
Francis Turns Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith into a Pro-Gay Club

On 1st June Francis appointed three figures as members of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith. They are all homosexual activists, shows Edward Pentin on Twitter.com. Cardinal José Tolentino …More
On 1st June Francis appointed three figures as members of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith. They are all homosexual activists, shows Edward Pentin on Twitter.com.
Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Ignorance and Illiteracy (formerly "Culture and Education"), has been accused of being a homosexual in Portugal. He was rector of the private 'Capela do Rato' in Lisbon, where he encouraged people to engage in homosexual sins. Mendonça also wrote the preface to a book by homosexual activist Maria Teresa Forcades i Vila, who is also a religious sister.
Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Inflation of the Number of Saints, made his former diocese the Italian capital of the Novus Ordo homosexual movement. He hosted an annual forum of homosexuals who claimed to be "Christians" and who promoted homosexual propaganda within the Church. He also wrote the foreword to a book by an Italian priest entitled 'Possible Love - Homosexual …More

174. In the Light of Christ

In the book of Isaiah we read: “The Lord called me from birth, from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.” Isaiah, chapter 49, verse 1 God calls all people, without exception, to a unique vocation and …More
In the book of Isaiah we read:
“The Lord called me from birth, from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.” Isaiah, chapter 49, verse 1
God calls all people, without exception, to a unique vocation and mission. Yet not all people respond to the invitation. Many people don’t know it or ignore it or worse yet, refuse to believe it and slow themselves down. Yet it’s when we’re on the move that we discover the potential of faith that we receive from God.
We are called to a vocation and a mission from our conception. However, we have the freedom to answer yes or no:
“I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” Isaiah, chapter 49, verse 6
Jesus is the Light of the nations and we need his Light to enlighten our faith and to understand the mission. Let’s ask him his Light constantly to live well the mission in which he wishes to send us.
Let’s walk in the Light of Christ, walk with Christ, walk for Christ, live in Christ and in his Light every …More
Tom Morelli

30 Things Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival


Resolutions that can be taken by children who must attend the procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Children cannot make a more excellent and practical resolution than to constantly observe silence, modesty and the deepest recollection. The Church, it is true, celebrates on this day the triumph which …More
Children cannot make a more excellent and practical resolution than to constantly observe silence, modesty and the deepest recollection. The Church, it is true, celebrates on this day the triumph which it awards to Jesus Christ with the most august pomp, and brings into it all that remains of its ancient treasures and its ancient splendor; but she nevertheless declares to us that in her eyes, as in the eyes of the divine Triumphant, the most beautiful pomp is piety, and the most beautiful ornament is fervor; and what she especially likes today to offer to the eager gaze of the multitude is the contemplation of her ministers, and the touching modesty of the children whom she invites to this celebration. We will therefore remember that the Church has only allowed us to leave this enclosure to edify outside all those to whom we will be made a spectacle, only to adore there and make others adore Jesus Christ; for it is true that the most powerful and surest charm to win back lost hearts to …More

Next Stage: Tucho "Allows" Homosexual Pseudo-Marriages

This is the latest rabbit Tucho Fernández, head of the Vatican's Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, has pulled out of his top hat. Quote: "Many do not know that some [homosexual] couples, …More
This is the latest rabbit Tucho Fernández, head of the Vatican's Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, has pulled out of his top hat.
Quote: "Many do not know that some [homosexual] couples, whose [pseudo-]blessing has caused quite a scandal, are people who live together and share everything except sex, which [for them] is a thing of their past," Tucho told AlfaYOmega.es (30 May).
If this is true, why was this crucial fact not made public before the two concubines were pseudo-blessed, causing a huge scandal of which Matthew 18:6 says: "But whosoever shall cause scandal in one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea"?
Tucho still insists on his ridiculous distinction between the "blessing of homosexual concubines" and the "blessing of two persons living in a homosexual concubinage", claiming that his blessing of sin "is not a blessing of a union, because this kind …More
So tragic - such blasphemy against Our Lord - as well as leading so many souls to hell - just as prophesied in Our Lady's apparitions at Garabandal.
P. O'B
It's about time for Rome going to bless adulterous couples. And maybe members of the pedophile community. Let's not leave them out in the peripheries.
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sp2 . .

Plan B Option

Animal Husbandry at it's finest. Note how he feeds the dog Bull Castration Day...ouch 😳More
Animal Husbandry at it's finest.
Note how he feeds the dog
Bull Castration Day...ouch 😳
sp2 . .
The Lavendar mofia tried to visit me last night. There were several Archangels defending me. Thank you.

The Lord reveals the mysteries of the kingdom of death

The Lord reveals the mysteries of the kingdom of death . (Job, XII, 22) The venerable order of the Theatines has always distinguished itself by its zeal for the souls in purgatory, and has had several …More
The Lord reveals the mysteries of the kingdom of death . (Job, XII, 22)
The venerable order of the Theatines has always distinguished itself by its zeal for the souls in purgatory, and has had several charitable works established for this purpose. It is a Theatin, Father Jérôme Méaza, who composed and published in Latin, with as much sacred knowledge as piety, the work entitled Stimulus quotidianus incitans ad defunctorum suffragia (Daily exhortations to pray for the dead). It is in this order that the great Saint Andrew Avellino lived, another devotee of these poor souls, and the best known. When, following his holy and usual practice, he humbly interceded, with angelic fervor for the deceased, it sometimes happened to him to experience an emotion of interior resistance, a feeling of invincible repulsion; other times it was, on the contrary, a great consolation, a particular attraction. He soon understood that the first of these provisions showed that the soul in which he was interested …More

Spain: Socialist Regime Bans the Rosary Again

In a new revealing act, the Spanish regime has forbidden the Rosary to be prayed in the streets of Madrid on the 8th and 9th of June "because of the European elections". The regime is looking for any …More
In a new revealing act, the Spanish regime has forbidden the Rosary to be prayed in the streets of Madrid on the 8th and 9th of June "because of the European elections".
The regime is looking for any excuse to stop the Rosary. Any group caught praying in public on those days will face fines or imprisonment.
As usual, José Andrés Calderón, the organiser of the Rosary, asked for permission to pray in public. The regime granted this permission (until the "law" is changed) for all the days requested, except for 8 and 9 June.
Calderón has appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice 'for violation of fundamental rights' after being sentenced three times for praying the rosary.
Let us intensify our prayer of the Rosary on these days for our brothers and sisters in Spain. Also, note the banner in the photo. It appears to be an …More
Let us intensify our prayer of the Rosary on these days for our brothers and sisters in Spain. Also, note the banner in the photo. It appears to be an image of Our Lady of Garabandal, where Our Lady warned of these times we are living through - a reiteration of the true contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima. See the link posted by Scapular in this thread for a great discussion of Fatima's relationship to Garabandal.
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PODPISZ PETYCJĘ !!!Ostatnia szansa , aby zastopować przymuś depopulacji szczepionkowej !!!!

UN globalists are just 5 days away from voting on the UN Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Assembly, threatening to dictate your health and freedoms. The treaty grants unprecedented powers to enforce …More
UN globalists are just 5 days away from voting on the UN Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Assembly, threatening to dictate your health and freedoms.
The treaty grants unprecedented powers to enforce vaccinations, control movements, and silence dissent, stripping away your personal autonomy all funded by millions and millions of taxpayer money.
This is our last chance to stop them! Act now — sign the 3 million citizens' petition to halt this overreach and safeguard your rights.
Konfederaci Korony Polskiej shares this

The Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas volume 1

QUESTION 46 — THE BEGINNING OF THE DURATION OF CREATURES Logically, we must now consider the beginning of the duration of creatures. 1. Have creatures always existed? 2. Is it an article of faith that …More
Logically, we must now consider the beginning of the duration of creatures.
1. Have creatures always existed?
2. Is it an article of faith that they had a beginning?
3. In what sense do we say: “In the beginning God created heaven and earth? ”
Article 1 — Have creatures always existed?
It seems that the totality of creatures, which we call the world, did not begin, but existed eternally. For everything that began to exist, before existing, must have been possible; otherwise it would have been impossible for it to be done. If the world began to exist before it began, it was possible that it existed. But what has the possibility of being is matter, which is power to the being that form gives it, and to non-being, which comes from privation. So if the world began, matter existed before the world. But matter cannot exist without form, and the matter of the world with its form is the world. The world would therefore have …More

173. To walk in faith

If there are people who can help in one area or another, mechanics, caretaking, fraternal listening, helping one of the members in one of his needs, according to their talents, the help will be appreciated …More
If there are people who can help in one area or another, mechanics, caretaking, fraternal listening, helping one of the members in one of his needs, according to their talents, the help will be appreciated and they will receive a hundredfold from the Lord.
It would be easier to have about twenty people who offer their services than just a few who do everything. That doesn’t prevent that the generosity is at hand when there is an important work to accomplish in the churches. Often people give themselves without counting in big events. Many people offer their services discreetly, without anyone being aware. All these people are generous.
To leave our task, when there’s no one to assume it and to take over, for example, is to take risks, it’s mortgaging the immediate future of the responsibilities and the activities of evangelization in the church.
Let’s think of other people who could share our tasks, while we still have the capacity to do them. In this way, if something happens to us, a …More

Germany: Presiding Bishop Attacks Francis Three Times, Wants 'Positive View' on Sexual Sins

Presiding German Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg is "somewhat irritated" by Francis' recent statement that women cannot be ordained deacons [or priests]. Mgr Bätzing was speaking at the launch of his …More
Presiding German Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg is "somewhat irritated" by Francis' recent statement that women cannot be ordained deacons [or priests].
Mgr Bätzing was speaking at the launch of his book "Rome is not an Enemy. Why the Church Needs Reforms" on 27 May in Frankfurt. "Reform" in this context means "decadence".
Francis' statement was only made in an interview and therefore doesn't belong to the Magisterium of the Church, Mgr Bätzing reassures: "I have never heard him speak like this before, and I have often spoken with him personally about these issues."
Mgr. Bätzing presents Francis as a "door opener" who doesn't want to make any fundamental changes in doctrine himself.
In contrast, Bätzing believes that the current "culture" in the [German] Church "cannot be reversed", which is true because the Church in Germany is clinically dead and survives only on state church-taxes. Bätzing himself knows this because he asks the question "how much time is left for the Church in Germany". …More
Batzing is bat——t crazy.😠
Louis IX
Batzing has clearly founded his own religion. His paychecks should stop arriving.
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Former Santa Fe priest accused of child sex abuse found dead.

Chaplet of the Precious Blood of Jesus and Litany of the Precious Blood
2 pages
"Call to the International Criminal Court to investigate on Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza".More
"Call to the International Criminal Court to investigate on Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza".
2 pages

E. Michael Jones on Satanism as America's Hidden Grammar

E. Michael Jones on Satanism as America's Hidden Grammar E. Michael Jones on Satanism as America's Hidden GrammarMore
E. Michael Jones on Satanism as America's Hidden Grammar
E. Michael Jones on Satanism as America's Hidden Grammar

Papa Frocesco: An Italian Bishop Confirms What Everyone Knows

Francis' remarks to Italian bishops on 20 May regarding the admission of homosexuals to seminaries were "used to divide", Bishop Francesco Savino, 69, of Cassano all'Ionio, vice-president of the Italian …More
Francis' remarks to Italian bishops on 20 May regarding the admission of homosexuals to seminaries were "used to divide", Bishop Francesco Savino, 69, of Cassano all'Ionio, vice-president of the Italian bishops' conference, told Corriere.it (29 May), as if this "division" had not been created by Francis himself.
Francis is not and has never been "homophobic", Mgr Savino added using the language of homosexual propaganda. He denied that Francis had given a categorical "no" to homosexuals entering the seminary.
The bishop says what everyone knows: "Francis has always been attentive and respectful [= obsequious] on the issue of homosexuality. From his first pastoral document and throughout his pontificate, the key proposal has always been inclusion".
Savino himself is a propagandist of homosexual sin. In March he wrote the foreword to the book Via Crucis di un ragazzo gay [Via Crucis of a Gay Boy] in which he stated that "we have a profoundly evolving [=degenerating] understanding of …More
Tony M
Jorge continues to play us with his word games. This is his modus operandi....the trickiest person on the planet!!! Wakey....wakey everyone who is still …More
Jorge continues to play us with his word games. This is his modus operandi....the trickiest person on the planet!!! Wakey....wakey everyone who is still giving him the benefit of the doubt....where all doubt went out the window with Amoris Laetitia....Pachamama....Fiducia Supplicans....and so much more!!! Willful naivety & ignorance are not virtues!!!
sp2 . .
Exactly! The timing of this was to take the heat off Tuccho, and gain respect from the Coptics
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Spin has begun...

Francis visits nuns and asks "How many novices do you have?" Is disappointed that the answer is 3 (although it's an order few have heard of). Then he has a meeting with younger priests of the diocese …More
Francis visits nuns and asks "How many novices do you have?" Is disappointed that the answer is 3 (although it's an order few have heard of). Then he has a meeting with younger priests of the diocese of Rome.
sp2 . .
I think the Pope is looking for more fodder for his filthy priests who , like in India , have a very long history of sexually abusing the nuns. I have …More
I think the Pope is looking for more fodder for his filthy priests who , like in India , have a very long history of sexually abusing the nuns.
I have a strong rubber band for them.
Yahooist Teil der Yahoo Markenfamilie
John A Cassani
The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master run religious goods shops and make vestments (generally very ugly, modernistic vestments). They also do …More
The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master run religious goods shops and make vestments (generally very ugly, modernistic vestments). They also do sacristan work. They are present in Boston and L.A. in the US, at least. They come under the Pauline religious umbrella.
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A “fraternal visit” to the diocese of Bayonne against a backdrop of suspicions of "sectarian excesses"

The governance of bishop Monseigneur Marc Aillet -one of the best bishops in France and promoted to the episcopate in 2008- and his diocese of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron in the eye of the Vatican . The Holy …More
The governance of bishop Monseigneur Marc Aillet -one of the best bishops in France and promoted to the episcopate in 2008- and his diocese of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron in the eye of the Vatican . The Holy See has ordered a “ fraternal visit ” from this Monday, June 3 following several letters and complaints from the faithful, confirming information from La Croix . The archbishop of Dijon was responsible for conducting a series of confidential interviews with the various members of the diocese, which has 200 priests in Béarn and the Basque Country. “ The idea is to take an overview of the functioning of the diocese, and then at the end I will meet the bishop to discuss with him ,” confides archbishop Antoine Hérouard, promoted to the episcopacy by Francis.
The archbishop of Dijon will carry out seven interviews per day for the first week alongside a nun who will take note of all the exchanges. He will conduct a second interview session in early July, before sending a report to the Vatican …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Maria delos Angeles
I was a postulant in his diocese 2015-2017 and from what I know of him, I suspect they are going after him because he is not a complete Modernist heretic …More
I was a postulant in his diocese 2015-2017 and from what I know of him, I suspect they are going after him because he is not a complete Modernist heretic apostate. Pray for him, he will be needing it..
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172. Fruits of paradise

Jesus invites us to think: “Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?” Luke, chapter 12, verse 14 Jesus is not a judge as we may think. He doesn’t judge us as we often do. He lets us …More
Jesus invites us to think:
“Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?” Luke, chapter 12, verse 14
Jesus is not a judge as we may think. He doesn’t judge us as we often do. He lets us judge of what we achieve. He lets us decide if we want to share the goods of the kingdom of God that we carry within us. He even questions us. He wonders why we perceive him as a judge, in the sense of a referee.
Let’s ask Jesus to help recognize in us what we can share of our spiritual life, so that his Heart overflows on people and between hearts.
As the fields and the valleys are full of fruits and vegetables that feed us, all our actions and words are full of divine and beneficial seeds for those around us.
Let’s gather the fruits of paradise and fill our baskets with hope, faith, charity and also prudence, temperance, strength and justice; the strength and righteousness that are from the Love of God, and offer them to all, so that they too may discover the beauty and wonder of the divine …More