
Bishop: Only Infidels And Those Hardhearted Like The Pharisees Admit Communion For Adulterers

Astana Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider spoke recently to the Polish daily “Nasz Dziennik” about the big confusion concerning marriage that is reigning in the Church. He points out that there …More
Astana Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider spoke recently to the Polish daily “Nasz Dziennik” about the big confusion concerning marriage that is reigning in the Church. He points out that there cannot be “even a single case” of civilly remarried divorced Catholics which could be admitted to Holy Communion although they live like spouses although and are still bound by a sacramental marriage. Schneider gives examples:
· In the 9th century Pope Saint Nicolas I excommunicated King Lothar II of Germany because of an adulterous union.
· In the 12th century Pope Innocent III inflicted upon the entire reign of France an interdict (prohibition to celebrate the sacraments) in order to force King Philipp II to abandon an adulterous union and to return to his legitimate wife.
· In the 16th century the Popes accepted the loss of an entire nation such as England rather than to yield to the divorce of King Henry VIII.
Bishop Schneider stresses that any bishop who interprets Pope Francis' document …More
Today marks the day of the Carthusian martyrs. Men hung, drawn & quartered for refusing to recognise Henry VIII as head of the Church