
Trump takes over Jerusalem!

God bless Mr Trump in crusade against islam. (facebook)
In consequence, Joseph a' Christian Jerusalem which is a symbolic capital of the antitrinitarian manifest Nostra Aetate should not be left "status quo" but changed... The way is known to God. Please know that one sign before Parusia will be a conversion of Jews(St. Paul's letter to Romans) and appearance of the whore of Babylon in accordance with Scripture...
Yes tbswv this decision only benefits …More
In consequence, Joseph a' Christian Jerusalem which is a symbolic capital of the antitrinitarian manifest Nostra Aetate should not be left "status quo" but changed... The way is known to God. Please know that one sign before Parusia will be a conversion of Jews(St. Paul's letter to Romans) and appearance of the whore of Babylon in accordance with Scripture...
Yes tbswv this decision only benefits Israel at the cost of islamic sect and "leftist militia" neo-marxists occupying Vatican to Paris and Berlin. And perhaps is one element of the final phase before the only true God - Jesus Christ - returns as I have written above.
How does this move benefit the USA? Can a two-state solution be negotiated now? Probably not. Trump thinks this move will accelerate the peace process with the Palestinians. Really? It only benefits Israel. What are the benefits to American Foreign policy? It seems that Zionists always get what they want.
Joseph a' Christian
Many "jews" live according to the book of evil- the Talmud. Within their book, the rabbis have written that Jesus is in hell, boiling in feces. They also have written that Jesus' mother Mary was a prostitute.
This is an example why our Lord Jesus stated that Jews who refused to receive life and truth in Him, are sons of satan.
Muslims live by the book of evil- the Quran. The author of this book …More
Many "jews" live according to the book of evil- the Talmud. Within their book, the rabbis have written that Jesus is in hell, boiling in feces. They also have written that Jesus' mother Mary was a prostitute.
This is an example why our Lord Jesus stated that Jews who refused to receive life and truth in Him, are sons of satan.

Muslims live by the book of evil- the Quran. The author of this book has caused an enormous amount of destruction. Muhammad wrote in his book that Jesus was not crucified.
These evil jews and muhammadans are enemies of our Church.
There is one singular true faith, proclaimed by the Remnant Faithful of the Apostlic Catholic Church, for the only Way to Life- through Jesus Christ the King.