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España Gobierno Comunista Médicos con Bolsa de Basura contra Covid-19 I The New York Times. Gob. no compra material de protección para Médicos. Ya han muerto varios Médicos JOVENES Spain’s Health …Más
España Gobierno Comunista Médicos con Bolsa de Basura contra Covid-19 I The New York Times.
Gob. no compra material de protección para Médicos. Ya han muerto varios Médicos JOVENES
Spain’s Health Care Workers Are Battling Coronavirus, Unprotected. Here's How | NYT News
Over 12,000 health care workers have contracted Covid-19 in Spain amid grave shortages in personal protective equipment. Nurses and doctors showed us how they make their own gowns, masks and shields. Subscribe:
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Periodista Chino: Carta al Presidente de España. China covid19
Carta abierta al señor Pedro Sánchez de Yuan Lee. Difundir!!!
Spain’s Health Care Workers Are Battling Coronavirus, Unprotected. Here's How | NYT News
Spain’s Health Care Workers Are Battling Coronavirus, Unprotected. Here's How | NYT News
Over 12,000 health care workers have contracted Covid-19 in Spain amid grave shortages in personal protective equipment. Nurses and doctors showed us how they make their own gowns, masks and shields.