
Burke’s Nomination Will Not Change His Plans Of A Fraternal Correction

The nomination as a member of the Apostolic Signatura is “not a full-time position”, Cardinal Raymond Burke told journalists on Monday. He will assist in the work and serve as a judge when asked to do so.

Burke further stated according to Vaticanista Edward Pentin, that the nomination will not change nor delay his plans to issue a fraternal correction of Pope Francis if he further declines to answer the dubia.

Picture: © Phil Roussin, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsIbqcmghjqq
Lionel L. Andrades
it could be a trick
How could it be a trick?
The Cardinal is a V2 coward...he'll give his little correction, it will be duly ignored, and he will crawl back in to his rat hole.
it could be a trick
Lionel L. Andrades
Simple way for the SSPX to show Card.Burke that they are not in schism
For Cardinal Raymond Burke not to say that the SSPX is in schism they simply have to 1) affirm the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) 2) along with invisible for us baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I).
Then they have to inform the …More
Simple way for the SSPX to show Card.Burke that they are not in schism

For Cardinal Raymond Burke not to say that the SSPX is in schism they simply have to 1) affirm the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) 2) along with invisible for us baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I).
Then they have to inform the Vatican that they endorse EENS(with no exceptions) and they also endorse Vatican Council II (with no known exceptions to Feeneyite EENS and the old ecclesiology).That's all that there is to it.
Upon the old ecclesiology is based the ecumenism of return, non Catholics needing to be incorporated into the Church as members to avoid Hell and the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation with the non separation of Church and State.

So then the SSPX cannot be said to be in schism since they accept Vatican Council II(Feeneyite),while Cardinal Burke does not affirm it.
They accept EENS (Feeneyite), while Cardinal Burke does not do so.
They accept the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as referring to only hypothetical cases.They are not known people saved outside the Church.This is common sense.They cannot be anything else.But for Cardinal Burke they are personally known people saved outside the Church and so they are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.For him and the two popes, EENS is no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.
The SSPX would be accepting the Nicene Creed as referring to one, known baptism for the forgiveness of sins.It is the baptism of water.For Cardinal Burke and the two popes it is really I believe in three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins, desire, blood and invincible ignorance and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.So for Cardinal Burke there are three known baptisms and they are examples of salvation outside the Church.

For the SSPX, Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) would have the hermeneutic of continuity with the dogma EENS, the past ecclesiology , traditional ecumenism and the teachings on the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.
The important point that the SSPX must be aware of is - do they interpret BOD, BOB and I.I as referring to physically visible or invisible cases ? Similarly do they interpret LG 16, UR 3 etc as referring to known people saved outside the Church or are they simply hypothetical cases?