World Over - 02-09-12 -Gingrich Exclu. HHS Mandate, Rep Smith, Fr Sirico, Warsaw w/ Raymond Arroyo. NEWT GINGRICH, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, on his faith and run for President …More
World Over - 02-09-12 -Gingrich Exclu. HHS Mandate, Rep Smith, Fr Sirico, Warsaw w/ Raymond Arroyo.

NEWT GINGRICH, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, on his faith and run for President of the United States. FR. ROBERT SIRICO of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, on the week's Catholic and cultural news. REP. CHRIS SMITH on the HHS mandates for contraception/sterilization services in the new health care law and their implications for faith groups. MICHAEL WARSAW, President & CEO of EWTN, on the Catholic TV Network's lawsuit against HHS over the health care mandate. TWOL 5681