Cassandra Laments
Cassandra Laments

Comments on Viganò's Excommunication: "Will He Be Given a Church in Rome to Celebrate Liturgy - like …

@JephZef Over the last few years, I've been blocked and banned by almost all the Trad. and Trad. leaning sites/individuals. Why? Did I troll like others, repeatedly write heresy and anti-Catholic posts? Not at all. I just disagreed with their opinions (not relating to Dogma/doctrine etc). or said something they didn't like. Censorship is everywhere and often committed against fellow Trads. I can …More
@JephZef Over the last few years, I've been blocked and banned by almost all the Trad. and Trad. leaning sites/individuals. Why? Did I troll like others, repeatedly write heresy and anti-Catholic posts? Not at all. I just disagreed with their opinions (not relating to Dogma/doctrine etc). or said something they didn't like. Censorship is everywhere and often committed against fellow Trads. I can still comment here, fortunately!!
Cassandra Laments

Elvis Presley and the Miracle of the Rosary

Agreed - your thumbs up is missing, hence the short reply!
Cassandra Laments

Elvis Presley and the Miracle of the Rosary

The gravestone can be seen here: I'm only on a laptop at present, so can't make out the picture well, so can't identify a scapular!
Cassandra Laments

The Internet as we know it may disappear and the role of Christian Zionism in Israel’s formation …

"Choosing between Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces is a false choice. The side we should be on is the side of innocent civilians, regardless of where they live. Only by being against war will we stand against the correct enemy because, ultimately, most if not all wars are fought for the benefit of central bankers and their globalist allies"
That is not true Catholic doctrine on war, but expected …More
"Choosing between Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces is a false choice. The side we should be on is the side of innocent civilians, regardless of where they live. Only by being against war will we stand against the correct enemy because, ultimately, most if not all wars are fought for the benefit of central bankers and their globalist allies"

That is not true Catholic doctrine on war, but expected from Lifesite. Why is Gloria repeating it? Palestine has been destroyed by Hamas and Israel has a right to defend itself.
Cassandra Laments

Another Cardinal Ignores Traditionis Custodes

@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori - I think that's wishful thinking. He looks fairly good to me; at least I've seen him looking worse but he always bounces back.
Cassandra Laments

John Paul II's Anthroposophical Journey to Assisi

"Peace will arrive among men, a reciprocal recognition of all religions. And this must [one day] arrive." It always amazes me that these people think that their own ideology and dreams must one day materialize, presumably because they think they can't be wrong, but it never occurs to them that it would arrive if only humanity obeyed God. Strange.
Cassandra Laments

Latin Mass WITHOUT a Missal? For most of history, Catholics experienced the liturgy without Missals.…

I had a look and read this: "Saints, like St. John Paul II and Mother Teresa were formed by this Mass". Quick exit.
Cassandra Laments

Tories Set to Face BIGGER Election Defeat than to Blair’s Labour in 97 – Allah's Willing Executioners

By-elections in the UK regularly swing badly against the Party in power. It means nothing. So it may happen that the Tories suffer a massive defeat at the next General Election. Or it may not happen. Plenty can happen before then. Nor, in advance, are opinion polls, exit polls or any other poll worth taking note of. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong - massively.
Cassandra Laments

Invalid Ordinations: Normal Woman Receives Loud Applause at Ex-Synod

How about not beating about the bush and just calling it the Hell-Synod?
Cassandra Laments

Scottish PM wants to resettle 1 million Palestinians to the EU – Allah's Willing Executioners

'and urged the rest of the European Union to do the same.' Scotland is part of the UK which is no longer part of the European Union. Very basic mistake and a bad one.
Cassandra Laments

The Little Boy With No Legs And Big Dreams | BORN DIFFERENT

Beautiful to see how well he's accepted by the other children.
Cassandra Laments

Ex-Synod: Cardinal Müller Is Wearing the Cassock

When I first became acquainted with Cardinal Mueller online, a few years ago, I thought he was continually sitting on the fence and/or very confused. Recently, I've been more positive about him, but having read this and now read up about his Liberation Theology connections, I'm at least back to square one, and actually somewhat suspicious. This photo gives Martin credence.
"Cardinal: Liberation …More
When I first became acquainted with Cardinal Mueller online, a few years ago, I thought he was continually sitting on the fence and/or very confused. Recently, I've been more positive about him, but having read this and now read up about his Liberation Theology connections, I'm at least back to square one, and actually somewhat suspicious. This photo gives Martin credence.

"Cardinal: Liberation Theology needed separation from Marxism" 2014

Cardinal: Liberation Theology needed separation from Marxism

Separation? Why didn't he just condemn LT, instead of playing footsie with it? I don't trust any of them 100% - even the ones who are apparently faithful. Sad times.
Cassandra Laments

Cardinal Tobin: Church Is Beautiful When "Welcoming" Homosexuality

My atheist husband made a comment about this. Isn't exactly repeatable but concerned electricity and the uses it could be put to. For my part I'll forego the 'opportunity' of a down escalator to hell, thank you, 'Cardinal'.
Cassandra Laments

Have we all missed this? Did you see that? Francis knows who his friends are

He can't bear the greeting and presence of a faithful bishop. Guess Satan can't either.
Cassandra Laments

Censoring Viganò? Michael Matt responds

@Strong and Steadfast
You forgot Thomas who refused to believe and have faith and also James and John and their mother who were squabbling for first place. ALL the Apostles ran away abnd deserted Christ into the bargain, but John returned to the Cross. I honestly believe that this was part of God's plan, to demonstrate the reality of His forgiveness. "And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: …More
@Strong and Steadfast

You forgot Thomas who refused to believe and have faith and also James and John and their mother who were squabbling for first place. ALL the Apostles ran away abnd deserted Christ into the bargain, but John returned to the Cross. I honestly believe that this was part of God's plan, to demonstrate the reality of His forgiveness. "And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool."

I wonder if the fact that John wasn't martyred reflects the fact that those who repent and return to the Cross will not die the second death, but be saved (as, obviously they all were!). Just musing here.
Cassandra Laments

Ex-Synod Starts With Homosex Retreat: When Liturgies Are Changed, It Is "Painful"

Our local Witnesses are perfectly well aware there's a chastisement on the way, .which is more than this lot seem to understand.
Cassandra Laments

Ex-Synod Starts With Homosex Retreat: When Liturgies Are Changed, It Is "Painful"

"He would be less angry with you, if you did not pretend that He AGREED with you, and you left the Faith and set up your own ........ club under a different name."
Yes, this bunch make the common old garden type of heretics, like our very pleasant Jehovah's Witnesses seem remarkably mild in their heresy. Perhaps they'll inherit the Kingdom yet, taking the place of our own prelates.More
"He would be less angry with you, if you did not pretend that He AGREED with you, and you left the Faith and set up your own ........ club under a different name."

Yes, this bunch make the common old garden type of heretics, like our very pleasant Jehovah's Witnesses seem remarkably mild in their heresy. Perhaps they'll inherit the Kingdom yet, taking the place of our own prelates.
Cassandra Laments

Ex-Synod Starts With Homosex Retreat: When Liturgies Are Changed, It Is "Painful"

Stop wondering - you'll have nightmares.
Cassandra Laments

Censoring Viganò? Michael Matt responds

I'm not sure - in fact I've no idea - why they all need protecting in this. I admire Strickland immensely for taking a stand, particularly given that he is a diocesan Bishop, but how much worse could things get for him? Francis can take him out by demanding his resignation any time. How does being 'associated' with Vigano's statement change his position? He's made his position clear and I pray he'll …More
I'm not sure - in fact I've no idea - why they all need protecting in this. I admire Strickland immensely for taking a stand, particularly given that he is a diocesan Bishop, but how much worse could things get for him? Francis can take him out by demanding his resignation any time. How does being 'associated' with Vigano's statement change his position? He's made his position clear and I pray he'll stick with it, but one might just as well say that he shouldn't be seen in the company of any Traditionalist, so let's not invite any.