn Tripple Tree (royal gallows) where " (of whom there are 105 known Tyburn Martyrs) who witnessed to their faith by dying for it during the Reformation." gave final witness …More
Near the site of the Tyburn Tripple Tree (royal gallows) where " (of whom there are 105 known Tyburn Martyrs) who witnessed to their faith by dying for it during the Reformation." gave final witness to God.
Live Adoration from Tyburn Convent
Homepage here Tyburn Convent - Home Page
Holy Hours of Reparation clean the soul. and glorifies God Even a few minutes of prayer, which means conversation, with Jesus brings us closer to Him.

Thousand-year-old ivory relic decorated with Christian motifs

Planned parenthood thinks it has voided the Wisconsin State Constitution in pursuit of more business.

They are arguing that the purist of happiness includes unlimited abortion access at state expense (this will likely expanded to post natal abortion). Evidently the other parts of this phrase Life, …More
They are arguing that the purist of happiness includes unlimited abortion access at state expense (this will likely expanded to post natal abortion). Evidently the other parts of this phrase Life, liberty have been negated.
Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear abortion lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood
We must never quit defending the weak!

Another example on why we must fight everyday

Action Alert: NM Parents School Based Health Clinic Bill SB 67 In New Mexico the phony Catholic Governor will put your child on the road to Hell at taxpayer expense, and the parents are the only ones …More
Action Alert: NM Parents School Based Health Clinic Bill SB 67
In New Mexico the phony Catholic Governor will put your child on the road to Hell at taxpayer expense, and the parents are the only ones who are not told (even though they are still liable if anything go wrong, as usual What is the New Mexico Tort Claims Act?
This is another argument to pull your kids from public schools, they can be bothered ton teach reading (New Mexico ranks lower than 47 other states) yet they will abort your grandchild and make you liable for anything…rd/subject/publications/stt2022/pdf/2023010NM8.pdf
Vote the bums out and shun them in public and in private affairs.
I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live [Deuteronomy 30:19]
Faith without works is dead...Catholics stand up.

Too bad it will not be a happy Canada Day for the youngest Canadians

Not without a fight: the history of the pro-life movement in Canada In Canada, exterminating the unborn is considered to be a “human right” supported by all levels of government and all of the major …More
Not without a fight: the history of the pro-life movement in Canada
In Canada, exterminating the unborn is considered to be a “human right” supported by all levels of government and all of the major political parties..
Pray, Fast and do reparation for both our countries national sins,
Humble thy spirit very much: for the vengeance on the flesh of the ungodly is fire and worms [Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 7:19]
“I know that when I receive Holy Communion, I’m unified with my parents, and this is just a foretaste of heaven,” she said.

On heartland roads, and a riverboat, devout Catholics press on with two-month nationwide pilgrimage

On heartland roads, and a riverboat, devout Catholics press on with two-month nationwide pilgrimage …
Naomi Arai
Unified with her parents? What kind of Novus Ordo hogwash is that?
Communication is from one person to another and the student picks up some of the attributes of the the teacher .Only human beings have the ability of reason. Computers have the attribute of following …More
Communication is from one person to another and the student picks up some of the attributes of the the teacher .Only human beings have the ability of reason.
Computers have the attribute of following any order given to it without question. For people to do that is terrible for society, the person, and their immortal Souls!
This is also another argument for home schooling, Children need to know how to think independently for themselves. Pull your kids out of the public schools that are only interested in teaching children to follow the government without question.

iPads and Digital Screens Are Harming Good Education

The Los Angeles School District spent $1.3 billion dollars to put an iPad in the hand of every student, teacher and administrator. That was back in …
Saintly Intercession: How And Why To Pray To Saints

Saintly Intercession: How and Why to Pray to Saints

The practice of asking saints to intercede or pray for us is deeply rooted in the Catholic tradition. Many outside the faith may find it perplexing, …
This make sense of today's political environment.

Three Characteristics of the Diabolical, And How they Are Manifest in the Modern World - Community in …

The video at the bottom of this post is of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. It is a fascinating excerpt …
@Tom Jones. Good post - essential reading and highly relevant in today's world. Thank you for making it available.
A life devoted to God.

St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori - The Most Zealous Missionary - Indian Catholic Matters

By Fr. Joseph Royan, C.Ss.R – Early in the year 1730 a young priest was recovering from his broken health in the …
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

The example of Fr. Beda Zhang (Chang), He was martyred for Christ.

1951 - Beda Zhang But this kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting [Matthew 17:20] During this Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus lets pray and fast for the conversion of China (including their …More
1951 - Beda Zhang
But this kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting [Matthew 17:20]
During this Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus lets pray and fast for the conversion of China (including their leaders), and the liberation from the errors of Russia, (Communism/ Socialism, Marxism ) that have spread to the whole world.
between the 9th and 12th centuries, suggest that they were erected as a refuge for the monks and precious religious articles from rampaging Viking raids which occurred at that time.


The ancient Round Towers that dot the Irish landscape were erected by Irish Christian monks and can also be found in areas where they served like the two that stand in Scotland and …

‘We were the first ones’ — the faith of Native American Catholics

Father Karl A Claver
It once was higher. President Grant made many tribes give up Catholicism and become Protestants.

By their works you shall know them,,,

where is your member of Congress? Scorecard - SBA Pro-Life AmericaMore
where is your member of Congress?
Scorecard - SBA Pro-Life America