Know Your Saints - Mary of the Cross. RandomCatholicThoughs on Aug 8, 2016 August 8th is the feast of Australia's first and (as of 2016) only saint: Mary of the Cross/Mary MacKillop. She is an inspiration …More
Know Your Saints - Mary of the Cross.

RandomCatholicThoughs on Aug 8, 2016 August 8th is the feast of Australia's first and (as of 2016) only saint: Mary of the Cross/Mary MacKillop. She is an inspiration to us all.
Viriditas pw 👍 👍 You both DO know your Saints... 👏 👏
Correction While Mary of the Cross set up man Catholic schools, she did not "set up the first three Catholic schools in Australia. Before her, Catholic schools had been established by lay people, Sisters of Mercy (1846), Benedictines and others.
I call her a patron saint of dysfunctional families as she is recorded as saying 'my family, when I had one, was a dysfunctional family'.
But it produced this great Saint!
✍️ amni_jane Are you referring to Madre Conchita? ✍️ María de la Concepción Loreto Antonia Cabrera Arias Lacavex Rivera (nació en San Luis Potosí, México, 8 de diciembre de 1862 - México, D. F. 3 de marzo de 1937) era una laica católica seglar, esposa y madre de familia mexicana, fundadora de las Obras de la Cruz. Considerada como prolífica escritora y mística mexicana.
amni_jane ✍️ Must look it up...
is there not a Mary of the cross some place near San Luis Potosi??