Alex A
Alex A

Congress gives Netanyahu 70 standing ovations - Tells Congress to stop applauding and listen - video

@Sean Johnson I know you are a devotee of your idol Bishop Williamson, but come on, as I often have pointed out to others of a similar mindset as your good self, be it 2million, 3 million, 4 million or what ever million you choose, what Hitler and his fellow Nazi's unleashed on humanity, particularly on the Jews, was unforgiveable. Period! Joking about it doesn't make it less so. A man of your …More
@Sean Johnson I know you are a devotee of your idol Bishop Williamson, but come on, as I often have pointed out to others of a similar mindset as your good self, be it 2million, 3 million, 4 million or what ever million you choose, what Hitler and his fellow Nazi's unleashed on humanity, particularly on the Jews, was unforgiveable. Period! Joking about it doesn't make it less so. A man of your obvious intelligence would {if only the blinkers were removed} be equally disparaging of the Nazi's as any other person with empathy and compassion for his fellow man is, regardless of their ethnicity or religion.
Alex A

It appears that every historical monument in DC is being vandalized with no intervention from the …

Idiot is hardly an adequate description for the poor excuse of a being.
Alex A

The Fight is against evil

Jeffrey, Jeffery, You and I go back a way, back when Ultra Violet dominated gloria's comment section. Anyway, due to health reasons I had taken a semantical from gloria. And now, I frequent it periodically. I really think you need to 'let go' of your animus towards Trump, its bordering on 'hysteria' and quite frankly, I had perceived you as being better than that. Trump was misled, by you know who …More
Jeffrey, Jeffery, You and I go back a way, back when Ultra Violet dominated gloria's comment section. Anyway, due to health reasons I had taken a semantical from gloria. And now, I frequent it periodically. I really think you need to 'let go' of your animus towards Trump, its bordering on 'hysteria' and quite frankly, I had perceived you as being better than that. Trump was misled, by you know who, on the whole saga of so-called COVID19. pandemic and also on the question of vaccination. Certainly Trump over propagandise the swiftness of his administration's response to the perceived pandemic threat to the citizens of America thus putting himself in a position of having to deliver without comprehending the impact on the general population. For what it is worth, here in Australia we too experienced the over reaching response of government, as did New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, etc, etc. etc. Personally, I have moved on from my initial intense dislike of anything governmental or medical, having come to the realisation that no matter what I might think or feel, in the final analyses, God is in control, not I.
Alex A

Kamala Harris says she supports changing dietary guidelines to reduce red meat consumption because of …

Kamala belongs in a Henhouse not the Whitehouse.
Alex A

Pete Buttigieg responded to Mike Johnson saying his same-sex marriage is the “dark harbinger of chaos …

The 'ideal' family image for Catholics has been a Father and Mother, often described in terms of Head and Heart. Both compliment each other and are models for their offspring's. That is, as God intended. Any deviation of that Divinely instituted model, be that natural or unnatural, brings about unforeseen consequences for the children. Adoption of a child is difficult enough for many adoptees as …More
The 'ideal' family image for Catholics has been a Father and Mother, often described in terms of Head and Heart. Both compliment each other and are models for their offspring's. That is, as God intended. Any deviation of that Divinely instituted model, be that natural or unnatural, brings about unforeseen consequences for the children. Adoption of a child is difficult enough for many adoptees as well as for the adopted child, Adding a deviation from the 'ideal' to the mix and we are setting up the adopted child for a life of emotional struggle that is exponentially way above the norm of its counterpart in an ordinary family.
Alex A

Kamala Harris embodies everything that's wrong with DEI. The next four months will be wild!

Apparently, she gave a good combative speech against Trump. [Monday] No doubt it was written for her.
Alex A

Jerusalem to Receive Monumental Statue of Christ

If the statue is to be erected on Christian grounds then I see no reason to be overly pessimistic about its acceptance by the Jewish authorities, after all, the Jewish religious leaders are planning the building of their own large religious symbols, such as a new temple.
Alex A


And the point being?
Alex A


Big Pharma? Dogs, all of them!
Alex A

Italian Bishop "Allows" Homosexual "Marriage"

Just a couple of 'fags' not content with a private 'joint' together now want their 'union' to be public. Bless their poor souls. Idiots! Enabler priests, I mean.
Alex A

Patriarch of Jerusalem Condemned Israeli Attack Catholic School in Gaza

Do any of us know what the circumstances were for a Church to be attacked by IDF?
Alex A

JOE BIDEN & POPE FRANCIS: Catholic Leaders of a Brave New World

Having listened intently to Michael Matt's latest video, which seems to have caused distress to a number of Gloria followers, I found myself somewhat bewildered and perplexed as to why Matt's latest monologue on the current state of the Church, has resulted in so much controversy. Peeling away the layers of emotive reaction, the central issue in dispute surely can be best left to more competent …More
Having listened intently to Michael Matt's latest video, which seems to have caused distress to a number of Gloria followers, I found myself somewhat bewildered and perplexed as to why Matt's latest monologue on the current state of the Church, has resulted in so much controversy. Peeling away the layers of emotive reaction, the central issue in dispute surely can be best left to more competent notaries within the church and who would articulate in a manner, devoid of bias and disparagement.
Alex A

Obscenity to Remain in Linz Cathedral until 16 July

Theresa, get your knitting needles working! Your absolutely hopeless at creating a statue fit for a Catholic Church. Don't ever kid yourself otherwise. 'Pearl and Plain' should be your mantra from now on.
Alex A

Roman Rite: "Francis Doesn't Understand that We Are No Longer Stuck in the 1960s"

Much of the above posting I agree with, but not all that was reported from St. Aloysius, Caulfield. Father Tattersall often opens his mouth before his brain is in gear, and he verbalises this with his reactive comment to Pope Francis, quote, "Francis is out of touch." going onto say, "I think he's kind of typical of his age and his background - he doesn't understand that we're not stuck in the …More
Much of the above posting I agree with, but not all that was reported from St. Aloysius, Caulfield. Father Tattersall often opens his mouth before his brain is in gear, and he verbalises this with his reactive comment to Pope Francis, quote, "Francis is out of touch." going onto say, "I think he's kind of typical of his age and his background - he doesn't understand that we're not stuck in the 1960s anymore." To that, I take umbrage. I loved the sixties, British pop scene, you know, The Beatles etc. Going to Mass, before and during V2, No computers, Eye Phones, Face book, Twitter, such a more innocent time. God has deemed, for whatever reason, that my life should extend way beyond that experienced by my parents and grandparents. Most importantly, growing old has allowed me ample time to ensure living a good catholic life takes precedent over anything else, including 'fondest memories' of the past. Anyway, I prefer the Society Mass, less pretentiousness.
Alex A

Row Deepens As Artist Calls Church 'Intolerant, Backward' — Catholic Arena

'The intolerance, backwardness and lack of enlightenment in the Catholic Church is frightening' So says the worst sculpturer of alleged religious art, ever imagined. I repeat, Knitting would be more suitable for your hands and brain that lacks, not only talent as a sculpturer but the intelligence to understand the profound sensibilities of what it means to be Catholic. Your attempt at trying to …More
'The intolerance, backwardness and lack of enlightenment in the Catholic Church is frightening' So says the worst sculpturer of alleged religious art, ever imagined. I repeat, Knitting would be more suitable for your hands and brain that lacks, not only talent as a sculpturer but the intelligence to understand the profound sensibilities of what it means to be Catholic. Your attempt at trying to defend a piece of 'rubbish' is pathetic to the extreme. Get over it, and I wish well with your knitting.
Alex A

My thoughts on the reconsecrated ex-Archbishop Vigano

So predictable!