
Uruguay: Well-Done, Council Church!

The percentage of practicing Catholics in Uruguay has fallen by almost half in two decades: from 60% to 32% of the population, Latinobarómetro found.

Uruguay is the Latin American country with the fewest Catholics, followed by Honduras and El Salvador where hords of former Catholics have joined Protestant sects to escape the secularised Council Church.

More than half of the Uruguayan population says they do not identify with any religion or believe, ElPais.com.uy (October 31) writes. Not surprisingly, the number of “believers” who do not identify with any church dropped since 2017 from 10% to less than 2%.

Picture: © Vince Alongi, CC BY, #newsHcoqtiigcf

Paul Harvey's 1965 "If I was the devil" monologue comes to mind when I read articles like this. In this case "If I was devil, what would I do to destroy the Church", then go through all the things that the Church has done over the past half century that have resulted in the decimation of the clergy and the laity, summing it up as "If I was the devil I'd just keep on doing what I've been doing".
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