
Francis "Happy" With Benedict’s Abuse Analysis

Pope Francis is “happy” with Benedict XVI’s analysis on sexual abuse, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller writes on FirstThings.com (April 26).

Müller considers Benedict’s critics as “ideologically blinded.”

For him the "most infamous" accusation against Benedict is the claim that he "obstructs" Francis's fight against abuse.

But Müller stresses that Francis is simply continuing the measures initiated by Benedict.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsZdrwlwrfyi
And, "Whoever as a bishop demands that his clerics are to distribute Holy Communion to persons not in full communion with the faith of the Church, or to those who need to be absolved from grave sin through penance before they can approach communion, is himself hyper-clericalist."
Müller: “Some ideologues have put their own weak morality and intellect on display...Against their will, such authors offer more proof for Benedict’s diagnosis that a type of moral theology, which for a long time has not been Catholic, has collapsed.”